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GI Joe, Transformers, My Little Pony RPGs Also Confirmed For 2021

Renegade Game Studios and Hasbro confirmed to Forbes that GI Joe, My Little Pony, and Transformers will be coming as official RPGs, following the already announced Power Rangers tabletop roleplaying game. While they were hinted at in their press release this week, it hadn't been confirmed that - other than Power Rangers -- these other games would be tabletop RPGS. Casey Collins at Hasbro...

Renegade Game Studios and Hasbro confirmed to Forbes that GI Joe, My Little Pony, and Transformers will be coming as official RPGs, following the already announced Power Rangers tabletop roleplaying game.

While they were hinted at in their press release this week, it hadn't been confirmed that - other than Power Rangers -- these other games would be tabletop RPGS.


Casey Collins at Hasbro told Forbes "“The tabletop and roleplaying games Renegade Game Studios innovated for the Power Rangers franchise have proved to authentically connect with both gamers and the Ranger Nation and we are confident that G.I. Joe, Transformers and My Little Pony fans will love the exciting games coming soon.”

Renegade Game Studios' Scott Gaeta elaborated a little more, confirming that the games would be powered by the D&D 5th Edition rules. "Part of the strategy here is that if we want a GI Joe fan to play an RPG. We want to use the system that’s most common and widely known. Fifth Edition at this point is the common language in RPGs. We went back and forth on our discussions but we landed on Fifth Edition being what we wanted to use to achieve our design goals.”

The games should be released in 2021.


These aren't the only animated properties seeing new RPG revivals. Recently D&D Beyond owner Fandom announced Legends of Grayskull: The Masters of the Universe Roleplaying Game, and a Dragon Prince RPG, powered by the Cortext Prime system. Additionally, Monolith Edition recently announced a Batman roleplaying game.

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aramis erak

EA tried to sell a MLP online rp game, it tanked and tanked hard. I could see it doing well as a boxed game you'd take out to have some fun. But to spend 2 years in a MLP campaign, not gonna happen.
In MLP ToE, you would be lucky to get to 6 months - at which point, you've maxed out the characters. It's simple, and it's fun, but it's not built for multi-year campaigns.

And, given that my 4 month campaign (weekly 6 hour sessions) of 5E took players to 6th level... Modern games are built for faster level up than older ones.

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In MLP ToE, you would be lucky to get to 6 months - at which point, you've maxed out the characters. It's simple, and it's fun, but it's not built for multi-year campaigns.

And, given that my 4 month campaign (weekly 6 hour sessions) of 5E took players to 6th level... Modern games are built for faster level up than older ones.

For 5E past 5th level, its about 20 hours of play time going on XP based advancement with xp also being granted for doing specific quest/help actions. I'll be about 1 1/2 years to get everyone up to level 20 for 5E.

Mind you my party is special and didn't take fireball or most other AE spells so that could be part of the time compared to other parties that are more normal. I was in shock when the forge cleric finally used wall of fire. I was about ready to give axe of the dwarven lords to encourage him to use it so that combat time can be cut down from 13 rounds to 5 rounds.


Hasbro could hire Silver Games LLC as outsourcer (and also Dreamscarred Press for psionic, martial maneuvers and incarnum/akasha).

I wonder about a Transformers d20 because it's a true challenge about power balance. We are talking about characters who could face daikaijus, dinosaurs and other gargatuan monsters. They are practically superheroes. They are practically bulletproof, can destroy buildings with their own fists, throw cars, and advanced firearms what could kill dinosaurs with only one-shot.

D20 G.I.Joe isn't only d20 modern technology, but practically d20 battlefield, with heavy anti-tank weapons. We are talking about a crunch the PCs could eat the monsters from Gamma World with potatoes ( = they are too powerful and defeat others too easily). How to design the encounters and how should be the XPs reward?

Part of me has always wondered about building a Transformers RPG in the Palladium system, mainly kitbashed out of Robotech and Heroes Unlimited with Rifts as a scaling comparison. I agree that d20 is an odd beast to work with, both from the perspective of Cybertronians contra other beings such as humans as well as scaling different types of Cybertronians’ sizes and power levels.

This apt comment on G.I. Joe again points to how the lack of finalized mass combat rules in 5e have impacted the development of a number of things (I think of even classic D&D settings like Greyhawk and Dragonlance here).


Part of me has always wondered about building a Transformers RPG in the Palladium system, mainly kitbashed out of Robotech and Heroes Unlimited with Rifts as a scaling comparison. I agree that d20 is an odd beast to work with, both from the perspective of Cybertronians contra other beings such as humans as well as scaling different types of Cybertronians’ sizes and power levels.

This apt comment on G.I. Joe again points to how the lack of finalized mass combat rules in 5e have impacted the development of a number of things (I think of even classic D&D settings like Greyhawk and Dragonlance here).

If you like Gwent there is Matthew Colville's Stronghold and Followers rules for mass combat. Out of 5 players only one liked it. One actively hated it and even though I told him its the last hour of the session he doesn't have to stay he still complained about it. There is the table for how many massed low cr creatures it takes to do damage. 5E would need a kingdom runner rules to make use of it, but with 5E's direction, I don't see them going that way.

At this point, I'm surprised WotC has started included a 40% off coupon for acting classes at your local community theater with the direction they have been going. What can I say, I like big maps, crunchy combat and surprising plot twists more than long conversations about morality, kobold mating habits and flirting in RPG's. Took me about 30 hours to get all of Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth made in Dungeonfog, can't wait to take my party there when they ding up to see their eyes light up at a classic.

GI Joe works for this, since the team is composed of various specialists (AKA it's a class-based party!) and you got Cobra having large facilities to infiltrate. It could work.

I wonder if they'll fold MASK into it?

Transformers is a bit of an odd one. You CAN apply the concept of classes, either based on stuff from various fictions like Scout, Warrior, Medic, Engineer, maybe Seeker? Or be a Functionist and base it on alt-mode (DOWN WITH FUNCTIONISM!).
Soundwave says "RANGERS SUPERIOR. PALADINS INFERIOR." Cause the cassettes will be his animal companions.

And of course, Path of the Fire-breathing Dinosaur is the best barbarian subclass.

Unicron Patron warlocks have it rough since their bargaining position is....dubious.

Slightly more seriously, they could also do the gimmicks (pretenders, combiners, ____ masters, triple changers, etc.) and some of the more distinct subgroups (insecticons) as classes.


A suffusion of yellow

Slightly more seriously, they could also do the gimmicks (pretenders, combiners, ____ masters, triple changers, etc.) and some of the more distinct subgroups (insecticons) as classes.

would they not work better as Races? Iirc Pretenders are robot doplegangers arent they? Combiners will be any interesting challenge - will it need rules for troupe play?


IIRC, didn't all the Hasbro based properties, that became IDW comic series, become all one big "Hasbro Cinematic Universe" near the end of the IDW Transformers series? Like G.I. Joe and M.A.S.K. was helping the Autobots fight Unicron and Shockwave? I recall Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow taking out Optimus Primal or something.(goodness it was an absolute sin what IDW did to the Maximals/Predacons at the end there.)

It's now coming full circle with the RPG books.

Like literally you can now make up a party composed of a Pony, two Cybertronians, a G.I. Joe, and a Power Ranger with all this happening if ya wanted.
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I hope that Renegade understands the 5E system enough to make sure that these books are done right and aren't a mess. That's the only thing I'm worried about. I'll probably get all of them.


A suffusion of yellow
IIRC, didn't all the Hasbro based properties, that became IDW comic series, become all one big "Hasbro Cinematic Universe" near the end of the IDW Transformers series? Like G.I. Joe and M.A.S.K. was helping the Autobots fight Unicron and Shockwave? I recall Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow taking out Optimus Primal or something.(goodness it was an absolute sin what IDW did to the Maximals/Predacons at the end there.)

It's now coming full circle with the RPG books.

Like literally you can now make up a party composed of a Pony, two Cybertronians, a G.I. Joe, and a Power Ranger with all this happening if ya wanted.

If the game starts talking about Leyline Nexuses, Potential Psychic Energy and Glitter Boys then we will know for sure the Apocalypse is nigh :)

but yes in the IDW Timeline MASK started as an initiative to develop anti-Transformers weaponry. A number of GI Joes were assigned to the project
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