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Gaming W/Jemal: Planar Quest IC (Prologue)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Enough!" The ogre advances undaunted, pushing Ur aside gently. He stomps into the room and searches for the evasive merchant.
Ur shrugs minutely, not all that surprised really. A small, almost joyful smile slowly spreads across his hairy features as he observes the big guy's efforts: what jam will they have to pull him out of *this* time, he wonders?

OOC: I'm guessing Tutek entered the door to the left and not the back door, since he's talking about a room?
From around the area of the door the voice replies. "And what way would that be? Would you really be here if you had any other leads? I mean really, a mysterious note that appears in your bag?" There is some shuffling and the branches move a little.
"You over-estimate our desire," distractedly mentions the dwarven hero before continuing with the stone-solid common sense of all his hardy breed: "Or under-estimate *your* need not to have The Power fall into the hands of a vampire lord."

OOC: EDIT= Ninja'd by Shayuri! Still works though, I think, either before or after Mei Ying's intervention (dealer's choice :)).
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First Post
"Fall into the hands of a vampire lord!? HA!" There is a thump as a young man hits the ground laughing. He stops suddenly and jumps back disappearing.
[sblock= stealth check 59] He lands and quickly moves to a different part of the room.[/sblock]

There is a muffled coughing and he clears his throat before continuing. "You have no clue what the POWER is do you? It doesn't matter who's hands it falls into. There are mostly two results that would come up. The destruction of the user or the destruction of most of creation. I'm not talking about your backwater plane here, I'm talking about ALL the planes. And truthfully? The types of entities that want this would have vampire lords as their minions. I'll be kinda frank here. This is sort of a test. I've got info on the lot of you from various sources but I felt the need to see you my self. Yes you're heros. Yes you're rather skilled in various ways. . . However . . . You're the heros of your world. You're the strongest of your world... Once you step throu that door you won't be in "your world" any more. The average entity won't care who you are in a world they'll never see. the average entity will not be a lowly commoner. I'm not saying you will lose your abilities or that every one out there is your better. What I will say is that entities with your strength or skills area lot more common out there. I wanted to see how fast you would assume superiority prevent equality. You used to be a king? There are entities out there that rule billions. Others could buy out kingdoms with pocket change. Once you step throu that door you won't be on the bottom of the pecking order but you will be no place near the top. Now I do apologize to those of you that do have clear heads but if one of you lose it you all might as well. At least you wil be together in your actions."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Fall into the hands of a vampire lord!? HA!" There is a thump as a young man hits the ground laughing. He stops suddenly and jumps back disappearing.
Ur whips back when he hears the unexpected thump, fists clenching... "Fae," is his first thought after the following disapearance. Then he reaches into the swirly blue pouch at his waist and extracts a pair of brass-fitted leather goggles which he quickly pulls on, eyes now peering at the room through narrow diamond lenses of the palest blue...

OOC: Donning his Goggles of True Seeing. Can he see Raven? What does he look like? If possible he'll also trigger the goggles' Power Sight function on him.
[sblock=Quick stat block]AC: 37 (Arrow Snarring 5/5, Spell Returning 3/3 [Ring]), Large 36, Huge 35
HP: 200/200 (Regeneration 20 Hp/H [Earring])
PP: 86/86
Ini: +10, Large +9, Huge +8
Reach: 5', Large 10', Huge 15'
Psionic focus: Focused

Fort 14/19 +2 Spells, +4 Suffocation, Immune to Poison and Disease
Ref 17/24 +2 Spells, Improved evasion, -1 Large, -2 Huge
Will 18/25 +2 Spells, +2 Enchantments

ToHit melee: (14/9/4 BAB), 26/21/15 with belt and bracers, 26/26/26/21/15 with Flurry
Damage unharmed: 4d8+12 (4 str, 3 belt, 5 bracers), Large 6d8+13, Huge 8d8+14 (Magical, Lawful, Adamantine [Ring])
Attack Options: Subdual, ST Knockback, Improved Bull Rush, Improved Trip, Improved Sunder [Ring], Jumping Charge, Power Attack
Defense Options: Up to 6 AoO per round, Slow Fall 50'

Move: 80' (Up walls if Focused, Stand up from prone as Free with no AoO [Anklets])
Jump: 45+1d20' (Only need 10' run up [Anklets], +10 to jump check 3/3 [Anklets])
Carry: Light 233, Medium 466, Heavy 700 (Lift X2, Drag X5, Large X2, Huge X4).

Powers From Items:
- True Sight 29min/30min, standard to activate [Goggles]
- Power Sight at will, Quick action [Goggles]
- Earth Glide, standard to activate 15min 3/3 [Ring]
- Haste, Free action 10/10 rounds [Anklets]
- Empower Energy Burst (X1.5), Free action 3/3 [Shard]
- +5 Knowledge Skill, 1 min or Standard if at least 5 ranks 3/3 [Tome]


First Post
"Ah, communication. Progress." Mei Ying moved away from her wall and to the door, pausing outside it. "This has not been an auspicious start to our relationship. From the beginning you have dissembled and hidden. Now you want us to pass through this portal."

"I will do this...on the condition that you pass through first. Visibly."


"Merchant, I have no need for any pecking order, whether I be on the top or the bottom" Braham says. "Long ago, in my country, there were those who wanted me to be a king. I found them a better one.

Showing yourself would be a necessary first step, but by itself means little enough. I would need to know a lot more before I go anywhere. First, is this story of yours true? Your say so means nothing because there is no reason to trust you. And what's your angle? Simple altruism on your part? I doubt it.

And why us? If there be so many powerful people out there, why come to this backwater planet to recruit for such an important task?

Last but not least ... Will this world be safe while we are gone? We should take steps to ensure that it is. And how long would this little excursion take?"


First Post
"I'll start with why I don't go throu the portal. It's set to close when I go throu it a second time. Thats how it works. As for the hiding and dissembling its what I do. Big and bulky there smashes stuff, I work from the shadows. Why you...? Because you're already involved with this like it or not. Why "I" am approaching you is because..." There's aloud sigh. "because you're heros. That's why. As to my reasons. I can't tell you until you go throu the portal. There are reasons for my actions. I don't feel comfortably talking about them here. It's not.... Just trust me on that one at least. Your world survived before you and it will survive after you... As long as everything else does as well. I'm not sure why the POWER surfaced on your world but those that used it left already. There are two from your world searching else where. For the moment they are unsuccessful. For the moment."

[sblock=ooc] true sight won't help because Damian is hiding in plain sight not invisible. [/sblock]
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"League, we don't have to take his word for it. Let's get out of here, and go find us a priest or two and have them cast commune spells to verify some of this" Braham suggests. "If we decide it's legit, we'll set a few affairs in order, then come back here."

Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
".... Just trust me on that one at least. Your world survived before you and it will survive after you... "

"except that survival is ay short of living.There are affairs that we are working on that have need of being settled first. I tend to agree with my friend. Get information from a reliable source, a priest."


First Post
"Also I'm not Fae. I was born human and I'll die human like my ancestors before me." Items from around the room randomly start to disappear then reappear throu out the conversation.[sblock=stealth skill mastery 59] Darrian starts to pace and pick up objects to fiddle with. When he notices what he is doing he places the object on the nearest surface only to do it again with something else.[/sblock]"A guide? I suppose you could call me that. On a side note, do you have a way off the plane? When the communes come up empty, the gods them selves can not touch the POWER, if you leave, that is, go to the Bazaar. That is The Plane, the Bazaar. You can find me there. It will take time and remember that your villains are already out there. Or you could walk throu that door. All your roads end on the other side of it. How ever one roads is but one of a few steps."

From the other side of the door an old sounding voice calls out. "Young Master! It is time for my tea. What by Raven's feathers is taking you so long?" From the trees comes the sound of some one forcing his way through. An wizened elf tries to get through the leaves but gets stuck. Muttering under his breath he angerly gestures and the trees fall into holes that open under them. "What kind of age is this that an old man can not get into his own house to have a pot of tea?" he looks around then sighs. Completely disregarding every one. "Really Young Master? Are you letting your paranoia get the better of you again?" He starts to shuffle around the open area getting tea together. "Your family legacy has been forgotten by the few that knew it to begin with. Even if that was not the case what's the harm of speaking of the counter scrying? It is not like any one trying will not find out." When the tea is ready the old elf sits and calmly has a cup.

Voidrunner's Codex

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