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D&D General half-orcs and bad Charisma

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le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
Table 15: Racial Adjustments

Race Adjustments

Dwarf ---- +1 Con, –1 Cha
Elf ------ +1 Dex, –1 Con
Gnome ---- +1 Int, –1 Wis
Half‑elf --- None
Half‑orc -- +1 Str, +1 Con, –2 Cha
Half‑ogre - +1 Str, +1 Con, –1 Int, –1 Cha
Halfling -- +1 Dex, –1 Str
Human ------ None

( from Ad&d 2e Skills and powers )

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
... because Feywild ===> Empathy,

6 Feywild -- Thinker - Wis ===> (E)mpathy
5 Dwarves -- Warrior - Str ===> (W)illpower
4 Humans --- Orator -- Cha ===> (M)ight and Morale Rating
3 Demons --- Acrobat - Dex ===> (S)kill and Swiftness
2 Undeads -- Yoghin -- Con ===> (C)hi
1 Devils --- Creator - Int ===> (I)ntuition

hmmmm! seems interesting !

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
( am I running too fast ? )

ok, Dwarves are strong, but so are Devils;
so let's swap their locations :

6 Feywild -- Thinker - Wis ===> (E)mpathy
5 Dwarves -- Creator - Int ===> (I)ntuition, or (I)ngenuity
4 Humans --- Orator -- Cha ===> (M)ight and Morale Rating
3 Demons --- Acrobat - Dex ===> (S)kill and Swiftness
2 Undeads -- Yoghin -- Con ===> (C)hi
1 Devils --- Warrior - Str ===> (W)illpower

oh hoo!

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
... because we want to localize Illusionnists, and Gnomes are both Ingenious and Illusionnists,

6 Feywild -- Thinker - Wis ===> (E)mpathy
5 Gnomes --- Creator - Int ===> (I)ngenuity
4 Humans --- Orator -- Cha ===> (M)ight and Morale Rating
3 Demons --- Acrobat - Dex ===> (S)kill and Swiftness
2 Undeads -- Yoghin -- Con ===> (C)hi
1 Devils --- Warrior - Str ===> (W)illpower

now, next step is to define 5 spellcasting classes;
I want to use one Spellcasting Ability, i.e. the (C)hi

CxW Elementalist
CxS Bard
CxM Cleric
CxI Illusionnist
CxE Druid

( should be easy enough )

good night :)

le Redoutable

Ich bin El Glouglou :)
grrr! it would cost me a lot, but I must assume that, it is Demons ( also called Brutes ) who are Strong
so we would need to swap Demons with Devils :

6 Feywild -- Thinker - Wis ===> (E)mpathy
5 Gnomes --- Creator - Int ===> (I)ngenuity
4 Humans --- Orator -- Cha ===> (M)ight and Morale Rating
3 Demons --- Warrior - Str ===> (W)illpower
2 Undeads -- Yoghin -- Con ===> (C)hi
1 Devils --- Acrobat - Dex ===> (S)kill and Swiftness

is this sensible ?

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