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[GO:H] A Game of Opposites: Heroes OOC (Villains: Stay out)


Just so you know I'm proably going to be using a lot of stuff out of the Quintessential fighter.

I'ld also like to know if you'ld allow the Draconic Template (Not half dragon, but draconic...)
It's from Dragon Magazine Issue 301 (The best issue in the past year for content, IMHO. It's also got Troll Ecology, Bardic Measures, Swashbuckling..).
Here's the readers digest version of the Draconic Template without the flavour text but with all pertinent info (In case you don't have issue 301)
Draconic :
Base Creature has some amount of draconic blood. This template can be added to any living, corporeal, non-dragon type creature. It doesn't change the type (Except Beasts+Animals become 'Magical Beasts')
+1 Natural Armour
Claw attack (1d3 damage med size)
Lowlight and Darkvision : 60'
+4 racial bonus to saves vs sleep and paralysis.
+2 Str, +2 Cha
+2 racial bonus to intimidate and Spot.
Level Adjustement : +1

One of my ideas is being a Half-celestial, Draconic Human Paladin. His father is descended from a great half-gold dragon Paladin, and his mother was a celestial. He is the chosen one of this generation to continue the crusade against evil in the names of Heironious and Bahamut (the platinum dragon/good dragon diety).

Basically he's the ultimate good guy, but not the preachy type, more the "EVIL! KILL IT!! DESTROY THE FOUL WRETCHED BEASTLY THING BEFORE IT CORRUPTS YOUR VERY SOUL!!!" (OK, a little preachy..)

BTW the total level adjustement (In case you don't feel like doing the math) is +4, (+1 for Draconic, and +3 for Half-Celestial). So if we are still at lvl 16, and I get to play this character, he'ld be a lvl 12 pal.

I'm not trying to Munch this (HEHE.. I do have a munched character ready for this, though, if I decide to use it), I just kinda like this Paladin idea... And the alternative right now is a super-munchkin fighter, using nothing but PHB, DMG, and Quint Fighter.

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First Post
Ok I am a level 15 Half-Celestial Orc. NG. I did 200,000gp (thats as per dmg)

I usesd some feats from Quint Fighter. Tim if you need them I can send them.

Keen and Imporved Crit Stack right?


First Post
(Background wil lbe done latter, but for now can someone tell me if this is mechnaically correct?)

Nagor Oklin
Half-Celestial Orc
Fighter Level 13
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 27

Str 29 (+9)
Dex 16 (+3)
Con 16 (+3)
Int 10,
Wis 12 (+1)
Cha 12 (+1)

HP: 145
Initiative: +11 (3 Dex, 8 Feats)
AC: 29 (flatfooted 26, touch 15)
BAB: +13/+8/+3
Speed: 20'

Fortitude: +16
Reflex: +12
Will: +10
Melee Attack Bonus: +22/+17/+12
Ranged Attack Bonus: +18/+10/+5

2] +5 Keen Flamebergs +21/+17/+12; +22/+17/+12 2d6+16/2d6+16 12-20/x2

Climb +20
Swim +12
Speak Language +2 (Celestial and Common)

Ambidexterity (PHB)
Two-Weapon Fighting (PHB)
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (PHB)
Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (MotW)
Off-Hand Weapon Expert (MQF)
Improved Initiative (PHB)
Lightning Initiative (MQF)
Combat Reflexes (PHB)
Weapon Focus (Flameberg) (PHB)
Weapon Spec. (Flameberg) (PHB)
Improved Critical (Flameberg) (PHB)
Monkey Grip (Flameberg) (SaF)
Quick Draw (PHB)

Special Abilities:
Bless 1/day
+4 Saves vs. Poison
Aid 1/day
Detect Evil 1/day
Cure Serious Wounds 1/day,
Neutralize Poison 1/day
Dispel Evil 1/day
Aura 3/day
Hallow 1/day
Holy Smite 1/day,
Remove Disease 1/day
Holy Word 1/day
Immune to Acid/Cold/Disease and Electricity
Light Sensitivity (Ex),
Light (Su) at will
Protection From Evil 3/day
Vision: Dark vision (60')
Natural Armor +1

Languages: Common, Orc, and Celestial

Mithral Full Plate +5 AC +13 Max Dex +3 AC Check –3 Weight 25lbs
Ring of Protection +2

1 Full Plate +5 (Mithral),
2 Flamebergs +5 (Keen),
1 Ring of Protection +2
3 Potions (Cure Moderate Wounds)
Cloak of Restience +5
Nagor blew the rest of the money on ale,whores,
and whores.
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Gwolf - Three things.

1st. 15th lvl orc half-celestial is Effective Level 18, not 16. (Half-celestial is level adjustement +3, the +1 from the MM is a CHALLENGE RATING adjustement. Look at DMG page 22, there's a short list of monster level equivalents.

2nd. I don't know how Timothy's running it, but in most games that allow templates, your starting money is as per your EFFECTIVE level, not your character level. Assuming it doesn't change, our EFFECTIVE level is 16, meaning (Again, Unless Timothy changes it) 260,000 GP

3rd. Keen Weapon and Improved Crit stack. They both double the weapons threat range, but remember that in D&D a doubled double is a triple, not a quadruple. Therefore if the weapon has a 19-20 threat range (2 points) then the keen, improved crit weapon will have a 6 point threat range (15-20). A nat 20 threat range would be increased to 18-20, and an 18-20 threat range would be increased to 12-20.

EDIT : OK, I posted this before I saw your fully posted character so now I'm going through it and checking the mechanics. I'll post again if I find anythinge else.
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First Post
Zagrim - final version

Zagrim the Dark (NG)
Race: Human
6'0"; 155 lbs; Age 30
Level: 16 Sorcerer 9, Loremaster 7

10 STR +0
10/16 DEX +0/+3 (+6 Gloves of Dexterity)
14/20 CON +2/+5 (+6 Amulet of Health)
16 INT +3
12 WIS +1
20**** CHA +5

Armor Class: 17; touch = 15, flat-footed = 14
10+ 3 Dex +2 Armor (bracers) + 2 deflection (cloak of the bat)

Fortitude: +16 = (+5 + 5 Con +1 lore, +5 resistance(robe))
Reflex: +13 = (+5 + 3 Dex, +5 resistance(robe))
Will: +17 = (+11 +1 Wis, +5 resistance (robe))

Armor: None
Weapons: All Simple
Languages: Common, Celestial, Infernal, Abyssal, Ignan, Terrestrial

Skills :
Alchemy +8 = (5 ranks + 3 Int)
Concentration +24 (19 ranks + 5 Con)
Decipher Script +13 = (11 ranks + 2 Int)
Gather Information +15 = (11 ranks + 4 Cha)
Hide +13 = (0 ranks + 3 Dex +10 Circumstance (cloak))
Kn: Arcana +24 = (19 ranks + 2 Int + 2 Skill Focus +1 Education)
Kn: the Planes +22 = (19 ranks + 2 Int +1 Education)
Scry +14 = (12 ranks + 2 Int)
Spot +6 = (3 cc ranks +1 wis, +2 synergy from familiar)
Spellcraft +21 = (19 ranks + 2 Int)
Use Magic Device +17 = (11 ranks +4 Cha +2 Skill Focus)
---(+4 synergy for scrolls, not added in)

(human) Education (all Kn skills are class skills, +1 Kn: Arcana; +1 Kn: the planes)
(1st) Skill Focus: Kn: Arcana
(3rd) Still Spell
(6th) Silent Spell
(9th) Spell Focus: Illusions
(12th) Skill Focus: Use Magic Device
(15th) Spell Penetration

0th (9 known/6 cast) = Detect Poison (vs), Arcane Mark (vs), Detect Magic (vs), Read Magic (vsf), Prestidigitation (vs), Mage Hand (vs), Ray of Frost (vs), Mending (vs), Open/Close (vsf)
1st (5 known/8 cast) = True Strike (v), Comprehend Languages (vsm), Detect Undead (vsm), Magic Missile (vs), Feather Fall (v)
2nd (5 known/7 cast) = See Invisibility (vsm), Locate Object (vsf), Knock (v), Alter Self (vs), Darkness (vs)
3rd (4 known/7 cast) = Clairaudience/Clairvoyance (vsf), Vampiric Touch (vs), Phantom Steed (vs), Magic Circle vs Evil (vsm)
4th (4 known/7 cast) = Evard's Black Tentacles (vsm), Charm Monster (vs), Phantasmal Killer (vs), Bestow Curse (vs)
5th (4 known/6 cast) = Cone of Cold (vsm), Prying Eyes (vsm), Cloudkill (vs), Rary's Telepathic Bond (vsm)
6th (4 known/6 cast) = Greater Shadow Evocation (vs), Shades (vs), Greater Dispelling (vs), Disintegrate (vsm)
7th (2 known/5 cast) = Mord's Sword (vsf), Shadow Walk (vs)
8th (1 known/3 cast) = Summon Monster VIII (vsm)

Special Abilites:
Summon Familiar (Alertness, Improved Evasion, Share Spells, Empathic Link, Touch, Speak with Master, Speak with Animals of it's type, +4 Natural AC, 9 INT)
Secret: Lore of True Stamina (+1 Fortitude)
Lore (as Bardic Lore, effective 7th level + 3 Int)
Secret: Secret Weapon Tricks (+1 unnamed to hit)
Bonus Language: Ignan
Secret: Applicable Knowledge (any one Feat: Extra Spell (6th level))
Greater Lore: Identify as an Extraordinary ability once per item
Bonus Language: Terrestrial
Secret: More Newfound Arcana (bonus 2nd level spell)

HIT POINTS: 4+15d4+80 =129

(BAB = +7/+2):
+10 Ray Attacks (+7, +3 Dex, +1 lore bonus)

Equipment: 25 pounds

8,302 gp +9/+4 Dagger, +1, Spellstoring (+1 lore bonus, +1 enhancement) 1d6+1; 20/x2; 1 lb
25,000 gp Ring of Evason, 0 lb
36,000 gp Amulet of Health (+6 Con) 1 lb
25,000 gp Robe (as cloak, but different slot) of Resistance +5 1 lb
36,000 gp Gloves of Dexterity (+6 Dex) 0 lb
76,000 gp Vestments of Faith (5/+5 DR), 0 lb
8,000 gp Boots of Speed, 1 lb
4,000 gp Bracers of Armor +2, 1 lb
2,500 gp Ring of Sustenance, 0 lb
8,000 gp Mask (as goggles, same slot) of Night, 1 lb
24,000 gp Cloak of the Bat, 1 lb
2,500 gp Bag of Holding, 15 lb
--- 750 gp Wand of Cure Light Wounds (1d8+1), 1 lb, 50 charges
--- 1,625 gp Scroll of Healing Circle (bard, 1d8+13), 0 lb, 1 charge
--- 2,000 gp Scroll of Cure Critical Wounds (bard, 4d8+10), 0 lb, 2 charges
--- 525 gp Scroll of Cure Moderate Wounds (bard, 3d8+7), 0 lb, 1 charge
5 gp Spell component pouch, 3 lb
---250 gp - focus for mord's sword

100 gp - summoned familiar [Bat, Kira]

259,557/260,000 spent

Hanging Spells:
8d6 Vampiric Touch in Dagger of Spellstoring

Description: Zagrim is tall and thin, but has wiry strength belying his small frame. He keeps his hair jet black via cosmetics and insists on wearing unrelentingly black gear whenever possible.
Brief History: Zagrim grew among the cultured nobility, a minor noble. While his parents sent him to school to learn wizardry, his natural aptitude led to him not studying as hard as he could, developing the sorcerous talents instead. His mother had been a slave of the northern tribes and claimed to descend from gods... perhaps that explained Zagrim's odd knack for things magical.

While Zagrim had intended to live a life of leisure, his father's fortunes declined, and his favor in court ran low, so Zagrim was forced to take up an adventuring career for money. At first he only did it for pay; in time he came to do it because of the good he could bring to the world.

While Zagrim normally carries a supply of scrolls he's acquired over the years (especially bardic ones), a recent calamatious fireball encounter has destroyed all but his sturdiest magical devices. Since then he's managed to recoup a few of his scrolls, but nowhere near the vast bardic library he once possessed.

Kira, Bat
Diminutive Animal
Hit Dice: 8 (64 hp)
Initiative: +2 (Dex)
Speed: 5 ft., fly 40 ft. (good)
AC: 20 (+4 size, +2 Dex, +4 natural (familiar))
Attacks/Damage: -/-
Face/Reach: 1 ft. by 1 ft./0 ft.
Special Attacks: -
Special Qualities: Blindsight
Saves: Fort +2, Ref +4, Will +2
Str 1, Dex 15, Con 10
Int 9, Wis 14, Cha 4
Skills: Listen +9*, Move Silently +6, Spot +9*
Blindsight (Ex): Bats can "see" by emitting high-frequency sounds, inaudible to most other creatures, that allow them to locate objects and creatures within 120 feet. A silence spell negates this and forces the bat to rely on its weak vision, which has a maximum range of 10 feet.
Skills: *Bats receive a +4 racial bonus to Spot and Listen checks. These bonuses are lost if Blindsight is negated.
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GGGAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!! ENWORLD HATES ME!!!!!!!!!!!
I hade like an hours worth of critiques and such on Gwolfs character, and then WHAM me got disconnected about 2 seconds after I hit the reply button.. I had hoped it got sent, but I just got here for the first time since then, and.. IT'S NOT THERE!!!

So I'll go through the points quickly now b/c I don't have the time to redo that thing.

Stats - I took everything (Race, Template, Lvls) into account and you're still two stat-points over... I'ld suggest dropping the Cha to 10, b/c the 12 cha for your character makes absolutely no difference (It affects nothing you have.. skills, spells, feats, etc)

Your ranged attack bonus should be 16/11/6, not 18/10/5

And for your damage with the weapons.. they should both be +14, not 1 at +14 one at +15. (Unless you pay 600 GP to have each of your blades made serrated, in which case they'd both be at +15 damage)

Feats : I'ld HIGHLY suggest swapping out Improved Weapon Focus for Weapon Specialization.. You'ld loose a +1 to hit but gain +2 to damage.

Equipment : Unless you're taking the Falchions for an RP reason, I'ld highly suggest switching to Flamberge. Same threat range, same size, more damage (2d6 instead of 2d4). It's form the QuintFighter.

Your amulet of natural armour doesn't stack with your nat. armour from your race.. I'ld suggest a ring of protection instead. Not only does it stack with all the other stuff you have, but it counts towards touch attacks.

Money : You blew over 70,000 GP on ale and Whores? That's some high-class Sh*t!!!!! (You have 70,000+GP left to spend after taking all your stuff into account).

There were a few other things but I'm pressed for time right now. I'll look it over again later.

Looks pretty good, though.

BTW - Are we going to be munching it? I'm expecting the villains to be ready for alot, so we should probably keep at least one eye towards power.

Anyone else want help shredding and then reassembling their characters?



I assumed that the 4 *'s you had represented where you had put your lvl-ups, and if that's true then statwise you've got the right number of points... BUT...
I did a little tweaking of my own, and found that you could get your Cha up to 20 without changing anything else. How you ask? Why simple, my friend!
By My Reckoning, you had 5 points in Con(13), 8 points in Int(15), 13 points in Cha(17), and for lvl up stats, 1 con(14), 1 Int(16), 2 cha(19). Now instead of that, put 6 in Con(14), 10 in Int(16), and 10 in Cha(16). THen put 4 lvl-ups into Charisma (20). Tada, all stats the same except your Charisma has gone up by 1. This would increase the DC of all your spells by 1, as well as granting you a 2nd bonus 1st lvl spell, and a bonus 5th lvl spell

AC - Hate to say it but at lvl 16 any under 25 is pretty much useless. Even a mage has a +8 BAB! I'ld suggest just ignoring AC alltogether in favour of things that will keep you from getting hit period (Invisibility, Flying, Stoneskin, Damage Reductionm, etc). That +5 R.O.P costs a pretty penny, but does little to actually help you against anything but avoiding mages touch attacks. (and when the battle gets down to the point where mages are in hand-to-hand combat with each other, well... yeah, um... ok then, that's just wrong.)

Excellent! good job boosting that Fort save, looking like a mage will get a lot of fort save stuff thrown your way, but you look like you can handle it.
(Actually your worst save is better than GWolfs best.. I don't think you'll have to worry about failing too many saves.)
GWOLF if you're reading this, spend some of that 70,000GP on a cloak of Resistance+5! You're gonna need it unless you want to be Held and Dominated every fight, with that low will save. Always shore up your classes inherent weaknesses.

all good.

Skills :
You've got 13 skill points that you haven't used, where did they go? Are some of the skills cross-class?

Illusionist, eh? tsk tsk.. pesky illusionists.
Anywyas, looks good.

I don't feel like going through them now, so I'll leave them to you.

Special Abilites:
Looks good.. have you allready summoned your familiar yet, though? the DM might wanna know about that if you have.

HIT POINTS: 129? I did the math, too and it's correct, but 129? Geez the fighter only has 4 more HP than you! Way to go mr tough mage.

the "+10 Ray Attacks" should probably go under your attack bonuses, not under equipment.
3 things to say.
1st - You're 300GP over the limit, probly b/c of your 300GP MW quarterstaff. drop the MW and you'ld be perfect.
2nd - You didn't post any food or sleeping gear or travelling gear.. I'm sensing a trend here here, cuz neither did GWOLF. Nobody's taking that stuff into consideration? Did Timothy make a post I missed that we don't need to worry about food, sleep, or travel, or carrying stuff? (I noticed no bags of holding or backpacks or sacks or pouches...
3rd - uh.. you don't have a spell component pouch, Zhure. You might want 1 (or 2, just in case)... if you want to be able to cast spells with material components, that is. You should also check what 'special' material components you may need (If Any). Go through the spells you have and check if any of them have a material component that is highly strange/large and thus wouldn't be/fit into a pouch, or anything that is worth more than 50 GP(in which case it won't come in the pouch).

OK, I'm done with this one. NEXT!

OH BTW, Timothy - tell those damned nasty beasties of yours (AKA the villains) to hurry up and make up their minds so we can get some definite answers from you.. ;)
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