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Heroes, Inc.: Aftermath


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I suspect the medics fed Alethia the tea to keep her in bed and out of trouble.

Alethia looks at Frostrune. "Abraxas is somewhere nearby, maybe in the city or just outside it," she tells him quietly.
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DM_Matt said:
The medics have gotten quite fed up with Kayla's whining and have been giving her that tea they gave Alethia. To be fair, though, she is in the worst condition of anyone there except Maggie.

Kalya doesnt sit up "The pains not too bad...pretty dizzy though. Why am I a prisoner here?"

"You're not exactly a prisoner, and you're not exactly a guest," Dyria stated. "But, given the circumstances, can you blame us for wanting to keep an eye on you? Why don't you tell me exactly what you were doing with our old friend, and then maybe we can see clear to getting you out of here?"


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Alethia scowls as one of the smiling, snarky medics hand her another cup of 'tea'. The healer in her knows that she needs rest...

"Damit... This stuff makes me sillier than a pixi on a sugar high," she grumbles at the medic who merely grins and pats her shoulder understandingly.

"Drink it up and you'll be busy smacking down undead and other narsties sooner than you expect." the medic advises.


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Timrin watches Devan work from the edge of his bed. He says to his friends, "That my friends is Shieldlord Devan Hardcastle, the most devote and battle tested cleric of Helm on the Sword Coast. We have worked together many a time but I have no idea why he is here... though I shan't complain."

Devan seems to hear but finishes up his work before responding.

"I'll tell ya why I'm here. Helm has chosen you <indicating Timrin>. Two weeks past I had a vision. It was night and a gleaming silver tower could be clearly seen in the distance. But as you moved closer you could see that this tower was besieged on all sides. Demons and other foul monstrosities clawed at its sides and raked it with fire. Suddenly Helm's blazing eye appeared directly above the tower... then the vision was gone."

"Didn't take me but a minute to figure it out." He reaches out to grasp Timrin's shield and spins in about so everyone can see; a silver tower on a starlit field, Helm's symbol prominently displayed above.

"Helm has sent me to help you," he says to Timrin, "All of you."

"But that is not all. I took the liberty of hunting down Valdon before racing north. Even as we speak your company is reforming and sailing for Waterdeep; every damn one of 'um. Helm needs heroes Timrin."

"Now tell me what all this is about."

And the better part of an hour goes with the re-telling.

DM_Matt said:
The medics get the idea and discuss the situation with Devan. Speciafically, one explains Maggie's condition: "She has been unconscious for two full days now. Up untl a few hours ago she was comatose, but while her reletive improvement is encouraging, that does mean that she feels pain while asleep. We're doing what we can about that. She should start to wake up soon, but she'll need a bit more tie to recover. Due to the injury to her spine, which we were forunately able to repair, it will take anywhere form a few days to a few weeks of excercise to get her legs working right again."

Devan explains the situation to Timrin and the others and explains there is little more they can do. Now it is up to her.

Eventually, Timrin asks Devan to speak with the Waterdahvian Guard under his authority and ask their permission and seek shelter for the incoming troop. He pretends he needs to rest. In truth he finds a chair and spends the rest of the day sitting by Maggies bedside.

DM_Matt said:
Hours later, in the middle of the night, she stirs and begins to open her eyes.

The room is quiet and Timrin is dozing in the chair next to her.


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"I have a feeling that before too long, Waterdeep is going to be under seige. We have already weathered two attacks and the army Cronos is gathering over the waves is increasing. We need to prepare for this. We need foodstuffs, secure water supplies even magical ones like decanters of endless water would be good for this and medical resources above all. And while the city prepares, we need to hunt down and destroy the twice damned we know are near by." She told the others.

The medic returns, an old woman of about 50, with the look of a practiced healer about her. In otherwords, scary as any demon. "Drink your tea or I'll pour it down your throat, I'll not have you trying to get up and do all that when you can barely make it to the privy without crumpling," she ordered, pushing the Aasimar down and pressing the cup to her lips.

Alethia growls softly under her breath and drinks the now cold and rather bitter tea. The last thing she hears is the old woman scolding the others to let the injured rest or she'll dose them all with sleeping draughts.

The demon meanwhile tries to narrow down the location of Abraxas and Aleena's soul.
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Falkus said:
"You're not exactly a prisoner, and you're not exactly a guest," Dyria stated. "But, given the circumstances, can you blame us for wanting to keep an eye on you? Why don't you tell me exactly what you were doing with our old friend, and then maybe we can see clear to getting you out of here?"

"I am...investigating...Zarun...he was my target all along, even as I pursued the order of Sharar. Before he went west we suspected his connections with demons...I reeeeeeeeally shouldnt be telling you this, but see, Rachel Zarun is my cousin...I know she's not evil, but I fear HE is. I must save her (starts to cry). Our family is already cursed with rumors of demonic ancestry, and if the witches believes that hat tendancy is active, none of us are safe. My only hope is to destroy Zarun and whatever hold he has over her and bring er home."
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frostrune said:
The room is quiet and Timrin is dozing in the chair next to her.

Maggie recognizes Timrin through the haze and smiles slightly. She says quietly, her throat dry from nearly three days of being sustained magically but not actually drinking anything, "What happened?"


DM_Matt said:
"I am...investigating...Zarun...he was my target all along, even as I pursued the order of Sharar. Before he went west we suspected his connections with demons...I reeeeeeeeally shouldnt be telling you this, but see, Rachel Zarun is my cousin...I know she's not evil, but I fear HE is. I must save her (starts to cry). Our family is already cursed with rumors of demonic ancestry, and if the witches believes that hat tendancy is active, none of us are safe. My only hope is to destroy Zarun and whatever hold he has over her and bring er home."

Dyria wasn't sure if she should trust her confession or not, but decided to press on with the questioning. "Why don't you tell me everything you can about Zarun? We don't like him any more than you do, but unfortunately, we can't do anything without any hard proof of wrong-doing on his part."


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DM_Matt said:
Maggie recognizes Timrin through the haze and smiles slightly. She says quietly, her throat dry from nearly three days of being sustained magically but not actually drinking anything, "What happened?"

Timrin awakes with a start, "Mmm.. Maggie? Your awake!"

"Don't move. Don't talk. I'll fetch you some water."

He jumps up and rushes off for a pitcher and a glass.

He returns within a few seconds, a bit flustered. He offers her a glass.

"Now take it easy, Maggie. You been out for a while. You were hurt pretty badly. We.. we... almost lost you." This last bit is said with a lot of restrained emotion.

"A lot has happened, none of it good. For now just rest and regain your strength. I'll sit with you in case you need anything. I'll keep the clerics from poking at you until morning," he smirks.


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She is floating, flying, weaving in and out of the clouds. Lights below flicker, fade. She can feel herself falling, ever falling down, down.

She shivers. It's cold. Winter in the north, brutal and long. Skimming over the land, inches from the icy ground. Not touching. Everything blurry, haze making details impossible to see.
But she knows. Narfel. Land of the horse nomads.

She hears chanting, foul words that fill her with dread. A temple, ruined now, once dedicated to Selune.

She can feel herself being dragged, against her will into the depths of the once great temple, now befouled by darkness. She can't turn away. In the center of the great hall, is two circles of priests in dark robes. The walls are defaced now, the symbols strange.

She closes her eyes, but they remain open. In the center of the circle of priests is a circle of dark light. Captured within is a twisting, emphereal form. A soul trapped. Trapped... She can hear it screaming. But it makes no noise.

Too late, too late... Too late. The voices mock her.
Couldn't save the father, couldn't save the daughter. Couldn't save your own parents.
Failed. Give up little girl. You're playing with fire. It will burn you up.

The priests turn on her, flames spire from their hands.

Alethia jerks awake, sweating from the drug-induced nightmare. Safe. She turns, hearing soft voices, smiling a little as she recognizes that Maggie has awoken finally. "Just a nightmare," she whispers to herself, too low for anyone to hear. "I won't fail again," she promises to no one, to everyone. Her eyes close and she sends a brief prayer upwards.

Please, help us find Aleena... I don't want Cronos to have another soul to torment. Not if I can help it. Too many innocents... Too tired now, she falls back to sleep.

Voidrunner's Codex

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