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Gaming w/Jemal: Mutant Apocalypse


Los Angeles, Warehouse District

- Tinman, Fulcrum, Grid -
[sblock=Initiative Order]

Grid's bolt strikes one of the two remaining thugs struggling back to his feet, and sends him convulsing back to the ground, where he lay twitching and unconscious.
Meanwhile, using the backup's arrival to his advantage, Tinman takes a moment to recover his senses after the furious onslaught as Fulcrum rains down suppressing fire on the workshop below, who dive for cover.

The final thug in the room Takes off out the door and around a corner, firing a pot-shot at Fulcrum as he goes, but missing.
Thug 1 is down now, and thug 2 is out of sight around the corner on a catwalk. Those below have taken cover from the hail of objects.[/sblock]
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Washington DC, Lincoln Memorial

-Jakob, Jackson-

Jax sizes the woman up for a second and then turns and walks away after determining that while she may know how to fight, she doesn't appear to be in his league.
As he approaches Jakob, she shouts something after him that he's certain is a curse, and then turns and starts looking angrily around for someone.

Jakob's eyes go wide as Jax approaches him, and if his skin weren't allready frozen, the blood would have drained from his face. The others that are skulking about have their attention on him now, and there's been no movement from the Vans.

Jax got one success on his Assessment. Her attack and defense are both lower than yours.
One more perception check each, please. At the moment you're in RP mode, so feel free to converse until something happens.


Kombat HP: 1, Condition: Good

As Kombat faced Jacob he gave him a reassuring smile and a nod. "My name is Jax. I'm here to rescue you."

Walking Dad

First Post

"I hope you are. Not that I needed it before you gave away my position. Are you with the Drake Center? Came the note fro you?"
Jakob asks, still looking around for sudden movements, particularly from the van.

HP 1

conditions: normal

what else do we need for combat posts?



Kombat HP: 1, Cond: Good

"If I can find you how long did you think you could play cat & mouse with teams of men dedicated to hunt you down. I don't know anything about a note but I'm with the Center." Jax glanced around his instincts telling him for sure they were in Danger. "Hope you are good in a scrap kid. We may hafta fight our way through this one."

Walking Dad

First Post

"I did pretty good until know ...
and if the note wasn't from the center and with me and the 'hot' lady around I think this is a trap. But the question is what they want. An attack on the memorial while we are around to blame?"
Jakob responds, nodding in the direction of the black van in the case Kombat didn't notice it before..

HP 1

conditions: normal

what else do we need for combat posts?



Washington DC, Lincoln Memorial

As Jax and Jakob talk quietly, they notice one of the men that had been watching approach the hot chick and speak quietly to her for a moment. A few others begin moving towards the memorial as well.
As their attention is split between that and their conversation, however, Jax and Jakob miss the agents getting out of the vans until Jakob nods in their directoin and sees a group of a half-dozen agents walking towards the Memorial.
"Oh you don't know how right you are, boys" A womans voice seems to come from nowhere "There's no way we're getting out of here without a fight. Those Agents are coming to take us in." A young woman materializes beside them, she is short with pale skin and long black hair. "Come on, you two can help protect the others! Things're about to get heavy, and we gotta stick together." She taps her watch and smiles at you before dissapearing again.

The second she does, one of the men who'd been talking near the memorial floats into the air, and shouts at the Agents "You think you can hunt us like Animals, trap us in cages and treat us like second class citizens? Well NO MORE! We're not going with you!" His voice carries much better than it should, it appears he's amplifying it somehow.

He raises his hand and makes a motion with it, and one of the black vans lifts in the air and flies forwards, smashing into the ground and nearly flattening the agents as they dive out of the way. The agents all begin drawing weapons as the crowd of metas near the memorial glance around awestruck.

Combat blocks should include:
Hero Points; Condition; Defense/Parry; special defenses/immunities/weaknesses
Also when you make an attack, be sure to include the DC and type of the appropriate save(s).
EX: If you punch someone, make sure you mention that if hit they require a DC X toughness save.

Also, for an idea of what the surrounding terrain is like, just googlemap Lincoln Memorial and zoom in to the second-closest setting. You're halfway between the Memorial and the pool. The nearest agents are 200' to the north. Aside from you two, Invisible Lady, Hot Chick, and the TK guy, there are 7 mutants around and about two dozen agents. Plus there may be more rushing to the scene from the other side of the memorial which blocks your view.
The only way clear of metas/agents is backwards towards the pool.

And finally, I need Initiative for Frost and Jax, and Insight checks as well. Please don't post any combat actions until I post up the Initiative list, just your general reactions to the chaos and the appearance of the invisible wom... er.. Invisible lady? [/sblock]
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First Post
James sighed softly... both of them honestly did hop into the middle of his combat but only to save his ass rather than hinder it. It wasn't a very well thought out plan to begin with. James shook his head and headed for the hole in the brick wall he put there when entering and fulcrum help widen with her huge wall piece projectile....

"Fine... lets go.. I'd feel guilty if you were hurt here trying to talk sense into me. I vow I will be back to wipe the floor with this drug lord though, no one sells drugs to kids and gets away with it scot free anymore while I'm around!" James barked as he headed for the exit and will jump down to the street below if given the chance, however not before the other two have made it safely outside first.

Walking Dad

First Post

Jakob turns around rapidly, trying to get a sense who else around may be a meta.


The girl was also invisible to infravision, right?

I finally added my abilities to my skills in the RG


HP 1

conditions: normal

DODGE 7 (1)
PARRY 7 (1)
TOUGHNESS 12 (10 Impervious)
WILL 8 (6)

Immunity (poison, disease, crit, suffocation, cold)

what else do we need for combat posts?



First Post
Terry Quinlan, The Grid

"Look, taking down drug cartels is totally noble and everything," Grid says, "But you're clearly not as tough as you think you are judging by those dents, or they're a lot better armed than we're ready for. You're made of metal, but I'm a lot squishier."

He looks back to Fulcrum. "Do you think you can carry him? If I can find an outlet around here, I can make my own way out."

OOC: Assuming there are outlets, or, heck, if there's a wired bulb anywhere, he could break it open and use that.

Voidrunner's Codex

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