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Generation Legacy (Issue #4)

Sen Udo-Mal

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James eats little, and tries not to stare to much at Kiyana... in fact he is ready to head out when ever she is, as they have "made an appearance" and should be able to slip out any time now :)

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Ryan shrugs, scribbling things in his notebook for a while, then gets bored. She's probably at dinner. I can't Mark, like the coolest guy here, is going with Star, the ice robot. And then I'm going with Anika, one of the nicest and best looking girls here. I feel like something terrible is about to happen to me. Maybe I should go talk to Mark; I'm kind of bored.

Ryan records another vid message on the computer, sending it to Mark. "Hey Mark, it's Ryan. If you got the time, why don't you come on over." Mark can make it here in about two seconds, even if he just down the hall.


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Mudaba Adin

Sachana smiled as she watched the young elite walk away with his flowers, another beautiful pawn in the United Nations propaganda machine. Poor soul, misguided, and corrupted, there is probably no saving him. Such a pity if his abilities are what Phase says they are, then he would be quite a useful elite for the true cause. Oh well, I guess I should return to shopping.

Sachana walked down the long avenues of downtown, where several boutiques and shops were located, it was a menagerie of colors, sights, and sounds. Perhaps if she weren’t an international criminal wanted for several acts of terrorism, murder, and worse, she would have enjoyed it much more. It always surprised her, how she had turned out that way, she as a nice simple girl, through her youth, and even when her powers manifested as she trudged through adulthood, she felt that she should do the right thing. But when it came right down to it, the right thing for her, was to accept the fact that she was no longer human, not in the literal sense. He remind pulsed with power, and all the sheep around her, they reminded her just how weak, and corrupt the system, and the human race had become.

It was sad that not everyone could know the joys, and the rush that being an elite brought with it. The sense of power, the freedom to change the world, and to do things man often believed was impossible in the first place. She looked at herself in the mirror, as she modeled a tight dress, it made her figure look dynamite, not that she was worried, she knew she was attractive, she was Synapse, but she was also Sachana. They were the same, and yet altogether different, it scared here, and at the same time sent her mind reeling through ecstasy.

She glanced to the human next to her, as he admired her form, the store clerk, had more on his mind then just the sale, it was obvious, and she played to that as she worked out a deal on the mound of clothes she had already assembled. It was simple, easy, and all too boring, perhaps once she had met up with Bishop and Phase things would get interesting, but for now she kept a low-profile, or as low as she could without arousing too much suspicion. By the time the young elite passed the words to the authorities, she would be on her way to Milan, to attend an art unveiling for a friend, and hopefully make contact with Bishop. Bishop would know what to do, just as Cardinal had prophesized, the day of reckoning was coming all too soon…


After taking a few bites from her plate, Anika switches between looking at Cassie, Kiyana and Sarah as she announces, "Hey, Star and I are going with Jun Min to the mall after dinner to celebrate our new found freedom and find some clothes for the dance. Any of you girls interested in coming along?" She takes a bite out of a carrot stick, awaiting replies.


Tokiwong said:
SARAH's voice replies to Mark, "Yes Mark I can talk, and yes I can help you send the message, it is a simple matter, all you have to do is provide your identification number, your initials, and select that you give authentication. Then I will take a retinal scan to prove your identity, and the matter is resoleved. Shall we proceed?"

"Yeah, ok." Mark rattles off his identification number and initials, and does whatever SARAH wants him to to get the retinal scan. Shortly after, another vidmail pops up from Ryan.

"Hey Mark, it's Ryan. If you got the time, why don't you come on over."

Mark took his time and just barely managed to figure out replying without SARAH's help. "Ok, I'll be right over."

Visions of dollars dancing in his head, Mark heads over to Ryan's room and knocks on the door.


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Agamon said:
After taking a few bites from her plate, Anika switches between looking at Cassie, Kiyana and Sarah as she announces, "Hey, Star and I are going with Jun Min to the mall after dinner to celebrate our new found freedom and find some clothes for the dance. Any of you girls interested in coming along?" She takes a bite out of a carrot stick, awaiting replies.

Kiyana thinks for a moment, "No, I am just going to hang out with James," she finishes her small plate of food, and grabs James by the shoulder, "Lets go!"

But as the two stand Jun Min walks over and gives James a smile, "Umm James could I talk to you for a second," Kiyana looks to James and backs up slightly, as Mr. McCallister moves up to flank Jun Min, but he says nothing.


Tokiwong said:

But as the two stand Jun Min walks over and gives James a smile, "Umm James could I talk to you for a second," Kiyana looks to James and backs up slightly, as Mr. McCallister moves up to flank Jun Min, but he says nothing.

Anika takes another bite from her carrot stick. "Uh, oh. Busted..." she thinks, looking at James with some pity.

Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
Tokiwong said:

But as the two stand Jun Min walks over and gives James a smile, "Umm James could I talk to you for a second," Kiyana looks to James and backs up slightly, as Mr. McCallister moves up to flank Jun Min, but he says nothing.

James sighs and then tries to put on a good face Bluff +0!! trying not to look guilty... "AH sure thing... what's up?"


First Post
Sen Udo-Mal said:

James sighs and then tries to put on a good face Bluff +0!! trying not to look guilty... "AH sure thing... what's up?"

Jun Min moves to speak, but Mr. McCallister speaks up, "James we need to speak with you in private," he leads the trio out into the hall, and the long walk to his office, Kiyana watches and gulps, not sure what to do. Once they arrive at his office, Jun Min walks in first, gesturing for James to follow, and then Mr. McCallister.

He takes a seat, and relaxes for a moment before speaking, "James we know about the little trip to the football game earlier today, you had the misfortune of being on the news, being a local elite and all. Now that is a bad thing because we had stated that for security reasons the students were confined to the compound. But I also know that you returned quickly, and had no intention of going back out. While your compatriots, Isabelle and Billy, will recieve a far more severe punishment, you will have to face the consequences for your actions. You are restricted to the facility for the coming week, and Mr. Kincaid will be instructing you on the finer points of car washing, and waxing during that restriction. But you will be allowed to go to the dance, as long as you abide by this restriction and the rules in place."

Jun Min nods, feeling that Mr. McCallister said it all.

Back in the Cafeteria

Kiyana sighs, and heads for her room, her mood dampened by teachers, but the rest of the students seem in high spirits, and business returns as usual...

Sen Udo-Mal

First Post
James, true to form, starts to ramble... "But... but... ah man I'm not sure that fair and all... ah Mr. McCallister... I mean I just stopped by and came right back... where is the harm in that? I mean sure I talked with that Synapse lady at the flower shop and all but she didn't even ask me to join her terror group or nothing. I mean I can't get in trouble for talking to people can I? And... and well I wanted to go see a movie or something maybe tinight... I mean I love the movies here and all but we don't get to hang out with other kids at the mall or nothing... just school and training and eating and stuff... and hey I will wash cars for two weeks if I can get off campus now and again... honest..." all the while James thinks that life sure is not very fair for a young elite... he likes a girl but can't catch a break and be alone with her or nothing :)

Voidrunner's Codex

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