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[Game Closed] Dead of Winter: DnD3e-CoC Game in the Forgotten Realms (IC Forum)

Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
Glad you like. I've started to write a new version of the same information, with some added stuff (organization of the Monastery is the only thing so far, but there will be more) and clarifying the existing stuff (for example, the FRCS says the monks in the Monastery of the Yellow Rose can freely multiclass as Shadowdancers and Rangers — who trains them? how does one become one? is the Shadowdancer bit just a rumour?). As I finish that, I'll pass it along. It will certainly be a lot clearer than what I've given you. And, if I get my act together, I'll send a map of the Monastery as well.

That said, if you other guys want similar info for your backgrounds (information on Clangeddin Silverbeard and his priests, information on the Tormguard in Impiltur), I'd be happy to whip something up for/with you — info on organization, dogmatic focuses of the organizations, prominent NPCs that you should know about because of your background, etc. Let me know.


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Yanis Princetonson

Yanis Princetonson: Human Rogue 1/Ranger 1; CR 2; Medium Humanoid; HD 1d6 + 1d10 + 2; hp 18; Init +5; Spd 30’; AC 14 (touch 11, flat-footed 13); Atk +3 melee (1d6+2, scimitar), +3 melee (1d6+1, short sword (offhand)), +3 melee (1d4+1, silvered dagger), +1 ranged (1d8, longbow); AL CG; SV Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +2; Str 14, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 8, Wis 15, Cha 10; Sanity Points 75.

Description: His stout figure is clad in soiled studded leather armor and tattered clothing. His apparent lack of intellect is betrayed by the rounded facial features and the glazed over look in his eyes. An unkempt mop of black hair and large floppy ears confirm his status as a simpleton.

History: The death of Yanis’ unwedded and impoverished peasant mother at childbirth left him in the care of a hostile maternal uncle. It was no surprise that Yanis found himself slightly better off living on the streets of ________ (trading port for Impiltur in Thesk here) as a street urchin. Petty thief and thuggery for survival soon landed him at the doorstep of the Shadowmasks. He performed variously odd jobs for them in the limited capacity that he could and found a few “friends” in the organization.

But as a simple man who was clumsy by the standards of a thieves’ guild, he was soon made the scapegoat in a number of plots. Before long, the authorities on both sides of the law were trying to hunt him down for various infractions. He fled into the wilderness and disappeared from city life. Luck, rather than any skill, cleverness or brawn on Yanis’ part, saved him during those first days and nights in the wilderness. His thirsty, starved and tired body was found by a sympathetic woodsman, who was willing to save poor Yanis and teach him the ways of the forest. After a long while, Yanis had gained the necessary skills to survive and to even thrive in the forest.

Still Yanis remembered the harsh realities of the city and sought to help others like him who would suffer due to no real fault of their own. He was drawn to the city and the idea of helping others out of similar experiences. When he tried to return to ___________, he was quickly identified and pursued. Fortunately, his pursuers were quickly deterred by the dangers of the forest. Other attempts by Yanis to return to the city yielded comparable results. He finally realized the execution of his plan was possible only in an entirely new place, where he would not be pursued for the actions of his past. So, he headed to remote Impiltur, a forgotten kingdom where his pursuers would overlook…hopefully.

Skills & Feats: disable device +3 (4 ranks, -1 INT), gather information +4 (4 ranks), listen +8 (4 ranks, +2 WIS, +2 alertness), move silently +5 (4 ranks, +1 DEX), open locks +3 (4 ranks, -1 INT), pick pockets +5 (4 ranks, +1 DEX), search +3 (4 ranks, -1 INT), sense motive + 6 (4 ranks, +2 WIS), wilderness lore +3 (4 ranks, -1 INT); Alertness, Ambidexterity (when in no/light armor), Armor Proficiency (light, medium & shields), Improved Initiative, Track, Two-Weapon Fighting (when in no/light armor), Weapon Proficiency (simple & martial)

Languages: Damaran

Possessions: To come...
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Old Fezziwig

a man builds a city with banks and cathedrals
perivas — Great! :) All I need from you is a deity. Also, be sure to note that Yanis also speaks Common. I'll get you a port city in Thesk to fill in the blanks, and if we can't find one, we'll make one. ;)

Okay then, that's four, which brings us to:

* Sir Zichard Danilk, Human Pal2 of Torm (drs)
* Fezzin Verghenheim, Shield Dwarf Ftr1/Clr1 of Clangeddin Silverbeard (Rorschach)
* Ezra Geonora, Human Mnk2 of Ilmater, Monastery of the Yellow Rose (novyet)
* Yanis Princetonson, Human Rog1/Rgr1 (perivas)

And, we should have at least one, if not two arcanists of some kind coming up (a sorceror and either a druid or a wizard, although the latter could be both, of course...). We do need at least one, so...but you guys can work that one out on your own. I don't at all mind a humanocentric party, but a couple of different races could be neat if you guys (Spoof, bluegreenone) are game.



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Actually, I believe that in FR automatic languages is defined by character regions. In this case, Yanis only knows the automatic language, which in his case is Damaran. As far as I know, there is no Common in FR.


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Fezzin's life has been a bit of a frustration. At an early age, he realized that he had a calling: to celebrate the beneficent and mighty Clangeddin Silverbeard. Unfortunately, leading worship at festivals and in temples is near impossible when you mumble helplessly in all but the most trivial situation. Not wishing too turn away such a devout follower of the Lord of the Twin Axes, his superiors sent him out of their Earthspur outpost and off to act as an enforcer/missionary of the Father of Battle, converting the heathens and protecting the church's interests througout Impiltur--above and below the ground. Though he doesn't mind being a heavy, Fezzin hopes someday to be able to lead his fellow worshipers in praise of Clangeddin.

Appearance: Dressed in the red and white vestments of Clangeddin Silverbeard's clerics, Fezzin cuts an imposing figure, standing 4'2" and weighing in at about 153 lbs, all muscle. His red waist-long beard, braided with bells and baubles jangling at its ends, pulls most of the attention away from his shiny pate, and his hazle eyes are nearly obscured by ludicrously bushy eyebrows. Beneath the winter furs that his vestments cover, Fezzin wears silver splintmail, with tiny dragons engraved along each splint. On his back hangs Veinsplitter, the dwarven waraxe which speaks more clearly than he can ever hope to.

Aurally, Fezzin is uninteligible to even his closest companions (and even they strain to understand him). He is jovial, and laughs frequently, though at what is just about anybody's guess. :)

(Perhaps there should be checks for when Fezzin might have to communicate anything of significance? Also, I'd like him to know at least one other member of the party--perhaps as a traveling companion and, most importantly, interpreter...any interest?)
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First Post
Ok, I changed my dex and int around, I don't wont to play another character that dumb, gets a bit old after a while. Chose my extra skills and lowered AC, ref save, ride skill, and ranged dagger atk, I think that is all that was needed.

Like I said before Rorschach
drs said:
If anyone wants to 'integrate' backgrounds with mine, I don't mind doing so, for a very loose example; we may have met at a town and talked and agreed to travel etc.

Just a suggestion anyway.
And I've had Sir Danilk learn Dwarven (Impiltur does have a 5% dwarf population), so if you want just give me a holler.

And perivas every race gets common + race (none for humans) + region + bonus languages (only with high int, or skills), if you have FRCS just look under the Human race section, underneath Racial Abilities.
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Kajamba Lion said:
I'd be happy to whip something up for/with you — info on organization, dogmatic focuses of the organizations, prominent NPCs that you should know about because of your background, etc. Let me know.

That would be great! When ever you have time though, no rush.


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My character is Daan, gnomish druid. I was going to be human but changed per your suggestion. I should have actual stats and story up this weekend.

Sir Danilk

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Testing Account...

By the way; Rorschach if you don't mind Sir Danilk and Fezzin being acquaintances and if you have any ideas, you can send them to drsoup @ yoll.net (remove spaces), I'm open to just about anything. And if a Cleric of Clangeddin Silverbeard and a Paladin of Torm, isn’t working for ya i don't mind either, just letting you know it's a possible avenue.

Voidrunner's Codex

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