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Gary Gygax co-written Unpublished Setting. Bonus Stretch Goal for Kickstarter!


Kickstarters usual unlock higher level goals. No ransom involved.
It feels kind of like a ransom, since the 15K goal doesn't seem to have very much to do with the actual kickstarter. If they make $14,999, we get nothing of note from Gygax or the setting, insofar as I can tell.

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It feels kind of like a ransom, since the 15K goal doesn't seem to have very much to do with the actual kickstarter. If they make $14,999, we get nothing of note from Gygax or the setting, insofar as I can tell.

Kickstarters usually have stretch goals once their original goal is met. There really isn't anything nefarious about it, just a carrot to get folks to either pledge an initial amount or increase their current pledge.

If you are worried you can watch the kickstarter and see how it goes, only joining in when you feel comfortable or you can also manage your pledge during the course of the kickstarter as well.


First Post
It feels kind of like a ransom, since the 15K goal doesn't seem to have very much to do with the actual kickstarter. If they make $14,999, we get nothing of note from Gygax or the setting, insofar as I can tell.

From Appendix N Adventure Toolkits (DCC RPG Modules) by John Adams Updates — Kickstarter

Emphasis mine:

Brave Halfling Kickstarter site said:
In these difficult economic times, it warms my heart knowing that even the vast majority of supporters who have pledged at the $20 and will be receiving a whole bunch of pdf and print modules! For all of you who have pledged small and large amounts, those of you who have shared this project on your blogs, through emails and through social media - thank you so much! As a natural pessimist, I am hesitant to share my plan for an additional Bonus Goal, but the email requests are already filling my inbox - so I will let all of the supporters know about it first. Five years ago, I spent many months working with Gary Gygax on a unique campaign setting for his game, Lejendary Adventures. We shared back-and-forth almost daily about designing settings, npc races, magic item creation, divine beings, etc. Maps were created and art was commissioned. With Gary's passing and the end of his game, I decided to not release this material. However, from the first time I got to read some of the early DCC RPG play-test material, I knew this campaign setting had found a new home! So my friends, if this kickstarter reaches $15,000, everyone who has pledged $20 or more will also receive a pdf copy and a print copy of, Appendix N Adventure Toolkit #5: "The Old Isle Campaign Setting." This product will include a 11" x 17" color campaign map, a digest Player's and Referee's Guide. While all Appendix N Adventures are generic and can be placed into any campaign, they all do have specific locations in the Old Isle Setting. How's that for the first update?

So it seems there is a connection between the original KS and the 15k reward.

That being said, I don't know this is truly co-written by Gygax. More advised, perhaps, like his Troll Lord products towards the end? Regardless, I'd be stoked to read it.
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Kickstarters usually have stretch goals once their original goal is met. There really isn't anything nefarious about it, just a carrot to get folks to either pledge an initial amount or increase their current pledge.
Yes, but the stretch goals are usually outgrowths or extensions of the initial project, not something that could be a kickstarter in and of itself. IMO.


So it seems there is a connection between the original KS and the 15k reward.
Yeah, I read that.

I didn't say there was no connection; I said there wasn't much of a connection. Giving specific locations in a setting for generic adventures isn't much of a connection. I can give you a page placing all sorts of generic adventures in Greyhawk, or the Forgotten Realms.

He doesn't say these adventures are set in this new setting: he says they are generic adventures that happen to have specific locations in the new setting. There is a difference.

As I said above, I think this would be better as its own kickstarter.


I'm sure if WoTC or Piazo only offered a module co-worked on by Gary if they sold 15,000 USD worth of a related product, there would be scorn and outrage filling the webverse.

It's using something that was helped designed by Gary, using his name and status as a RPG legend to get money for a (mostly) unrelated project.

Not to mention using that fine name of his name, and Gary's creative input without any mention of profit to his estate or even the foundation too.

In my opinion, that's not very classy.
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$20 for two Brave Halfling adventures, delivered. Good enough.

...for 5 adventures? Fantastic deal!

Even if you don't have or intend to get the DCC RPG then this is still a good deal as the game shares enough in common with other fantasy systems to still allow simple conversion to whatever is your game of fancy.

They are called 'bonus' goals for a reason. They are not what the project was initially all about, they are an extra 'thankyou' for extra backing that makes the process of creating good material easier for said company.

The Gary Gygax connection... They are offering it. According to the blurb it sounds like he had a fair amount of input. If you don't like it, then don't back it. If you would like to have a chance (it may not reach that level and I would suggest backing this project for the modules not this 'bonus' firstly) of getting it out in print rather than gathering dust then great, that is what I would like to see happen.

Publishing material costs money. Brave Halfling are a small comapny that from what I can gather don't have the same resources as say Wizards Of The Coast and so have to use other means available to them. I think they produce quality supplements and adventures and I am proud to support them.

They added the 'Gary Gygax' bonus AFTER the initial project was funded. They are offering it as a Thankyou for support. It was not a ransom style devious evil attempt to squeeze you for money. I truly believe that Brave Halfling Publishing have far more integrity than that and it saddens me that people might think this was some cynical method of extracting more funding.

This is a terrific Kickstarter and I think it is a bit harsh to be so critical of it.
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Not to thread-jack (okay, maybe a little), but has anyone heard of a Kickstarter for finishing the publication of Gary's Greyhawk notes? (in other words, publish the rest of Castle Zagyg!) I for one would donate in a heartbeat


First Post
I'm sure if WoTC or Piazo only offered a module co-worked on by Gary if they sold 15,000 USD worth of a related product, there would be scorn and outrage filling the webverse.

Yeah, but only from those who feel they are entitled to everything their patron saint touched simply by virtue of playing a hobby game and talking about it on the internet.

Just because Gygax had a hand (of undisclosed size) in it does not make it public property, or make someone a less-than-honorable person for withholding it.

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