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Generation Legacy: Issue #6


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Shalimar said:
Kelly looks back and forth between Aris and Jun Min, wondering if they are going to start arguing again. She gives a small, cautious smile at Aris's observation, "Its nice to feel sexy, and to know that everyone is paying attention to you, it makes me feel special," the 15 year old explains, her smile widening.

Aris sighs, “That is kind of sad,” she replies in all seriousness, “that you need that kind of reinforcement to feel good about yourself.”

Shalimar said:
The popstar plops herself down next to Jun Min, "I'm sorry if my drinking is making you feel bad, you are just looking out for us I guess, so I'll stop if it'll make you more comfortable?" she offers, sounding geninely concerned for Jun Min's feelings.

Jun Min sighs, “I am not mad at you, not at all. Your all just kids, there is nothing I could be mad about, really. My job is to make sure your safe; a little wine isn’t going to endanger you, though it could impair your judgment. I was young once too, believe it or not, and I know just what I did when I was your age. It was no worse, and no better, I am not going to judge. But if you start acting stupid, then I will have to intervene.”
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Kelly looks sad and a trifle hurt by the comment, something flashes through her eyes for a moment and then its gone, leaving only a sarcastic smile. "I don't know, I think every girl does it, its a heck of a confidence boost to know there are people out there that would do anything for you because they confuse lust and love." she gives a slight shrug and her smile grows, but it still doesn't touch her eyes, like there is no warmth to the gesture.

The new smile residing on the girl's face seemed at once familiar, and yet also alien to a girl who had been good naturedly helping her friends moments before, something about it was off. It belonged on the face of someone who cared for other people only so much as they could be useful, it looked like it belonged on someone who was a good bit older then 15. "I think there are a ton of guys and girls in the world that would even commit murder just to be with me, to be able to brag that they banged me, now tell me thats not a feeling of power." she whispers seductively to Aris, emphasizing just the right words, looking her in the eyes. Kelly blinks, and the jaded fatalism seems to be replaced by confusion and not a little panic.

I...I was gonna try to kiss Aris, whats going on with me? I don't even know what I said, the girl thinks worriedly, starting to panic. Her thoughts had shifted from how lovely and sexy Aris was to worried and confused in the blink of an eye, like a light switch had been flipped, it was as if there were 2 totally different people inside her head and they were playing musical chairs.
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Shalimar said:
Kelly looks sad and a trifle hurt by the comment, something flashes through her eyes for a moment and then its gone, leaving only a sarcastic smile. "I don't know, I think every girl does it, its a heck of a confidence boost to know there are people out there that would do anything for you because they confuse lust and love." she gives a slight shrug and her smile grows, but it still doesn't touch her eyes, like there is no warmth to the gesture.

"I suppose," Aris replies, "it is still sad though. Besides I already had that feeling before, it isn't as great as it sounds. And I didn't need the power of lust to do it."

Shalimar said:
"I think there are a ton of guys and girls in the world that would even commit murder just to be with me, to be able to brag that they banged me, now tell me thats not a feeling of power." she whispers seductively to Aris, emphasizing just the right words, looking her in the eyes. Kelly blinks, and the jaded fatalism seems to be replaced by confusion and not a little panic.

Aris does not seem to notice, "I could tell you a thing or two about power," she says with a jaded tone, "there was a time when I had the pick of any world in the universe. I only had to mention its name, and it was mine... that was power..." she says with an annoyed sigh, and glances to Kal, "there was no denying me, I always got what I wanted."
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Kelly's confusion seems to fade away slowly, I guess Neuro really isn't all gone, but its never happened to me before, does that mean he'll keep being able to do that to me? She wonders, blinking slowly.

"That sounds kind of lonely, what happened?" Kelly asks, not really paying attention, concentrating on whats going on in her head and why it had happened. I guess I need to talk to someone who knows about this kind of stuff, maybe Jun Min, but not in front of everyone, its really personal after all.

The popstar hands her credit card to the manager, "Everythings on me," she says, sending over $20,000 worth of purchases to the register, just from her own clothes.


Why the hell is he laughing? Haven't I told him this already? Wasn't he THERE when we learned most of this stuff? Ryan wonders, bewildered and angry. "Don't you remember that punk kid Chaos? Or Kal and Aris? Or Anika's inscrutable dream that she projected over the gymnasium?" He whirls to Anika. "You remember this stuff, right? I'm not going more crazy, am I?"

Then turning back to the group, he shrugs. "Maybe it does sound like a comic book, I don't know, I don't read them. I can't help it. But have you ever considered that we're a bunch of people with super-powers who seem to violate numerous laws of physics?" I'm not quite sure which laws we do break, but the ability to break the sound barrier or stop bullets with your skin has gotta violate some of them.

"Regarding our current problem of finding Honor, without using Li and his deal, we could try and put Mark in a place where he'll be vulnerable to assassination. Of course, he might smell a trap, but he might go anyway. Mark could just offer to fight him one-on-one, Honor would probably accept that. Maybe we could try and track his habits and routines, or use GPS satellites.

Or we could use the wide variety of Elite powers at the Institute to find him," Ryan finishes sarcastically.

Cassie looks around, checking herself in a variety of angles as she poses in the new outfit. "I don't know Yoshi..you sure you want to buy this?" Her thoughts only half there as she thinks back over the add she saw earlier. Like it keeps coming to her thoughts despite her own efforts.


"No, you're not crazy, Ryan," Anika says with a smile. "But I think the comic-booky part is Overseer wanting to 'take over the world'. If you remember my vision, it looks more like we wants to destroy everything, not take it over. I'm not sure why, but seeing as he's from a different reality, it is possible. This guy's obviously a nutjob and needs to be stopped. We just need to wait for his flunkies to show their faces again before we can act though."


Agamon said:
"I don't know anything about this computer company, or why they'd want to kill you, Mark, but if we're going to still try and find Honor ourselves, maybe we'd better start with VSC."

"Well yeah but the safehouses might end up being useful to know too..." Mark offers vaguely.

Hammerhead said:
Why the hell is he laughing? Haven't I told him this already? Wasn't he THERE when we learned most of this stuff? Ryan wonders, bewildered and angry. "Don't you remember that punk kid Chaos? Or Kal and Aris? Or Anika's inscrutable dream that she projected over the gymnasium?" He whirls to Anika. "You remember this stuff, right? I'm not going more crazy, am I?"

Wincing, Mark shakes his head, "Uh, sorry. I got distracted. Really I just kind of let it slip with yesterday and everything." What's the good way to explain you were busy getting killed instead of thinking about weirdass visions? They should make cards for that so I could think about shopping for one instead of waiting for Captain Kickmyass to show up again.

"So we have two nutjobs who get off on doing damage and both of them are interested in us for reasons we don't know. Well at least they're not selling shirts yet," Mark sighs.

"We've got some time before SARAH's done getting the stuff on Honor anyway, so why don't we hold off until we can look at that at least?" What the hell was the UN thinking when they picked me to run this team? I don't know how to do this stuff. I just want to- swim. I want to swim.


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Samnell said:
"We've got some time before SARAH's done getting the stuff on Honor anyway, so why don't we hold off until we can look at that at least?" What the hell was the UN thinking when they picked me to run this team? I don't know how to do this stuff. I just want to- swim. I want to swim.

Charles nods, "Its a tough break kid," he says spinning on his heels, "I will shoot you that info, if you need me, SARAH knows where to find me." Charles walks away, lighting up another cigarette.

Star turns to Mark, placing her hand on his shoulder, "Why don't we go do something fun to take your mind off this stuff. You look very frustrated, Mark."

Jimmy smirks, "Hey Ryan if matters, I beleive yah. I mean things have been interesting around here since you guys came to this school, it isn't like things are going to settle down any time soon."

Up until now, no one had really noticed, that Billy was not there. Probably left while the talking was getting heated.

The Boutique

Kaintheseeker said:
Cassie looks around, checking herself in a variety of angles as she poses in the new outfit. "I don't know Yoshi..you sure you want to buy this?" Her thoughts only half there as she thinks back over the add she saw earlier. Like it keeps coming to her thoughts despite her own efforts.

"If you want it Cassie, its yours," Yoshi replies watching Cassie with an appraising eye. "Whatever you want babe, what's money if I can't spend it, its pretty useless in my book. Besides I like it, course you wear could wear a t-shirt for all I care, and it would look great."

Shalimar said:
"That sounds kind of lonely, what happened?" Kelly asks, not really paying attention, concentrating on whats going on in her head and why it had happened.

Aris shrugs, "Its the past, lets not worry about it. Enjoy your shopping, and forget about it. It isn't important anymore," she says admiring a few outfits.
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Kelly only nods at Aris's suggestion that they let the matter drop and go back to looking at clothes, her good cheer having been killed by the evidence of Neuro's remaining in her brain. Giving a breif smile at Yoshi and Cassie' flirting, she settles in to wait for everyone to make their clothing choices.

"Can I help you pick anything out?" she asks of Jun Min, sounding rather subdued, the opposite of her rather perky self. "If you don't want to tell me who its for, you don't have to." she tells the older woman. "But I kind of want to talk to you in private later, I need some advice, if its ok."

Voidrunner's Codex

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