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Brother Shatterstone said:
Ahh you need to give her the whole feat, and not just the part that benefits you... :\

If there is more to it, Brother I would be glad if you told me. This is alll I have seen discussed.

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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
rangerjohn said:
If there is more to it, Brother I would be glad if you told me. This is alll I have seen discussed.

It sort of seems strange to suggest a feat that you don't have access to, especially when you’re the DM has also said that they don’t have the book... :\

Anyhow, here it is…


Choose a spellcasting class that you possess. Your spells cast from that class are more powerful.

Prerequisite: Spellcraft 4 ranks.

Benefit: Your caster level for the chosen spellcasting class increases by +4. This can't increase your caster level beyond your HD. However, even if you can't benefit from the full bonus immediately, if you later gain noncaster-level HD you may be able to apply the rest of the bonus.

For example, a human 5th-level cleric/3rd-level fighter who selects this feat would increase his cleric caster level from 5th to 8th (since he has 8 HD). If he later gained a fighter level, her would gain the remainder of the bonus and his cleric caster level would become 9th (since he now has 9 HD).

A character with two or more spellcasting classes (such as a bard/sorcerer or a ranger/druid) must choose which chose which class gains the feat's effect.

This does not affect your spells per day or spells known It only increases your caster level, which would help you penetrate SR and increase the duration and other effects of your spells.

Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Each time you choose it, you must apply it to a different spellcasting class. For instance, a 4th-level cleric/5th-level wizard who had selected this feat twice would cast cleric spells as an 8th-level caster and wizard spells as a 9th-level caster.

Dark Nemesis

First Post
Oh wow, the possibilities. It boggles the mind. *heh* I have changed my mind about what I am going to do with this character at least three times. :confused: However, I think I might finally be leaning toward a Gemchild 1, Monk 9/Sorcerer 9.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok, I have re-evaluated the gestalt character combination with LA races, and have come to the following conclusion:

Ok, I had been doing it as 10 level character with +3 LA = class 7/class 7.

However, this punishes gestalt character twice as much as normal characters for LA races. Therefore the above example should actually go like this:

10th level character with +3 LA - class 10/class 7

Does that make sense to everyone? You only apply your LA to one of your classes. More levels for everyone! :D


I thank everyone for thier time and thought on the ansewers. But while offline I another character all together made themselves known. A human Fighter 5/Bondblade 5 Ranger 10. Obviously, he won't be one of the hiers.


Ok, this is what I have so far.

Name: Abdul-Hadi
Class:Genie-Kin 3/ Desert Ranger 3 Rogue 2/Desert Ranger 2 Bondblade 3/Desert Ranger 3 Rogue 2/ Bondblade 2

Str 20 [10] +2 enchantment +2 racial +5
Dex 20 [10] +2 levels +2 racial +5
Con 18 [10] + 2 enhancement +4
Int 16 [6] +2 racial +3
Wis 16 [6] +2 racial +3
Cha 12 [4] +1

AC:25 +6 armor +5 dex +3 deflection +1 natural [touch 18, FF 21] [ possible 29 defending]
Hp: 122 10+ +9x8 +40 con

Fort +13 +7 base +4 con +2 enhancement
Ref +11 +4 base +5 dex +2 enhancement
Will +7 +3 base +2 wis +2 enhancement

Iniative: +9 [+5 dex +4 feat]

B.A.B.: +10
Melee: +14
Ranged: +14
Seif al Din [+3 gold defender falchion] +19/+14 2d6+12 crit 15-20 +2d6 sneak attack
Enlarged +19/+14 1d10 +14 crit 15-20 AC 23 Reach 10'
[Genie-Kin Improved Iniative
[1st] Alertness
[3rd] Weapon Focus falchion
[Ranger 5] Quick Draw
[6th] Exotic Weapon [Gold falchion]
[BondBlade] Weapon Specialization falchion
[Ranger 7] Endurance
[9th] Improved Critical falchion

Climb 7 [2 ranks +5 str]
Craft, Weaponsmith 18 [13 ranks +3 int +2 tools]
Disable Device 10 [7 ranks +3 int]
Hide 15 [10 ranks +5 dex] [+40Invisible] [+2 in desert: Desert Lore
Jump 7 [2 ranks +5 str]
Knowledge, Geography 8 [5ranks +3 int]
Knowledge, Nature 8[5 ranks +3 int]
Listen 10 [5 ranks +3 wis +2 feat] [+4 vs humans, +2 vs outsider, native]
Move Silent 15 [10 ranks +5 dex +2 in desert: Desert Lore]
Open Lock 12 [7 ranks, +5 dex]
Profession, Scout 6 [3 ranks +3 wis]
Ride 10 [5 ranks +5 dex ]
Search 11 [8 ranks +3 int, +2 in desert: Desert Lore]
Spot 15 [10 ranks +3 wis +2 feat] [+4 vs human +2 vs outsider native ; +2 in desert: Desert Lore]
Survival 14 [11 ranks +3 wis] [Synegies +2 above ground, +2 to avoid getting lost and avoid natural hazzards. +2 in desert: Desert Lore

Racial and Class abilities:
Genie-Kin abilities - Natural AC +1. Spell-like abilities - 1/day enlarge person, invisibility, reduce person, speak with animals as a first level caster. Save is 10 + spell level + Cha mod. Planar Jaunt (Sp): 1/day a genie-kin can travel to any elemental plane, the Astral plane, or the Material Plane as though using planeshift cast by a 13th level caster. The genie-kin and any willing creatures brought along appear at a random location on the destination plane. The genie-kin and the creatures brought on the planar jaunt remain on the other plane (or any location on any plane they go from there) for 1 minute per racial HD of the genie-kin (minimum 1 minute). When this duration expires, the genie-kin and all creatures on the planar jaunt return to their original positions on their origin plane. An effect that suppresses or dispels planar jaunt sends the genie-kin back to the exact places from where they left. If the space where a creature on the planar jaunt is occupied upon its return, it appears in the nearest unoccupied space. Fire resistance 5. +2 Str, +2 Dex, +2 Int, +2 Wis. Improved Initiative as a bonus feat.

Desert Ranger Abilities
Desert Lore: At 1st level the ranger gains a +2 circumstance bonus to Balance, Hide, Move Silently, Search, Spot, and Survival checks made within the desert. At 3rd level and every 5 levels thereafter, the desert ranger gains more knowledge about the desert and becomes more adept and surviving within it. At 3rd level, the ranger learns to hide even the smallest traces of his passage. Anyone attempting to track the ranger or his companions through the desert adds 5 to the DC.

At 8th level, the desert ranger gains increased overland movement within the desert. Trackless desert now counts at highway to him while he is alone. If leading a party, movement within trackless desert is at their normal overland speed x1

Ranger Option: A desert ranger can select one Ranger Option at 2nd level, another at 5th level, and every 3 levels thereafter. The options are stated below, and unless otherwise stated, the same option may be taken more than once.

Favored Enemies: +4 vs. human +2 vs. Outsider, Native

2nd: Spellcasting : 3 1st level
5th: Quick Draw feat
8th: Spellcasting2

Bonus Feats

Rogue Abilities
Sneak Attack 2d6
Trap finding
Trap Sense
Uncanny Dodge

BondBlade Abilities
Awaken the Blade I: During their time together, the weapon and the Bondblade have gone through a lot together. Now the weapon becomes intelligent, communicating by semiempathy (tingling and throbbing). (The weapon gains Int, Wis, and Cha, two at 2d6+7, one at 3d6). It shares the Bondblade's Sense Motive, Listen, and Intuit Direction skills and also her Alertness feat (For checks of these abilities, the Bondblade essentially gets to make them twice, once for her, and once for her sword.) Also the blade is now considered to be magic for the purposes of bypassing damage reduction. (Note that the alignment of the blade will always be identical to the Bondblade. Also note that the weapon will only communicate and share its abilities with the Bondblade and no other.)

If the weapon is already magical or intelligent, abilities gained do not stack except for the following:

* If a weapon is already magical, it doesn't gain any magical pluses to this class until the given bonus is greater than what the weapon already had. Ex. if a Bondblade has a +2 shortsword, it would only gain part of the abilities from the It's a Kind of Magic I: becoming a defender at its +2 bonus.

* If the weapon is already intelligent, nothing changes, except for its alignment, if different from the Bondblade, begins to shift toward hers. (SP)

It's a Kind of Magic I: The weapon now becomes a +1 defender (as the class progresses, the defending abilities scales, thus becoming a +3 defender at 3rd level). (Also +5 hit points to the weapon, see Soul of Steel). (SP)

Always Yours: Because the weapon and the Bondblade hate to be separated, she learns to hold onto her weapon. She gains a +1 competence bonus per Bondblade level versus any attempts to be disarmed. (EX)

Weapon Specialization: A Bondblade now gains a +2 to damage with her chosen weapon as per the weapon specialization feat. If the Bondblade already has Weapon Specialization, she gains an additional +1 competence bonus to hit. (EX)

Brothers in Arms: A Bondblade can repair her chosen weapon with confidence, even restoring its magical abilities if they have been drained away. The DCs are normal if the weapon just sustained moderate damage (see Craft skill for DCs), and higher if more damage was sustained. The weapon can always be repaired, as long as the Bondblade has at least a shard of her chosen weapon. If the magical abilities have been drained away, the Bondblade may restore them (as they are extensions of her own spirit). A Craft check must be made at a DC five higher than normal, to prepare the weapon. Then two points of Con and Cha are temporarily drained to restore the weapon's magical abilities.

At 4th level the Bondblade can combine her chosen blade with another metal to help her combat creatures that can only be hurt with certain kinds of metals. For example at 4th level Kay could break down her longsword Kernith, and using some of the original shards reforge it combined with adamantine in order to bypass the damage reduction of some fiends.

At 8th level the Bondblade can add an additional metal to her weapon. For example, at 8th level Kay could break down and reforge Kernith again, this time adding cold iron to the mix. Now Kernith can bypass both adamantine and cold iron damage reduction.

If, for some reason the blade is destroyed past all ability to recover, like being thrown into a Sphere of Annihilation, the Bondblade immediately loses 200 XP per Bondblade level (Fort DC 20 for half), all class abilities, but still retains all class hit points, saves, and BAB. She essentially becomes a Bondblade without a chosen weapon. If, by some fluke (divine intervention or other) the chosen weapon is returned, all class abilities are returned, but the lost XP still remains lost. Some gods of the forge might be willing to grant the return of a Bondblade’s annihilated weapon for the appropriate sacrifices. (SU)

Awaken the Blade II: The weapon now awakes to empathy, communicating through emotions and urges to the fighter to encourage or discourage certain courses of action. (SP)

Soul of Steel: The weapon draws its own physical strength from being bonded to the Bondblade. Multiply the base hit points for the weapon by four (use Table 8-13, in the PHB). Also, for each It's a Kind of Magic ability gained, add five extra hit points to the total. (But even though the weapon has gained five extra hit points by this time, do not multiply them for this ability).

Because the Bondblade and the weapon begin to share characteristics, not only does the chosen weapon gain more ability to take punishment, like their wielder, but also the wielder becomes more like the weapon. A Bondblade gets an extra save against mind-affecting spells, reflecting her bond to an "inanimate object." EX

It's a Kind of Magic II: The weapon now gains a +3 bonus, and and now chooses one facet of its alignment to bypass damage reduction with. For example, Kay and her bonded sword Kernith are both Lawful Good. Kay can choose to have Kernith be able to bypass damage reduction as if it were a lawful blade. Once chosen this cannot change. If the Bondblade is True Neutral, they may pick one of anarchic, axiomatic, holy, or unholy, whichever they and their bonded blade decide would be best to harm their enemies with. (SP)

Awaken the Blade III: Now the weapon awakes to full blown speech. It speaks Common (or whatever the base tongue is for the character) plus one language per point of Intelligence bonus. There is also a 20% chance that the weapon will gain telepathy in addition to speech. If the character has psionic powers, the chance raises to 50%. By now the weapon has a name and a distinct personality. (SP)

My One and Only: Because the weapon and the fighter have been through so much together at this point, the weapon would be extremely insulted if the Bondblade choose to use any weapon but them in melee. If the Bondblade uses any weapon but their chosen, the weapon will sulk (essentially denying the Bondblade access to all class abilities until she apologizes or gives a very good excuse why she couldn't use her chosen weapon). Sulking typically lasts one day per fight where the weapon was denied use, unless the Bondblade makes amends.

By Your Side I: Because the Bondblade rarely uses ranged weapons, the bonded blade gains the ability to help out the Bondblade even at a distance. It gains the throwing quality with a range increment of 30 ft. as well as the returning quality. If the weapon and the Bondblade are separated so that the returning quality could not work (the Bondblade has had to move, or is grappled, etc), she can mentally call the weapon back to her hand as a move-equivalent action. The weapon flies in a straight line back to her hand (Max range 30 ft.). If there are any intervening items or beings, the weapon makes an attack at the Bondblade's highest BAB. If this enough to dispatch the obstacle, the weapon continues on, if not, it falls, and the Bondblade may try again next round. If the blade cannot fly into the Bondblade’s hand, it will set on the ground next to her. Useable 5/day. (SU)

Spells: 3/2
Alarm, Endure Element, Longstrider/ Barkskin, Cat's Grace

Seif al Din [+3 falchion, gold defender] [2,459]
Gloves of the Gen[str +2] [4,000]
Sultan's Bulwark [Leather Armor +4] [16,160]
Stone's Skin [Ring of Protection +3] [16,000]
[Torc of Stamina[/i] [Amulet of Health +2] [4,000]
Allah's Blessing Robe of Luck [Cloak of Resistance +2] [4,000]
[Allah's Soothing Breath[/i] [Wand of Cure Light Wounds] [750]
Masterwork Artisan's Tools [55]
Lightwarhorse [500] [Sirrocco[/i]
Bit and Bridle & accessories [100]
Large Belt Pouch
Waterskins x4
2 weeks Dry Rations
100' Silk Rope

Abdul-Hadi has had a long and varied carrer. The most significant of which was serving in the Imperial army for well over a century. But he has had many jobs, many considered low from society, from weaponsmith, to raiding for his lord. The most significant event of his long life, was a battle with a Rakshasa, sorcerer it was during this battle that Seif al Din, made himself known. Long since a loner in service to his lord, Seif al Din has become Abdul's closest companion.

Standing 5' 6" tall and close too 140 lbs Abdul is well muscled and graceful, most resembling a gymnast. He has shoulder length black hair and full beard, with the saphire eyes of an oasis. With Seif al Din at his back he is a most imposing figure. But he seems to have an ability to disappear if it is his wish.
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Isidia, I didn't check skill points on the NPC, but you gave her the human bonus feat. Instead of improved iniative, I assume she changed race during creation?
Also you might want to check over levels and HD. Oh, since the characters will now have class HD for the levels they are LA, do you still want to give them the racial hps?

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