Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant High

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yeah, the old one was awesome, sounds about the right time frame. :D

Also, Kirinke, Shayuri's right... we do have a lot of controllers (Though alch's not as powerful as they say, he has to be able to touch something to control it, and can't really affect anything that's not solid)

How would your character stand out in a group like this?


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Pretty much what Jemal said. Ironically enough water control is the only one out of that list he can even affect =.=; Stupid classical elements.

That said, While they'd make an interesting superhero team, the overlap gets a bit dangerous =/


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I am now sad for two reasons. One, because it actually took me a moment to get that joke.

And two, because Alchie got knocked senseless so I can't make some witty reply/make jokes about how quicksilver offered him candy.


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I was thinking something more... elemental *shoots self at terrible joke.*

Earth, fire, wind, water... all we need is heart. ^_^

Relique du Madde

Caros said:
I was thinking something more... elemental *shoots self at terrible joke.*

Earth, fire, wind, water... all we need is heart. ^_^

Heart? Wouldn't that be Quarterback since he's a booster? Though technically he's also need to have a Emotion Control power that limited to Hope, Love and calm to qualify... But I think his Inspire feat can easily qualify to fill that niche

Of course, we could always throw in a lightning/energy controller into the mix to make the ultimate sentai x-men group. lol


First Post
Relique du Madde said:
Heart? Wouldn't that be Quarterback since he's a booster? Though technically he's also need to have a Emotion Control power that limited to Hope, Love and calm to qualify... But I think his Inspire feat can easily qualify to fill that niche

Of course, we could always throw in a lightning/energy controller into the mix to make the ultimate sentai x-men group. lol

Tempest could probably do that. I was thinking lots of variable power: variable blast, variable create object, ESP, astral form, sense spirit, Communication (She can speak and understand pretty much anything,). Plus some fairly high charisma skills as well. I'd think that alot of her utility powers would be psychic in nature.

Hmmm Instead of Tempest, how about Typhoon. It could be fun to have a bunch of controllers in a group, I mean from what I understand the X-men story line has always been about 'fitting in'.

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