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Generation Legacy Issue #7 "Innocence Lost" - Part 1


"See..." Ryan's goodbye is interrupted by Kelly's outburst. What's she so upset about?, moments before she answers his question. She's on Legacy? What is this, some kind of joke? And what's the deal with this Neuro character...didn't she mention something about that? She can't even control her powers, and nearly killed us with that snowstorm!

I don't want some spoiled brat on the team! She's completely unproven, and I know I can't count on her to watch my back the way I could Anika, Mark, or even Jimmy. At least she's doing the right thing by donating her salary...not that she needs it, since she probably spent more on shopping yesterday than the average American makes in a year, Ryan whines bitterly, looking down at his feet.

"Congratulations, Kelly," he says awkwardly, extending his hand in a congratulatory handshake, in no way, shape, or form letting himself be hugged. "I hope you're ready for what this job entails. This isn't a movie," he states. "Good idea Charles," Ryan says, turning back towards the mercenary. "I think I got a solution for the ethical problems that the team can agree on." Except, of course, for the bureaucrats at the UN, but who cares about them anyway? "I'm going to go tell Mark the intel."

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"I uh, no, I don't have anything else for you just keep gathering information I guess, I mean I brought you here to share your experience, snd to help us findd out about this guy. Your the expert in that, so you tell me what you need to do, and what it is that you need to be able to do it and I'll see that you have it." Kelly tells Charles, her enthusiasim dampening slightly at his less then ecstatic greeting of the news.

"Umm, I uh, I don't actually know what all is going on with Legacy, I uh...I haven't actually been briefed or anything, I mean I did just get the acceptance a minute ago so I don't really know anything about what they are plannng on doing or anything." she explains somewhat embaressedly.

"I am going to take a shower and then go talk to Mr. McCallister he is in charge of Legacy so he will know what it is that I need to do to get settled in." she says, heading into her bathroom and starting her shower. "I'll be in a better position to know what we need after I talk to him." Kelly finishes, stepping into the shower.

She quickly cleans away the sweat from her body with her luxury body washes, wanting toget the low down and talk to her teammates asap. Not 10 minutes later she is knocking on Mr. McCalister's door, having been told by SARAH that Mark was already there.


Tokiwong said:
Star nods, and waits for Anika to get cleaned, while she waits she cleans up the tray and food and disposes of it. She also gets changed into a sassy schoolgirl outfit, akin to something close to the school uniform. She smiles, "I did some shopping, I think it looks cute, right?" she models the outfit for Anika.

Anika comes out with a towel on, drying her hair as she looks Star over with a bit of smirk. "Cute's a good word," she says, nodding. She pulls out a pair of black denim hiphuggers and a baby blue teddy bear tee. "Been a while since I've worn these, they're so uncomfortable. Have to admit, though, I do look good in them," she says with a smile as she begins to get dressed.

"Let's go find the others, shall we?" she says once dressed and ready to go.


Mark felt his ribs cave in with a chorus of snaps and he flew backwards as the world tilted to one side. His legs caught on something sharp and flipped him in the air. He finally hit the ground and his momentum dragged him across rough asphault for a few feet, chest down. Somehow he rolled over and looked at his ribcage, broken in and torn. Blood welled up with amazing speed and roared in Mark's ears.

Honor strolled up and towered over Mark. He reached into a coat Mark had never seen on him before and pulled out a plastic vial about two inches long. The elite assassin crouched over Mark and popped a cap off the top of the vial. Mark's eyes locked on the off-white powder within.

Honor pushed the vial up to Mark's nostril and spoke gently, "It's for the pain." Mark knew he shouldn't, but the pain was so bad. Honor helpfully blocked his other nostril and Mark took a heavy drag on the vial.

Mark twitched once as he felt it kicking in and then puked in a toilet that was white once, years ago. He pulled the handle and the toilet didn't flush. That's right. Broke. Like me. Mark rolled off the toilet and sat on the floor for a long time shivering despite the California summer outside. Recent scabs on his arms scraped against his legs as he curled into a ball and the phone rang.

Mark woke.

Tokiwong said:
Light filters into Mark’s room, giving everything a strange gauzy glow, the light seems to dance from one surface to another, as filters in little beams of light. But it is the annoying sound of an incoming message that alerts Mark.

For four beeps that stretched into deep drones Mark clutched his sheets and lay unmoving. He could see only off-white powder flying upward out of a vial. In desperation, Mark finally lunged for his swimsuit. Halfway to the door the meaning of the slow drone finally came to him. Mark hastily sat down in front of his terminal, the momentum sending the chair perilously close to toppling. He double-checked to make sure the camera on his end could only see him from the shoulders up and answered his computer.

His monitor buzzes to life, when he finally answers the message. Only to be greeted by Mr. McCallister’s stern gaze. He adjusts his glasses and speaks, “Morning Mark, sorry to wake you so early, but we need to talk. Legacy business, I need a progress report on your investigation. Also I need to pass on some new information for you, you have ten minutes to be in my office.”

"O-" Mark started, breathless.

The message blanks out, and once again he is staring at his normal monitor desktop.

For a moment Mark just looked at the blank monitor. Slowly his eyes drifted downward and he saw nothing but skin. Good thing I checked the camera. Mark shakily stood as his fingers explored the familiar texture of his swimsuit. After the meeting. After the meeting. Mark hastily pulled his tank top over his head and dragged on a pair of school pants.

He arrived at McCallister's office with five minutes to spare.


First Post
Tokiwong said:
Mudaba Adin Institute
July 13th, 2014 0740 Local Time

For once, the evening was great, even though Kal turned in late that night to grab some sleep, the kiss goodnight was beautiful and poignant. It made the evening sweeter and the morning even more so.

In the morning Karen got message from Claire, asking Karen to join hr for breakfast. Even though Karen could not eat, she would like the company. Of course that was the norm for Claire, just wanting to have someone around, she didn’t like being alone.

"Is it time already? Karen says to herself when the message popped on her screen, surprised at how fast the night had passed and a pleasant night it had been. After Kal had left, she had been looking for online self defense manuals, determined not to go through another fiasco like yesterdays training session.

After reading Claire's message, she got up and had a refreshing shower before changing into her jeans and T-shirt, to go find Claire.


First Post

After Kelly leaves without even acknowledging Ryan’s presence, Charles turns, “I don’t think she liked that,” he says flatly, “never been good with that congratulations stuff, but I am pretty proud of her, she needs some growing up, hopefully this will help her along the right path.”

Charles nods as Ryan finishes, “Let me know if you guys need anything else.”


Star nods, “Well I think I saw Ryan at the Gym earlier with Charles, and I think Mark is still asleep. We were up late swimming, not sure on the rest,” she says stepping outside, but moves quickly aside as Kelly flies down the hall fairly quickly, “and well there is Kelly,” she says with a straight face.

Star turns to Anika, “Who should we look for, first?”


“Mark, thanks for being prompt, shut the door,” Mr. McCallister waits for you to do as instructed and take a seat as he walks around his desk and joins Mark in a chair next to him, for a more casual atmosphere. Mark hears the door lock, and the shutters close, and the lights brighten to compensate for the loss of outside light.

“I have a few questions for you, but first, I just wanted to take some time to brief you on the outcome of this mornings meeting with the UNJE staff. First off you have a new team member,” he pauses and rubs his temple, “Kelly Mitchell has been selected and added to the roster. She was not my first choice, but the committee seems to think she would make a good member to the team.”

He let the words sink in before continuing, “Now as team leader Mark, you have some important abilities as far as Legacy is concerned, even though each member is selected for the team, you get to decide who stays and who goes. You are responsible for the integrity of the team, you know them better then I do, better then the UNJE does, or at least you should. Miss Mitchell has some problems that were addressed that you need to be aware of. Her mind is well, before she came to this school she had a run in with Wesley Brown, also known as Neuro, a powerful mentalist with some sick and twisted tendencies. She believes that Neuro has left a piece of his psyche inside her mind, and somehow that piece of him is having an affect on her actions. This alarms me, because at any time, that weirdo can take over her mind, or that part of him, and we have no way of knowing when, or if even she has full control of her own faculties.”

“In the end she is on the team, but you will have to decide, if she is fit for the team. You don’t need to decide now, but observe her, if you say she goes, the UNJE will respect that, if you think you can work pass that issue, then that is your prerogative. But in the end, Mark you are responsible for the team, its readiness, and its health. You are the leader, it’s a big responsibility, but I am sure you can handle it. Its one of the reasons I pushed for you, you have hidden talents that are maturing inside you, and I know I can depend on you to do the right thing for the UNJE and Legacy,” Mr. McCallister says as he leans forward.

Mr. McCallister pauses and walks to his desk and then taps a button and speaks into a speaker, “Morning Miss Mitchell, I am busy at the moment, you are welcome to wait, and I will be with you in a few minutes.” He sighs and takes his seat once again next to Mark.

“Sorry about that, as leader of Legacy you will be expected to join us at the UNJE Policy meetings as best as your schedule allows. We are having one at ten this morning, don’t worry I know it is sudden, but I will provide you with everything you need to bring you up to speed. I should tell you, everything you’re about to find out is considered on a need to know basis, Mark. No one else, outside of myself, you and the members of the committee need to know this information. You will be properly briefed as to what information has been cleared for declassification, otherwise you keep it to yourself. This is serious business, you disclose something your not supposed, kiss goodbye your position, your membership, and your freedom. The boys upstairs will lock you away so far deep, you will never see the light of day,” he finishes by producing a data card, and hands it to Mark.

“By the way your moving rooms, as of today,” he says with a straight face, “Your new room is larger, and secure. You will be living in the East Wing, now as opposed to the West Wing, which means you will have new neighbors like Jun Min and myself. This is for security reasons, you will be privy to information that we don’t need the general student populace having access to. This network is secure, and not built by Tommy McKain,” he adds as if the statement should stand on its own.

“It is off the grid, but only used here on campus for secure traffic with the UNJE,” he finishes, his long speech, adjusting his glasses. Mr. McCallister takes a moment to let that all sink in, “Now for my questions, how is your progress on the Honor case coming, and do you require any logistical support, we have a four hundred and seventy million dollar budget we have at our disposal, if you need something just ask.”


Kelly arrives at the office and finds the door locked. She can’t hear anything inside, but after a few minutes, she hears Mr. McCallister’s voice on the loudspeaker, “Morning Miss Mitchell, I am busy at the moment, you are welcome to wait, and I will be with you in a few minutes.”


As Karen walks down the hall to join Claire, she spots Star and Anika, talking with each other. Star sees Karen and waves, “Hi Karen, how are you this morning?” the android says in a soft voice.
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Ryan shrugs in agreement. "I guess. I suppose I could have handled that better. I tend to say that a lot though. It's just that I need to trust every person on the team with my life. I can't do that with Kelly. She's a spoiled sixteen year-old girl, and who knows how she'll react when the chips are down?" And I'm what, eighteen? Nineteen in October. By all rights, I shouldn't even be here. I should be hanging around my house, watching TV, hanging out with my old friends...NOT tracking down assassins or terrorists.

Ryan turns to leave, actually walking towards the dormitories. Over his shoulder, he calls out his thanks to Charles for all his help. While strolling, he creates a mental 'to do' list.

Talk to Mark about the new information uncovered about Strength. I should probably apologize to Sarah, about what I said the other day. I can let Mark handle any preparations for the flight to Bangkok. Then I need to talk to Isabella about healing Mr. McCallister...what ever happened to a day off? We can't be expected to hunt down bad guys and save the world every day.

Ryan then looks up at the ceiling and asks SARAH, "Do you know where Mark is right now?"
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Tokiwong said:
Star nods, “Well I think I saw Ryan at the Gym earlier with Charles, and I think Mark is still asleep. We were up late swimming, not sure on the rest,” she says stepping outside, but moves quickly aside as Kelly flies down the hall fairly quickly, “and well there is Kelly,” she says with a straight face.

"Yep, and there goes Kelly," Anika says watching the other girl rush out of sight. "What's she in such a hurry for this morning?"

Tokiwong said:
Star turns to Anika, “Who should we look for, first?”

"Ryan's with Charles? Yeah, let's head to the gym, let Mark sleep, doubtful he has much new info, unless he gets it the way I do." she says with a smile as they make their way towards the gym.

Rounding a corner, she spots Ryan in the hallway. "Morning." she says to him with a smile. "We were just looking for you. We have any leads on Honor yet?"
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Ryan's mental planning is interrupted by the unexpected hallway meeting with Anika and Star. Smiling, he says "Good morning. Yeah, I was on my way to see Mark about some info Charles dug up. Not Honor, though. It turns out Honor's favorite brother, Strength, is hanging around in Bangkok. Charles recommended we see about flushing Honor out by hitting his brother, and it seems like a decent plan to me."

"It looks like we're going to be taking a trip soon enough," Ryan adds.


"Strength. Why do I have a feeling he's not going to want to discuss this over tea and crumpets? And Bangkok? Never been. Not sure I ever wanted to be. But hey, that's why they call it work, right?" Anika replies with a grin. "Alright, let's go find find Cap'n Mark, then."

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