• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

For the Greater Good


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Staeven Myleron, Fighter 5/Ann Knight 7

Staeven sits quietly, dressed in his ragged disguise, listening attentively to the conversation about the idol and the divine. Unsure of what to say, he remains quiet for the moment, not sure of what to contribute at the moment.

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"I know not of how to handle such things. Any past knowledge would more cover the USE of such dark things that the destruction of them." reaches over to run a finger of the frog. "I leave such things to minds wiser than my own." winks and turns to the affair of prepairing the camp for the night, banishing her wings as she sets about doing so.


"Very well, let us see what the advice might be..." Nessa concentrates briefly on the calendar.

"Of myself and my companions, in who's possession would the chimera idol be safest until we return from Baroness Varon's lands?"


As she works Lyssia comes to think of her friend the bard back in the city and after a time (after nessa puts her question to the caleneder)

"I don't suppose, assuming we survive that I might be allowed to make a gift of the feather fan to a certain lady bard?" smiles. "I am sure she'd quite like a token to go with the story that we shall surely have for her."

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Nessa hears a deep voice in her head as she turns the circular calendar, and feels a deep-seated sense of power.*

The idol will keep safe in the roots of the god.


First Post
Sebastian Andovar, paladin of Hoar

"In other words," says Sebastian, "bury it. Sounds like a fine plan to me."

He moves toward the runed marker and pulls out his longsword, with which he intends to break up the ground. He stops a moment, and looks at his companions. "I'm not much for nature worship anymore after... well... anyone care to ask permission of local powers-that-be to bury that thing?"

Isida Kep'Tukari

*Sylinda will step forward and politely ask the mulberry bush god to watch over the idol. The bush rustles its branches for a moment, in thought, then flexes its roots, opening up a space in the ground. Taking the idol quickly, Sylinda shoves it in the hole, and the roots and ground cover over it.*

*That taken care of, the party begins to head toward the baroness' manor again. Sylinda in the form of a hawk, far above, Nessa, Staeven, Aerofax, and Norin as prisoners, with Sebastion, Daren, and Lyssia as the jailors.*

*The "prisoners" are tied, though loosely, and keep their heads down. Sylinda flies above with Aeric as scouts, and the party presses onward. They are cautious for the next few days, noticing that the traffic along these roads is non-existant, which is unusual. However, finally you have a report from Sylinda that the outpost that guards the baroness' borders is just around the bend. It's armed by a dozen armed guards, all of whom seem human. You're going to have to convince them of your ruse, or try to slip around them.*


First Post
Norin whispers to his companions: "Now there is no way back. You'd better begin to treat us badly. And shout. I found that those who follow the ways of evil often shout a lot."


In the days since the battle, Sylinda has not been the same person as you came to know in your first week on the road together. She has spent most of the daylight hours on the wing with her companion, scouting out what lies ahead and to the sides. When not so, she has been quiet and withdrawn, keeping largely to herself. Her smile has not completely disappeared, but it's been a pale imitation of the one that you remember.


Today, as on the other days, Sylinda is on the wing with Aeric. Upon sighting the outpost, Sylinda and Aeric wheel in a couple of slow turns to make sure that they hasn't missed anything, then, with Aeleric at her side, Sylinda heads back towards the group in a large arc to avoid drawing attention to the groups position.

Sylinda and Aeric sweep in low and fast from the left. They circle the party once to ensure that no one is watching. Then Sylinda, for you have come to be able to distinguish the two birds by now, pulls up sharply, the hawk briefly 'twists' in your eye and Sylinda resumes her human form still airborn. She lands lightly and at a run, throwing her arm out as she slows to allow Aeric to land. Once he's settled she looks up and flashes everyone a smile.

"Hello everyone. There is a guard post a couple of miles ahead, manned by humans it looks like, about a dozen, all armed.

A frown shadows here brow for a moment, and then she takes a deep breath. "I know I should have said something earlier but i was ..., distracted somewhat. I know I was being foolish but I missed my forest, truth be told," she concludes with a wry smile.

"I'm concerned about the idea of some of us pretending to be prisoners. It makes those people very vunerable. Its likely that the others will be commanded to hand them over as soon as you arrive, if not before. Will you break cover then, or .. leave the prisoners in the hands of the Baronesses people? So long as you wish to retain your disguise, you can do nothing to protect them. And if you are separated, it may be hard to regroup.

"I've been thinking about it and well, have another suggestion," she concludes with an impish grin. "Those who can pass as ... ah, unpleasant people, go in as planned, taking the wagons and gear with them. The rest of us will go in secretly and make base somewhere near the Baronesses manor. We can use spells to stay in touch, and once we know more, can choose how to proceed. Perhaps those outside can raid the Baronesses lands, drawing out her forces. Or perhaps those inside will be able to open up a way in for the others."

She looks around at the faces of her companions. Her stance is resolute but the slight shifting of her weight from one foot to another reveals an underlying anxiousness at how you will react to her challenging the agreed decision at this late stage.

ooc: Hey all.

Isida (and Lichtenhart): I hope you don't mind my backtracking a bit, I just really wanted to say this and got caught on the hop when things jumped ahead. Once up to the guardpost it would all be too late. I'll edit it if you wish.
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First Post
Sebastian Andovar, Paladin of Hoar

"Respectfully," says Sebastian, "Now is not the time to make critical changes to the plans. If it doesn't go well, we will improvise... if it doesn't go well. The rewards for pulling this stunt off, however, are great."

Sebastian is currently wearing his black fullplate. He jumps off of Aerofax. "Sorry, girl," he says, "you're too conspicuous. I need you to keep out of sight. But stay close." With that, Aerofax takes wing.

Voidrunner's Codex

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