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Gaming W/Jemal: Mutant Rising OOC (Game has started!)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
EDITED 4-4-2008

Here are Nightshift's stats in final "correct me, Jemal" form.

Nightshift's teleport powers work by infusing part of his lifeforce into his target and then snapping it back to himself, the energy dragging the infused target along for the ride. Nature doesn't like it though so the slightest dimensional "push" on his part sends the object *back* to where it came from (returning used weapons to their cache, for example, and explaining the Reversible feat on his Teleport attack power). Teleporting himself is a lot harder for some reason. He thinks it works by projecting more than half his lifeforce *forward* so that it can snap *him* through but he's not sure... Note that his gun never runs out of bullets because he teleports them into the chambers when needed (and the casings port *back* with a free action so none are left on the premises).

Abilities (5 PP):
STR: 10 [14](+2) DEX: 09 [16](+3) CON: 07 [16](+3) INT: 12(+1) WIS: 15(+2) CHA: 12[16](+3)

Skills (14 PP):
Craft Mechanical 8 (7+int)
Craft Demolition 8 (7+int)
Concentration 6 (4+wis)
Drive 10 (7+Dex)
Know civics 5(4+int)
Know old wars (AKA History) 8 (7+int)
Notice 12 (10+Wis)
Sense Motives 12 (10+Wis)

Feats (20 PP):
Ranged Attack Focus 5
Evasion 1 (Teleport away) [Mutant, Teleport]
Precise Shot
Quick Change 1 (Teleport into costume) [Mutant, Teleport]
Inspire 5
Luck 1
Seize Initiative
Teamwork 3
Ultimate Aim

Powers (83 PP):
Command Voice: Mind control 10 (Touch Cone area, Instant Duration, -0Keep memories; 10PP) [Mutant, Mental, Lifeforce]
Summoned Weapon array (3 Alternate Powers; 3 PP) [Mutant, Teleport Lifeforce]
- Infinite Handcuffs: Snare 10 (Touch Range, Move Action; 20 PP) [Object, Lifeforce]
- Duty Revolver: TK 10 (Damaging extra, No grabs Limitation, PD Phys Man (gun); 19 PP) [Bullet]
- Flesh Wound: Paralyse 10 (+0Fortitude save, Ranged, Full action, PD Phys Man (gun); 19 PP) [Bullet, Pain]
- C4: Blast 9 (Touch range Burst Area, PF Changeable trigger; 20 PP) [Kinetic]
Shift array (1 Alternate power; 1 PP)
- To Me: Teleport 6 (+0Attack(forcefields, Will save), -1 Fixed destination (his hands), PF Mass prog 4(2500lbs), PF Voice trigger, PF Easy; 12 PP) [Mutant, Teleport Lifeforce]
- Away!: Teleport 5 (Short range, PF Change Direction, PF Change Velocity; 7 PP) [Mutant, Teleport, Lifeforce]
Not There Anymore Teleport: Shield 7 (7 PP) [Mutant, Teleport, Lifeforce]
New Youth: Enhanced Abilities (4 str, 7 dex, 9 con, 4 cha; 24 PP) [Mutant]
Costume: HtL Device (Protection 7; 6 PP) [Object, Lifeforce]

Combat (12 PP):
ATTACK 3/8 Ranged (No penality for firing into combat)
DEFENSE 20 [10 + 3Base + 7Shield power] FLATFOOTED 11
MOVE 30(10m)/60(20m)/120(40m)
TELEPORT 500(150m)/1000(300m)/2000(600m) ATTACK 600'(200m) or 20 miles

Saves (12 PP):
TOUGH 10 [0Base + 3con + 7Costume power]
FORT 3 [0Base + 3con]
REF 7 [4Base + 3dex] (Area effect = no dam on save)
WILL 10 [8Base + 2Wis]

Equipment (4 PP):
Gold watch 1 EP
Heavy black flashlight 1 EP
Folding knife 3 EP
City home (Small, 5Tough, Living Space, Fire Prev Equipment, Garage and Workshop in garage; 4 EP)
1973 white ford Gremlin (2 PP)
Signal Flares in the trunk (1 EP)

Abilities 5 pp + Skills 14 pp + Feats 20 pp + Powers 83 pp + Combat 12 pp + Saves 12 pp + Equipment 4 PP = 150 pp

Dearest wife Mary (born Maryweld Ferderber)
Vet hall/community center/war amp program
Cache of summoned weapons and armor
His essence, infused into various objects

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Hafrogman - Unnamed Emotion controller
I've been looking over this for a bit now, and it's turned out to be a bit harder and a lot less interesting to stat out than I thought.

Since you've got so many already interested, I think I'll back out rather than trying to find another concept so late in the game.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Links in a chain

Alright, so so far we have:

Cassandra did a piece on stuntman Dusk escaping deadly arson.
Dusk goes to AA where he met Crystal.
Crystal has known Nightshift for years; he's the one who suggested AA.
Nightshift has tried to arrest a mask-wearing RPM/Speedy on numerous occasions. (Tailspinner's approval?)

--> Crystal also taught a class that Kid Super attended when he was a highschool freshman.
Kid Super often goes to a comic book store where Red Impulse works.

Cassandra... Offers journalism links, either at the U or at her work.
Red Impulse...

I'll update this post as new links are formed.

P.S. Nobody here trains their body? Not the best facilities at the U but the prices are *very* competitive compared to 1000$ memberships! Enroll now and we'll throw in an older gentleman for free! Imagine the quiet of off hours training, just you and the weights/bike/etc. Just you... and that other guy -- who'se surprisingly fit for his age, actually. You spot a bit for each other, get to talking, take a swim and then part ways after a refreshing shower. Could anything be more enchanting, I ask you!

Binder Fred, 15 on the Diplomacy roll, marginal success.
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First Post
P.S. Nobody here trains their body? Not the best facilities at the U but the prices are *very* competitive compared to 1000$ memberships! Enroll now and we'll throw in an older gentleman for free! Imagine the quiet of off hours training, just you and the weights/bike/etc. Just you... and that other guy -- who'se surprisingly fit for his age, actually. You spot a bit for each other, get to talking, take a swim and then part ways after a refreshing shower. Could anything be more enchanting, I ask you!

Heh, I don't think Roy will be joining a gym. He's not quite Mr Incredible strong (and certainly not that tough) but he could just about bench press a locomotive. Maybe he'll start haunting a railway yard?

Oh speaking of which whereabouts is metro? East coast? West coast? North or south? Major industries? Civic pasttimes and famous locations? If I'm thinking it's like NYC and you're thinking it's like Miami there will be confusion. :)

Relique du Madde

I thought more about my character's background and am now in the process of putting all the pieces together. Here are the basics:

Dusk is 25 years old. During the day time he works at the local amusement park (as part of the stunt show... he came in drunk to work once and as a result was forced to go to AA). Up until recently he worked at a liqour store located three towns over, that is until the night it burnt down as part of a robbery/insurance scam. There was one victem in the robbery a girl Dusk was infatuated with (or was engaged to). I'm thinking some other things could have happened that night, but I'm not sure how dark I want this background to get. Presumably the "Dusk" was believed to have also been killed in the fire. Unfortunately for the badguy's Dusk recognized one of them and decided to go on a vigilante styled manhunt. After he exacted his vengence, Dusk decided that there are more scum out there that needs punishment. Unfortunately, his methods aren't the friendliest and he's worked up a bad rep.

There are still some loose ends I have to tie up, but that's basically his story. I'm trying to think up why Dusk go to the police (initially, assuming he criminals are now behind bars). What extent did Dusk punish the the criminals. Who were the criminals (since he recognized them and they were working for the Property Owner or the shop keeper). Also what was Dusk's cover story as to how he escaped death.

I figure, the fact that Dusk survived may have been why he was interviewed, since "Local stuntman escapes a firery death" would make a great story.
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First Post
Relique, I'm liking that idea for a tie-in more and more. Lets work with that.

Jemal, I dunno if you missed my previous post, but I'd like to ask permission to change my concept. Even with the change from alternate forms to control, it looks like there's several powers I'd hoped to make signature that other people are interested in. That's fine, really...it's a finite number of powers in the book, so it's natural sometimes several want the same one. :) I'm just hoping for a less crowded niche.

I have some other ideas, like an electrokinetic...perhaps with some datalink for hacking goodness. Or perhaps a classic telekinetic specialist?

These are ideas that are easy to do and I won't lose any time rewriting up the character sheet.

Would that be okay?


First Post
P.S. Nobody here trains their body? Not the best facilities at the U but the prices are *very* competitive compared to 1000$ memberships! Enroll now and we'll throw in an older gentleman for free! Imagine the quiet of off hours training, just you and the weights/bike/etc. Just you... and that other guy -- who'se surprisingly fit for his age, actually. You spot a bit for each other, get to talking, take a swim and then part ways after a refreshing shower. Could anything be more enchanting, I ask you!

Well... Gordon might be interested in working out to keep fit (he's kind of like Uncle Rico from Napoleon Dynamite, always relieving past glories) and with his current financial situation... He's a bit older than most kids at the U as well, so maybe he'd find the 'old' man a kindred spirit. Although Gordo tends to be a bit of a braggert and might get on his nerves ;)


First I'd like to apologize for my lack of posting lately, my hand's been hurting like a *Insert censored word here* and contrary to what my roomates might say, I am NOT a master of the 1-handed typing. ;)

As far as dark backgrounds go, I'm ok with a little dark, but I don't want any Rorschach's. For those of you who have the misfortune of not knowing who Rorschach is, I have a quest for you: Walk away from your keyboard, and either go watch the Watchmen movie, or read the graphic novel. Then, and only then may you return ;).

Seriously though, I'm comfortable with morally gray. That doesn't mean everyone else will be, though, so the darker your character, the more likely he/she will find themselves at odds with the world, including other PC's.

Metro is the equivalent to New York, a large sprawling metropolis. The reason I chose to go with a non-specific metropolis was b/c I know nothing about any large cities, but they're kinda needed for the super-hero gig. It's located on a non-specific coastline. Other than that, feel free to make up info about it if required for your background.

ALSO, looking over the sheets one more thing has come up - I'm saying no to multiple ranks of the luck feat unless being excessively lucky is part of your super power. Luck is now limited to 1 rank.

Shayuri/Walkingdad - Seems the situation's been resolved. Walkingdad can freely play the elemental type and Shayuri's changing gears.

Hmm... Nightshift allready has TK, so Shay if you're looking for something Unique I'd suggest the electrokinetic. That being said though, I'd prefer to have someone who's BASED on TK (It's one of my fave abilities), as it seems to be an 'add-on' to Binder's character, and I was hoping to have at least one character who could be defined as a "Telekineticist". That saves me an NPC. ;)

Walking Dad
Things seem OK, but I have a few questions about your normal identity : What differentiates it from your super-powered one other than not having powers? Do they look different? Act different? is your super-powered form ALWAYS in a different chemical state?
Basically, is there any reason in the world NOT to be in your super-powered form at all times? If it doesn't make any difference other than having/not having powers, then there's no drawback b/c you could stay super-powered at all times.

I dislike Turnabout on teleport. I understand that it's "Supposed" to be the equivalent of a move-by-action, but teleport-attack-teleport is too powerful of an attack pattern IMO.
Are your Body Armour and Goggles Equipment or Devices? The way you have them listed is as though they were actual powers.
Finally: I notice you only have a 13 defense. The 'base 3' just means you have to buy 3 base points before increasing it any further with feats/powers. If you only WANT a 13 defense that's fine. I presume in that case you'd be hoping for your insubstantiality to keep you alive?
Also, don't forget you have to pick one type of power that affects you while you're insubstantial.

Your character needs to buy a few ranks in the Intimidate skill. (Fearsome Presence rank may not exceed intimidate bonus)

And yes, I'd suggest giving your nauseate a 'requires successful grapple' limitation for -1.

Binder Fred
Instant duration Mind Control seems exceedingly limited. any 'command' that would take the character more than an instant won't be carried out, b/c they'll start and then instantly stop b/c your control would run out. Effective enough to get someone to drop something, but that's about it.

Both of your snare attacks work mechanically, but don't make sense with their 'name'. I take it since your character is a mentalist that the snares are you making them think they're received an incapacitating wound/being handcuffed, hence the will save? Or are these actual bonds you're creating?

I'm not sure how your 'C4 power' fits... you can make things blow up?

The 'costume teleport' - I think I get what you're going for, but wouldn't taking your protective suit as a 'device' and then using the quick change feat to represent your teleport make more sense than 'activated protection'?

Reversible and Trigger on teleport: Reversible teleportation is basically a variant of turnabout, which I've disallowed. As to Triggered attack powers - I don't allow triggers that are controllable by the character. it's a cheap and easy way of getting a free-action attack (Granted once per combat, but that's often enough), and I dislike that.

This character has a lot of varied powers (Mind control, TK, Snares, Explosive Blast, Teleport[self or as attack], Shield)


First Post
I'd love to make a dedicated 'telekineticist,' actually. However, if it is deemed to infringe on Nightshift's turf, then I can go with EK. It's all good.

Nightshift, whaddya think? If you just have the core TK power, that'd probably be the only one we have in common. We could even make it an RP thing...perhaps an informal rivalry or something springs up. :)


First Post
First I'd like to apologize for my lack of posting lately, my hand's been hurting like a *Insert censored word here* and contrary to what my roomates might say, I am NOT a master of the 1-handed typing. ;)

As far as dark backgrounds go, I'm ok with a little dark, but I don't want any Rorschach's. For those of you who have the misfortune of not knowing who Rorschach is, I have a quest for you: Walk away from your keyboard, and either go watch the Watchmen movie, or read the graphic novel. Then, and only then may you return ;).

Seriously though, I'm comfortable with morally gray. That doesn't mean everyone else will be, though, so the darker your character, the more likely he/she will find themselves at odds with the world, including other PC's.

Yes, go see it now... it's fantastic. I see The Crystal as a morally gray character, having no qualms with ending the life of an enemy. Maybe like Azrael from the batman series...

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