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Gaming W/Jemal: Legends (3.5e d&D) *Recruitment Closed*


Thanks Jemal.

For the potential group, here's some info on Tagret:

[sblock=Tagret Artalen Monk 20]

Tagret is a 29 year old human male. Standing a rather small 5'8'' but built solid with his 160lb frame. He has clear blue eyes, his former master liked to say that it was a sign of his ruling element; Water.

Water fascinated him. It flowed so smoothly, so peacefully. It could become anything, adapt to any situation. When caged, it moved with the strength of titans, ripping through anything in it's way. Tagret learned over time to mimic the movements of the tides. His movements depended on his enemy's movements. His mind was calm, still until it became clear that his force must be unleashed.

I will write more when I'm not at work..... they keep arresting people and making me busy. [/sblock]

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First Post
Scrapping the old character concept completely, I'd like to play a human female whose husband was executed by the great-grandson of the evil warlord that is not threatening to rise. She doesn't care about 'unlocking her potential' other than that it may help her in her overriding obsession, Vengeance. Her bloodline would, of course, also be vengeance.

The build I'd like to use is: Feat Rogue 2/Lion totem Pounce (Comp Champ) Barbarian 1/Paladin of Freedom 3/Bear Warrior (Comp War) 1/Warshaper (Comp War) 3/Frenzied Berserker (Comp War) 10

Does that sound OK?


Voidrazor - When I said ancient tomb, I meant ANCIENT tomb. There are no known descendants. In fact, aside from the elder prophet (And now you guys) it's unlikely anybody in the world even knows about his existence other than you guys.

The concept itself is good, but if you want a link to the warlord, we'd have to figure something out, possibly involving your character being a few millenia old.

This warlord&Artifact in the tomb are the 'long lost, forgotten evil' type, not the recently deceased dictator type.


First Post
In the home stretch here.

Regarding pre-game item creation:

Do all crafted items that a PC starts with come from the level 20 exp reservoir? Or are they assumed to have been created in the past, and thus allow the level 20 reservoir to be full at game start?

Regarding cohorts and followers:

How do you want cohorts to determine stats? Standard array (all 10's), elite array (from Monster Manual), or using some manner of point buy? I assume they have starting funds and equipment as a standard NPC of their level as well. Also, can cohorts be "monster" races, or use templates even though PC's can't?

As for followers, do you want to limit them to NPC classes and "normal" races, or are 'monster' followers possible? Bearing in mind that I absolutely won't be expecting followers to adventure with me. They'd probably be a loose network to collect rumors and news, as well as perhaps a stronghold staff.

Regarding strongholds:

Do you allow Stronghold Builder's Guide stuff, or should I just buy a generic "tower" or "keep" from the DMG? If I get a stronghold, that is.

Odds and Ends:

Is Shadow Walk considered a "planar transport" spell, even though it's most common usage is to travel the material plane quickly?

Concept-wise, I'm pondering the idea of having been born in the normal material world, but having been spirited off to Faerie at some point, and having lived (and leveled) there for a long time before returning. Because of the weird temporal relationship between the real world and Faerie, an arbitrary amount of time can have passed between her leaving and her return. Is this okay? And if so, are there background elements that might be fun to include?

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First Post
I would be interested in playing this if your still taking character concepts. I would like to try a War Chanter from Complete Warrior. As well, I would like to play a Raptoran from Races of the Wild if thats alright. I'm thinking of a Wind bloodline, and I could play the slot of the swordsman if needed.


Shayuri -
all starting crafted items come from the 20th lvl pool, to prevent crafters from having a LOT of extra 'free' gear at the cost of a single feat.

Cohorts will use a standard point buy system with 30 points, and will have 250,000 gp of gear. Players can also use some of their own funds to buy gear for their cohort/followers (This is how you gain the +1 fairness/generosity leadership bonus in my campaigns). They do not have an XP pool to spend and cannot craft items.
Other than that, they use the same creation rules as Players.

Stronghold builder's guide's ok, but I don't currently have access to it, so you'll have to remind me of what anything special does.

Shadow walk will not count as planar transport unless you actually use it to change planes.

Your background idea works fine.. In fact, something like that might be just what Voidrazor's looking for to allow his character to have a connection to the warlord. Perhaps the two of you could come up with something together?

Roronoa - So long as you don't plan on doing the Raptoran uber-diver, that sounds like an OK concept.

And with that, I think I'm gonna close recruitment. We've got 8 interested people now, which is a couple more than I'd originally intended, but with PBP drop-out rates this should be ok. And more PCs allows me to throw harder things at you *Evil DM Grin*


First Post
Yeah, Monk's are weird like that, as you'd think Epic Progression would expound more on their unarmed damage viability. There are, however, alternatives to increasing that Unarmed Damage, such as Snap Kick and Rapid Blitz (both from Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords respectively), among others. Just chuckin' em' out there in case that's what you were leaning towards and/or have more feats to burn... and pending Jemal's approval of an outside source, of course :)

Anywho, on to why I was posting. I've pondered Sabastian's background history a bit, and have come up with the following tidbits thusfar should anyone be interested expanding on it in their own backstories or voicing possible hooks so as to further link the group:

  • Born Sabastian Foffawitz to Beatris and Kordan Foffawitz, whom are talent-varied performers of Carnaval du Doue' -- a simplistic travelling circus and carnival, featuring a slew of activities of which audience members often became unwitting additions.
  • Sabastian begins his meager career as an escape artist under his mother's tutelage at age nine. Unusually gifted with the trade, he soon branches out into clownery, low-trapeze acrobatics, and minor acts of prestidigitation and sleight of hand to further compliment his affinity, as well as dabbling ever so slightly into arcane and divine studies.
  • At age thirteen, Sabastian suffers a nasty fall from the mid-trapeze, missing the safety net entirely. Though only mildly injured, he's nevertheless prevented from further circus antics until he recouperates. During his impromptu vacation, Sabastian more intimately pursues magical studies, showing another strange knack for picking up odds and ends with prevelant ease. After his recovery, he returns to his "normal" life.
  • Now a young man of sixteen, Sabastian narrowly avoids being burned alive after the faire disturbs a violent clan of orcs, causing them to attack the carnival and torch it, killing a good number of patrons who'd attended that day. He and his parents survive the encounter as they -- in league with the other ensemble of performers of Carnaval du Doue' -- defend what little is left and drive the orcs off.
  • With Carnaval du Doue' sundered and in the process of rebuilding, Sabastian takes this chance to ponder life outside of the tents and caravans for once. After aiding in getting the carnival rebuilt and refitted to the point of being servicable, Sabastian -- now age seventeen -- bids farewell to his bizarre family and begins sampling life from a different perspective, heading towards one of the more prosperous southern city-state: Restenford.
  • The excitable performer finds life outside of the carnival much to his liking, free from the time-constraint applied by performance schedules and constant practice. Acquires a part-time job as a locksmith's apprentice in order to appropriate a simple abode within the city. Sabastian soon becomes bored with the tedious nature of every-day life amongst ordinary citizens, and seeks a more exciting occupation to compensate.
  • Now eighteen, Sabastian whimsically changes his surname from Foffawitz to Raze purely on the grounds that "nobody can take someone with a name like Foffawitz seriously." He then proceeded to sample various careers out of curiosity, ranging from tavern entertainer to problem sleuth, none of which particularly held his interested despite his odd renaissance-esque affinity, and soon returns to the job of entertainer.
  • After an odd event involving pilfering a pickpocket, "Eyeless" Errol of the Restenford Guild of Insurers, Solicitors, and Beggars (see PHBII, pg. 177) took a keen interest in the young master of legerdemain. Offered a position as a footpad, Sabastian -- intrigued by the dangerous yet exciting line of work -- accepted.
  • Two years of mass-theft, breaking and entering, and second-story work landed the young rogue -- now in his prime at age twenty -- the title of Bravo. He even took the liberty of leaving his own anonymous calling card as "The Blink Dog," inciting fear of theft in numerous wealthy clients, who in turn invested in protection services from the masked thieves' guild.
  • With a lucrative career under his belt and intending to expand on it for a bit longer before retiring, Sabastian discovered the harsh truth about what happens to those who wish to leave Errol's services. Shocked after the young roguelette he'd been courting was murdered for attempting to quit, Raze got the hint real quick and fled the city for the west. His occupation as a thief was certainly fun, but not worth being killed by his employer by any stretch.
  • Jobless again, Sabastian began his occupation hunt anew. It was during his transition that he discovered a growing economic need for adventurers of all walks of life, duly noted by the steadily increasing number of small-time Adventurer's Guilds cropping up about the country. On a vague impulse, Sabastian decided to give adventuring as an occupation for a whirl, finding the career pleasant. It was during this time that Sabastian was paired up with a motley crew of like-minded occupationalists, expanding both his knowledge in the various fields as well as getting to travel and make a tidy sum plundering tombs, underground cities, strongholds and the like. There was also the notoriety and respect that came with being an adventurer, a benefit the red-headed rogue wasn't fortunate enough to receive during his days of thievery.
This is all, of course, just a rough outline thusfar, and nothing is wholly concrete as of yet. Just throwing it out there really to keep everyone -- especially you, Mr. Jemal -- informed of what's cruising around in my brainpan :p


First Post
Is it too late to retract my statmente of ill-thinking and still get s spot with my tank concept Jemal?

And seeing how I don't understand in the magic item creation rules how much SR is to purchase on an item.. can someone break down how much it would cost to get SR 30 put on bracers for me please?

Also.. barring still being allowed to play.. would you allow this as a playable item?: Circlet of Holy Luck [+5 Luck Bonus to Saves and +5 Sacred Bonus to AC] (137,500)

(62,500 for the +5 Sacred Bonus to AC... and 75000 (50k*1.5) for the +5 Luck bonus to saves)

If still allowed to play here's what I have so far character build wise.... not everythting has been approved yet mind you.... feel free to make comments or suggestions :)

[sblock=Arineil Silverwing]
Arineil Silverwing

Female Human Barbarian 10 / Fighter 10
Neutral Good
Representing Rathan

Strength 30 (+10) (10 pts.) [+4 Level Bns. +4 Manual, +6 Enhancement]
Dexterity 14 (+2) (6 pts.)
Constitution 28 (+9) (10 pst.) [+1 Level Bns. +5 Manual, +6 Enhancement]
Intelligence 12 (+1) (4 pts.)
Wisdom 12 (+1) (4 pts.)
Charisma 10 (+0) (2 pts.)

Size: Medium
Height: 6' 5"
Weight: 200 lb
Skin: Light
Eyes: Green
Hair: White; Straight

Total Hit Points: 363 [includes improved toughness]

Speed: 40 feet [40 barbarian, +10 Boots, -10 Armor]

Armor Class: 46 = 10 [+1 dexterity] [+13 Armor] [+7 Shield] [+5 Deflection] [+5 Natural Armor] [+5 Luck]

Touch AC: 22
Flat-footed: 45 [uncanny dodge]

Damage Reduction: 6/-

Initiative modifier +6 = +2 [dexterity] +4 [improved initiative]
Fortitude save: +33 = 14 [base] +9 [constitution] +5[Enhancement] +5 [Luck]
Reflex save: +18 = 6 [base] +2 [dexterity] +5[Enhancement] +5 [Luck]
Will save: +17 = 6 [base] +1 [wisdom] +5 [Enhancement] +5 [Luck]
Attack (handheld): +30/+25/+20/+15 = 20 [base] +10 [strength]
Attack (unarmed): +30/+25/+20/+15 = 20 [base] +10 [strength]
Attack (missile): +22/+17/+12/+7 = 20 [base] +2 [dexterity]
Grapple check: +30/+25/+20/+15 = 20 [base] +10 [strength]
Korinna(Magic Longsword): +37/+32/+27/+22 for 1d8+1d6+12 (+2d6 against evil aligned beings)

Light load: 466 lb. or less
Medium load: 467-933 lb.
Heavy load: 934-1400 lb.
Lift over head: 1400 lb.
Lift off ground: 2800 lb.
Push or drag: 7000 lb.

Languages: Abyssal Celestial Common Draconic Spiritfolk Elven


Improved Critical x1 Weapon(s): Longsword
Improved Initiative
Quick Draw
Power Attack
Great Cleave
Weapon Focus x1 Weapon(s):
Weapon Specialization x1 Weapon(s): Longsword
Greater Weapon Focus x1 Weapon(s): Longsword
Improved Toughness
Thick Skinned x2

Skills: (Total= Mod + Ranks Respectively)
Appraise (Int) 1 = +1
Balance (Dex) 2 = +2
Bluff (Cha) +0
Climb (Str) 22 = +10 +12
Concentration (Con) 3 = +3
Decipher Script (Int) 5 = +1 +4
Diplomacy (Cha) 4 = +0 +4
Disguise (Cha) +0
Escape Artist (Dex) 2 = +2
Forgery (Int) 1 = +1
Gather Information (Cha) +0
Handle Animal (Cha) 6 = +0 +6
Heal (Wis) 4 = +1 +3
Hide (Dex) 2 = +2
Intimidate (Cha) 12 = +0 +12
Jump (Str) 26 = +10 +12 +4 [speed 40]
Knowledge [nobility] (Int) 3 = +1 +2
Knowledge [religion] (Int) 4 = +1 +3
Knowledge [planes] (Int) 4 = +1 +3
Listen (Wis) 13 = +1 +12
Move Silently (Dex) 2 = +2
Ride (Dex) 10 = +2 +6 +2 [handle animal]
Search (Int) 1 = +1
Sense Motive (Wis) 4 = +1 +3
Spot (Wis) 4 = +1 +3
Survival (Wis) 7 = +1 +6
Swim (Str) 12 = +10 +2
Use Rope (Dex) 2 = +2

This character also has 4 ranks in Speak Languages.


* Extra feat at first level (already included)
* Four extra skill points at first level (already included)
* One extra skill point at each additional level (already included)


* Illiteracy (2 skill points to learn to read)

* Rage

* Fast Movement (already included)

* Uncanny Dodge (level 2)

* Trap Sense (level 3)

* Improved Uncanny Dodge (level 5)

* Damage Reduction 1/- (level 7)

* Damage Reduction 2/- (level 10)


* Bonus Feats (already included)

Arineil Silverwing's Equipment:

Blanket, winter x1
Block and tackle
Case (for map or scroll)
Flint and steel
Grappling hook
Lantern (bullseye)
Oil flasks x5
Paper sheets x5
Parchment sheets x10
Pouch x4
Rations (1 day) x10
Rope (50', silk) x10
Signet ring
Waterskins x2
Holy symbol (silver)

Magic Items:

Manual of Gainful Exercise +4 (110,000)
Belt of Giant Strength +6 (36,000)
Manual of Bodily Health +5 (137,000)
Amulet of Health +6 and Nat Armor +5 (104,000)
+5 Fullplate of Heavy Fortification (101650)
+5 Animated Large Steel Shield (49170)
Ring of Protection +5 and Freedom of Movement (110,000)
+5 Holy Flaming Burst Ghost Touched Cold Iron Longsword (170,330)
Boots of Striding and Springing (5,500)
Circlet of Holy Luck [+5 Luck Bonus to Saves and +5 Sacred Bonus to AC] (137,500)
Cloak of Resistance +5 (25,000)

Platinum: 800
Gold: 10350

More about Arineil Silverwing:

Coming Soon[/sblock]
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Myth and Legend

First Post
I have done roughly 50% of my work on the character sheet but now i am at a loss. Should i use the Elemental Savant as described in Tome&Blood or as it is in Complete Arcane? There are several differences, and it's hurting my head to compare them. Gah! The one in Complete Arcane seems to be better overall though.

Also, regarding stat raising via Tomes or Wish - the description of Wish in the SRD states that "inherent bonuses to a particular ability score do not stack, so only the best one applies." So does this mean that i can't read a tome of +5 Int several times? Or that i can't cast Wish twice for +2 INt and then read a tome of +5? Long question short, how many times can i increase a single stat permanently and how do the bonuses stack, and do they stack with temporary bonuses from wonderous items?

Regarding equipment, are we allowed to have artifacts? Can we make up our own custom items? And abou Iun stones, can we have several of one kind of stone? Specifically the stat increasing ones?

Also, could my character have developed her own custom spell or is that too much? (Like Elminster has Elminster's Evasion for example). I also share the questions the others have for keeps/strongholds/laboratories etc. One probably can't get to level 20 as a nomad...

Last but not least, the Reincarnate spell you described, is that castable by Arcane casters as well?


First Post
Is it too late to retract my statmente of ill-thinking and still get s spot with my tank concept Jemal?

And seeing how I don't understand in the magic item creation rules how much SR is to purchase on an item.. can someone break down how much it would cost to get SR 30 put on bracers for me please?

I'll take a stab at it, though I'm certainly no Math Wizard :)

So, roughly, I think this is what it translates to: You need a minimum of 13 SR to purchase it at, and each point above 12 costs 10,000gp. Mathematically, I'd probably guesstimate (yeah, I totally went there with that venacular :p) that SR 13 by itself would cost 10,000gp, as no price is given for any lower SR. Now, to knock it up to 30, we'd need to take on the extra price with the same formula. The new item now costs 180,000gp. Now that we have that part figured out, we need to determine a few other factos. It's Continuous, obviously, so that formula comes into play in the form of (Spell Level*Caster Level)*2000gp. Spell Resistance is a 5th Level Spell, and to get it to SR 30, the Caster needs to be at least Level 18. This translates to (5*18)*2000, or another 180,000gp. For the last factor, according to the Affinity Slot Chart, Bracers don't normally have SR. Due to this, you use the Uncustomary Space Limitation addition, which multiplies the entire cost by 1.5. This brings all of our totals thusfar to 540,000gp for Bracers of SR 30, assuming they have nothing else.

The Breakdown is Thusly:

Base SR 30: 180,000gp (That's 10,000*[SR 30 - SR 12])
+Continuous: 180,000gp (That's [Spell Level 5*Caster Level 18]*2000gp)
+Uncustomary Space Limitation: (That's Total Cost*1.5)
Total: 540,000gp

Myth and Legend said:
Also, regarding stat raising via Tomes or Wish - the description of Wish in the SRD states that "inherent bonuses to a particular ability score do not stack, so only the best one applies." So does this mean that i can't read a tome of +5 Int several times? Or that i can't cast Wish twice for +2 INt and then read a tome of +5? Long question short, how many times can i increase a single stat permanently and how do the bonuses stack, and do they stack with temporary bonuses from wonderous items?

While I can't vouch for Jemal, from my understanding you always use the greatest bonus. So, yes, if you used a Tome of Understanding +2 and then used Wish to give yourself a permanent +5 to Wisdom, you'd only get the +5 as an Inherent Bonus, since the two are essentially the same. As a rule of thumb, "same things" generally don't stack in DnD. As far as Wonderous items, those DO stack with Ineherent Bonuses -- i.e. Wish/Magic Tomes -- in regards to increasing ability scores. This is, of course, just how I interpret things.

Should Wish and Tomes stack, if anyone's got some extra gold to sling around, I'd be your bestestest friend for some more Wisdom :p

Myth and Legend said:
Last but not least, the Reincarnate spell you described, is that castable by Arcane casters as well?

No, sir. Only by Druids :(

Also, I <3 you, Hypertext d20 SRD :D

P.S. On an unrelated note, should I make it into the game, Sabastian's remaining Level Up's will be spent on the Exemplar Prestige Class from Complete Adventurer. Just putting it out there :D
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