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Gloria e Flamae Solei


Judge Dathen

Dathen has stayed quiet so far, his silence hiding his thoughts as effectively as his featureless mask. Listening carefully to the thoughts of the faction, he eventually stands.

"This indecision and doubt is what will bring our glorious Church to its ruin. We must act, and if this Cilain threatens the existence of those of us who would fight the taint of evil wherever it is found, he must be removed like the cancer he is."

Dathen stares at Elohim with a cold gaze, his icy blue eyes barely visible behind the mask.

"Unless, of course, our Pious lacks the conviction to do what is necessary."

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"And what do you suggest we should do, oh Judge Dathen?" answers Agral, apparently somewhat irritated. "I´ll gladly bow to your opinion, even if that means storming the cathedral and burn everything in it. But I" he continues "At least think he deserves we talk to him, at least once, before we go into inquisition mode"


Someone said:
"And what do you suggest we should do, oh Judge Dathen?" answers Agral, apparently somewhat irritated. "I´ll gladly bow to your opinion, even if that means storming the cathedral and burn everything in it. But I" he continues "At least think he deserves we talk to him, at least once, before we go into inquisition mode"

Judge Dathen

Dathen takes a step to stand over Agral. "Do not speak above your station. We Judges of the Flame know your past. A child born to wealth, playing the faithful son of the Church. In fact, I remember something in your file... ahhh, yes. A certain failed exorcism. Many people died that day, didn't they, Orte? You are not one to speak about the issue. Your hesitation and lack of conviction has cost lives before, and I would not see those mistakes repeated."


"Dathen, that is enough." Elohim's voice is stern yet absent of any anger, "quell your rancor for a mere moment, it may be deserved, but that is yet to be determined. Your wanton craving could very well lead to a resolution which reveals more than it conceals; that is something I cannot permit. If you dare question the will bestowed upon me by the Lodge, even as a Judge, you will not be spared. Now sit down, I will not hear another one of your childish outbursts."

The Pious returns his midnight gaze upon the others gathered, "our wrath shall be swift and fierce if Father Cilain's threat to our inconspicuousness is assured, yet even Dathen in his hastiness admits that we do not know if the Father really threatens the Lodges existence. We act according to our information, it would be folly to charge into an ambush or feint as Dathen's masked face shows. Lhulan, meet with the Father tomorrow morning, as early as possible. Discern his intentions for his Pax Flamae and his acolytes. In the evening, if the information condemns the Father, he shall be judged accordingly."

OOC: Away for the weekend, man it's hard to play a zealous religious fanatic.


Andeus Kilishar

Andeus, who has been holding stifly at attention for the conversation so far, finally speaks.

"I think it would be best for us to plan for the worst. Word of a group of pacifists could be cover for a more combat-capable troupe than we would be led to believe. If you require me to ...handle... any of this matter with swift discretion, you need only ask, Pious."


Dathen's cool gaze lingers on Elohim for a long moment before he sits without another word.

OOC: Sorry if I jumped into Dathen here without enough warning. I probably should have mentioned something in this thread rather than just in the OOC.

Ferrix, I think you are doing a great job so far.


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Behind his mask, Dathen's icy cool gaze is broken for the briefest second by The Pious's rebuke. He breaks his stare at Agral and bows his head slightly at Elohim. Rigidly, he sits down, his movements are almost mechanical, like a construct that has just been dismissed from it's duties.

"As you say, Pious"

Dathen is quieted for now, but his experience has taught him the necessity for action. The fact that the Pious has his responsibilities to the Lodge does not canonize his position on the matter. His due processes, inquires, and democratic verifications are leading them along a path that can only become an infidel's escape route. Dathen can think of nothing but a failed cleansing, something that as a Judge, he would not allow.

~Let them have their little exercises now. When the time comes, the tide of The Flame's justice shall not be held back.~

Dathen's thoughts recede, and he snaps back to the discourse at hand, his attention fixed on The Pious. As a fellow Judge, The Pious knows what must be done. Dathen begins to wonder if his show of restraint is an appeasement for these other, softer Purifiers. He would not think that the Lodge would put a man who shows hesitation in this position.

~The light of The Flame shall weather the mightiest of storms, so that it's heat may burn in the souls of the righteous...~

As the Judge sits and listens, he meditates upon the words of his Faction. Some here are ready to Purify the path, yet some would steal away in the darkness like thieves in the night. So much the better for Dathen, let them lead him to the festering sore, so that it may be be burned off of the body. The thought of it makes Dathen's mangled lip twitch, almost forming a smile, beneath the constant grimace of his mask.

OOC: I took a tiny step back there. Just hoping to make Verbatim proud!
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Ivan Kurgoth

tyrlaan said:
"I think it would be best for us to plan for the worst. Word of a group of pacifists could be cover for a more combat-capable troupe than we would be led to believe. If you require me to ...handle... any of this matter with swift discretion, you need only ask, Pious."

Stealing a quick glance and Dathen, Agral and Elohim, Kurgoth breaks the resulting silence. Andeus is correct, whether we act immediately or tomorrow, we should plan for the worst.

But, since our course of action has already been decided, It would be foolish to stay and attract even more attention. Harshly spoken words punctuated with a glare directed toward Dathen.

If there is nothing else I shall be in my room... meditating. Kurgoth stands as if to go but waits for the rest. If no one has anything else significant to add, he shall return to his room and... Meditate

[Ooc/] Welcome, taitzu52 ooc/


"Andeus, you are at Lhulan's disposal, whether he wishes you to investigate tonight or to accompany him tomorrow, that is his discretion. Tomorrow will be the first trial, do not hesitate or you shall fail. Now leave me." As they file out of the Pious' room, Elohim watches them go with a sensitive eye, may the Flame burn pure in their souls, lest it consume them for their failure. As Dathen moves to leave, he gestures for the Judge to wait till the others have left, and then for him to close the door.

In a mouthed whisper, "you trouble at the hesitation, yet even your hand has known failure in hastiness. Even if the Father were to flee, that would merely prove his iniquity, and the fate that he calls upon himself, he cannot escape." With that, he dismisses the Masked Judge.


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~...and in the path of the Silver Flame, all in it's wake shall be cleansed.~

There shall be no escape, Pious..., Dathen thinks to himself. He silently nods to Elohim and withdraws from the room. Brushing past Lhulan and Andeus in the hall, he turns and allows them to catch his gaze; a steely look of stern propriety. Without comment or well wishes, The Masked Judge removes himself to his room for further meditation. Normally, he would seek out a worthy church in this city to conduct his prayers, but the Pious' wishes are to be respected, and his instructions implied Dathen's discretion. He would not undermine the Pious' plans, as unnecessary as it was to "hide" from public view, Dathen would follow his orders.....for now.

Voidrunner's Codex

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