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From humble beginnings...


As five of you step forth and present yourselves, one remains. An awkward silence continues for almost a minute until the sharp-eyed one speaks.

"An eclectic bunch; a mixed bag if ever there was one."

Tarvoden nods and replies.

"Their disparate backgrounds would serve us well in this venture, my lord. Each brings a skill and a virtue to the equation."

The lord casually looks you up and down once more, his legs crossed in an almost defensive position, away from you, his chin in his hands. He grimaced and looked at each of you in turn, before stating a question in quickfire succession.

"M'faro of Tenh, you say, from the Flames of Tenh, eh? I have heard of them..."

He adjusts himself in the chair a little before continuing, brushing off a few unseen hairs.

"...I also heard that many abandoned their posts... you boldly state that you come from their ranks, proudly even, I would ask why you are still not with them and why you are here seeking employment with me? Further, if you abandoned them, what garuantee do I have that you won't abandon me?"

He said this without any seeming pity or emotion whatsoever and, in fact, without stopping for more than a breath, continued on to his next victim.

"Bor of Perrenland. I seem to recall your... Voorman, is it? Signed a pact of non-aggression with Iuz. That would make it seem to me that you believe the Old One to be a friend. How do I know you're not a spy or a turncoat?"

And then, tilting his head to get a better stare at Manzanita, he continued.

"Ahh, an elven maiden who claims to be from... where was it again? Fax I believe you said to our friend here. How very interesting. I seem to recall... no, wait, who am I telling? You, of course you would know just when the Hordes of Turrosh Mak overran your city and ate every elf they found..."

After trailing off the sentence, he lowered his eyes and allowed himself a little grin before continuing.

"And Grenier... poor, poor Grenier who states he comes from Geoff despite its apparent occupation by giant-kin. You aren't the least bit embarrassed or embittered about that, are you? Perhaps the noble stock of that region has been watered down so much you would rather carry your dishonour like a badge that you were at least once something more than a vagabond."

Without actually stopping for a breath, he poured a glass of the brandy for himself and offered none to anyone else.

"And then we have Clete. How very interesting that you have served as a guard and scout on so many journeys... care to name a few merchant caravans and their quartermasters? I ask this because it is so obvious that you are a liar as I know Tarvoden to be one of the most honest men in the Flanaess and he assured me before coming here that none of you knew anything in the least about the Phoenix Guard, seeing as he, and my good friend, the Mayor of Gorsend, Lord Montaigne sitting next to me and Tarvoden are the only ones to know anything whatsoever about them until you entered just now and Tarvoden mentioned them."

Finishing the brandy like a shot, he placed it carefully on the table before continuing.

"Lastly, but by no means leastly, we have some roguish westerner, probably from the barbarian lands of Ket who can't even hold his tongue in polite company and shows me, the Viscount of the March, the Lord of these lands, less respect than any peasant would show a rat!"

At this, Lord Derwent pulled on his vest and gave a proud smile before crossing his legs and arms and speaking again before anyone could get a word in.

"I would answer wisely if I were you... I do not give out five-hundred sheafs to just any ragamuffin. For that sort of money I could hire a dozen mercenaries for half a dozen years. Why then do you think, after playing such infantile games with me and being proud of failure, that you are each worth such a hefty sum for such a short term of service, hmm? If am to employ all six of you, I want to know exactly what my three-thousand wheatsheafs are paying for!"

During the speech he had become quite animated, almost deigning to get out of his seat. But after finishing, and making the Lord Montaigne shrink even further into the plush armchair, and Tarvoden wince, he sat back, adjusted his cuffs and looked quite proud of himself.

"Well? Has the Old One stolen your tongue and used it as an entree? Speak up!"

OOC: Manzanita, you were a little overwhelmed and shocked by the Lord's performance and so you weren't really able to determine just what he was up to. However, at a punt in the dark, you'd say he was indignant, arrogant, and a downright scrooge! :)
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First Post
"I have no need to hide my origins, no need in a place such as this, good Sir!"

Grenier says taking a step forward and furrows his brow.

"I come here not begging for this assignment, I was approached. Go, go, hire your so called dozen men at arms, liable to speak first word of their mission to anyone that asks, or misplace themselves in a brothel! Or seek another with my skill and waste more time and effort!"

"I don't need this sh*t... I wonder if the others would stop me if I let fly a bolt into his head."

"As I said I stand ready, if that nay be enough, I will travel onwards."

Checking his weapons are in place (and crossbow ready for a quick release ;)), Grenier takes a step back.
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First Post
"The truth shall make you free" That's what Elder Ambroden always said

Yes Sir, you heard right. But of that I've never been proud.

I followed our Duke into exile with the hope that he reorganized the army to retake our land. That didn't happened.

When I met Tarvoden, I thanked Pelor for the chance given. Now I'm looking forward to amend things, Sir.


First Post
500 gold pieces EACH! I thought I'd have to split it with this whole bunch. And he names Iuz as the enemy. I'm definitely interested in this job. 500 gps would buy me good equipment to continue my journey & there'd be some to share w/the less fortunate. He may be rude, but we can't be too picky about the allies we have against Iuz.

Manzanita bows again, then lifts her head high. She speaks her first words hesitantly, then with force.

Viscount Luther Derwent, I believe? Your words show wisdom. Indeed, I am not from Fax. This was a story I concoted for those I casually met upon my travels. I was born & raised in the Celene, & hadn't set foot outside of it until just a couple weeks prior. I did not concur w/the Queen's directive to stay out of the war, & I am now committed to correcting that mistake through my own skills & dedication. I would know more of this Pheonix Guard. My devotion to the vengence for the destruction of good peoples must not be doubted.


Garik glances back from M'faro and stiffens visibly to listen to the lord. As he is addressed, he says nothing, but steps forward and bows curtly. As Torvaden winces before the lord continues, Garik pivots and marches out of the hall into the street.

I am no mercenary and this windbag embarasses himself and his people with his words. His gold has no value to me. I took Tovarden for an honorable man, but I appear to have been deceived. My journey lies elsewhere...


OOC: If allowed to leave unmolested, Garik will wait outside, warily watching the folk of Gorsend pass him by until Tarvoden exits.



Tarvoden grimaces again as Garik leaves and shoots a dark look at the Viscount. Derwent raises an eyebrow and an unspoken communication passes between them.

"If you'll excuse me, I will take my leave also."

The two lords nod and he rushes, in a dignified fashion, out the door.

The Viscount smiles as he speaks.

"Ah well, that's five-hundred weight less I have to worry about. One down, two more to go... what say you, Clete and Bor?"

Meanwhile, out on the street...

Tarvoden exits and sees Garik standing there, waiting.

"I'm glad you waited. The Viscount is a careful man with money and so I understood his request that he meet you all, however I understand why you walked out; he went to far. On his behalf and mine, I apologize, sala a'phir Ga'rik."

Noting the guards near the door were listening in, Tarvoden took Garik by the arm and beckoned him down a few steps into the street before continuing.

"Although now I can not give you money for this mission, I begin to see that mayhaps that is not a concern for you. Perhaps I can entice you with the promise that a blow to evil would be struck if you were to aid in this mission?"

OOC: Christ G, talk about making me work for my... hey, wait, I'm not getting paid for this! Sheesh!
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Clete gulps slightly when accused of lying but attempts to keep a straight face.

Doh! Just my luck!

Clete responds to His Lordship

" A thousand pardons your lordship. I heard brief mention of the Pheonix guard just a minute ago and was only extending my sincere enthusiam to join. I thought my late grandmother, who was from Furyondy not far from here, had spoken of such units that existed centuries ago."

As far as my service record, I assure you it is sincere. I have just served with Master Thomas from the City of Hawks."

OOC: Sorry, I can't see how to make text red at the moment My character is telling the truth on this one. I hope the name of the merchant I gave is OK. /OOC


Bor steps forward, a little anxiously, gripping his club in a manner that no doubt caused blisters.

What is this? Is this man insane? Insulting us like this... maybe it's a test of some kind. Sigh, there goes Garik... maybe I should join him. I need the money though. Dammit!

"You are correct, Sir, our Voorman and his cronies bowed to pressure from the Demon God out of fear. Not a hundred years ago his fell bitch mother butchered our families in vile rituals. He did so out of fear and to protect his people. And to be honest, I have no loyalty to you beyond the promise I make for your money. But it is money that my family needs and for them, I will do anything. To go against my word, would dishonour them, and the memory of my father."

Wow... hey, that was good! Did I say that?

He stepped back, confident his response had been adequate.
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Voidrunner's Codex

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