Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse (Recruitment always open)


H4H - Well these 4 may only be lvl 6, but they're not using Minion rules. Any other thugs here will though.

Shayuri - TYVM

VV - Ahoy there, feel free to post up a concept.

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First Post
Where did you find that in the book?... I searched it last night and for the life of me could not find the results of the failed saves...

Voda Vosa

First Post
Ok, after reading the info posts, I'll like to submit this kind of character:

Uomo Nascosto, at the service of the Gryphon Corporation. Uomo has been around since the fundation of the corporation, been an acquittance to the founder. Actually, Uomo has been around since the foundation... of the Roman Republic. His name is actually a code name, in Italian, it means, the hidden man. His real name, Vittorio di la Croce, is only known by him and the people he trust the most. He was born in Sicily to a poor family of peasants, but soon found his way into the Roman army.
Vittorio has only one special trait, immortality; or something very close to that. Vittorio does age, but at a very slow peace.
He has been around for a while, among his activities he has been foot soldier for the Roman Senate, scribe for the Roman army, assistant of some of the most famous Roman emperors, Inquisitor for the Catholic church, spy infiltrated in the Vatican, double agent for the Vatican, a mafia member in Sicily, a mafia agent in the early USA, a spy in the Washington police force, answering to the Godfather, and many other things in the middle.

Build ideas: Social competent character, diverse selection of feats dealing with stealth, social interaction, tricky combat manoeuvrings. As of offence, he'll probably use standard weapons, empowered by his feats. His powers will be only "immortality" and if allowed, regeneration. Think of The Question perhaps, the sneaky type of guy.


LA Team - Keep in mind that only two of the Gunmen were completely flattened. The other two (#1, #2) were knocked down, but according to Shayuri's chart, they're only dazed (Failed by 7 & 9 respectively)

I'll give you a chance to revise your posts if you wish (Or leave them if you want your character to have 'overlooked' the thugs, believing them to be down), and for Shayuri to act before I post a round update.

Also, As far as specific rules go, I'm not going to be any help for a few days. I lost access to the copy of 3e I was using, and need to go buy one of my own, but won't be able to do so until my next set of days off.

If anybody else can help out with Rathan's question about the healing, I promise cookies and happy thoughts. ;)

Voda Vosa - Interesting concept. I only have one problem - Having been around so long, he would have a LOT more information right off the bat (simply from being around for the whole time) than I was planning on the characters finding out for a while.
It could work, but we'd have to do a bit of the informing via PM, and I'd have to talk to you about some of the corporation's motives and views, b/c If you've been with them this long, it's pretty much assured that your character agrees with them.


First Post
On my question Jemal I answered it myself....

"Living targets remove one damage condition per minute
of rest, starting from their most severe condition and
working back. So a damaged character recovers from
being incapacitated, then staggered, dazed, and finally
removes a –1 Toughness check penalty per minute until
fully recovered. The Healing and Regeneration effects can
speed this process."

I've decided to recover on my turn Jemal so I get a +2 circumstance bonus to all my defenses until the start of my next turn, just giving you a heads up! I've posted what recover does in my revised post in the IC thread...

Also... if I am staggered/dazed... how long do these effects last?... until I heal?
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once more, until I get the new book I feel really useless, as I don't even know what they do (I can presume based off what they USED to do).

I also presume that they remain until healed via rest or regen, b/c the thing you posted includes staggered and dazed among its steps to full health.


First Post
LA Team - Keep in mind that only two of the Gunmen were completely flattened. The other two (#1, #2) were knocked down, but according to Shayuri's chart, they're only dazed (Failed by 7 & 9 respectively)

I'll give you a chance to revise your posts if you wish (Or leave them if you want your character to have 'overlooked' the thugs, believing them to be down), and for Shayuri to act before I post a round update.

D'oh! Hadn't realized. Updated the actions to redirect the attack to the two goons who are closer. Since I'd already made an attack roll in that post, and I don't think there are changes to the modifiers for the closer target, I just let that stand. Hopefully this one hit. :)

Voda Vosa

First Post
LA Team - Keep in mind that only two of the Gunmen were completely flattened. The other two (#1, #2) were knocked down, but according to Shayuri's chart, they're only dazed (Failed by 7 & 9 respectively)

I'll give you a chance to revise your posts if you wish (Or leave them if you want your character to have 'overlooked' the thugs, believing them to be down), and for Shayuri to act before I post a round update.

Also, As far as specific rules go, I'm not going to be any help for a few days. I lost access to the copy of 3e I was using, and need to go buy one of my own, but won't be able to do so until my next set of days off.

If anybody else can help out with Rathan's question about the healing, I promise cookies and happy thoughts. ;)

Voda Vosa - Interesting concept. I only have one problem - Having been around so long, he would have a LOT more information right off the bat (simply from being around for the whole time) than I was planning on the characters finding out for a while.
It could work, but we'd have to do a bit of the informing via PM, and I'd have to talk to you about some of the corporation's motives and views, b/c If you've been with them this long, it's pretty much assured that your character agrees with them.

Well he might not be very into the specifics of the corporation objectives, just enjoying the money they provide, and generally leaning back and relaxing while most of the low level agents do the actual work. Perhaps there's a lot of information that has been kept away from him on purpose? Perhaps he has been kept blind to some activities that are carried out in the corp? Perhaps there's good reasons for keeping him unaware of this stuff he might frown upon, and working on other things he agrees on.
Just my two cents, you have the last word on this.

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