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Heroics around Hommlet [IC]

Wynter Wolf

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After a few hours of rest Jake wakes up, Stretches puts on his equipment and Kneels down to pray. After a short while in prayer Jake gets up and seems pleased at the new day. "Good morning all." Jake says rather boisterously.

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Kerrax is the last one to wake up, but he spends little time getting prepared. He puts on his armor and starts eating one of his rations. "Bah! This dry food is no good!", he curses. "A fried boar would be more tasty."

After he's done eating he gets up and picks up his weapons. "Don't tell you're waiting for me. Let's take a look at that mine. I'm ready for a another round," the warrior says grinning.


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Raven answers Damian softly, so Astatia won't hear. "I tranced fine. Elves don't sleep." Then in a louder voice. "In fact, I feel great! Let's get moving!"


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"Ah yes, how silly of me," Damien nods. As he waits with Raven for the others he tries to continue their conversation. "I've always been interested in learning more about your people. The language itself is elegant and beautiful. Do you think you could, uhm.. teach it to me?" he blushes uncharacteristically.


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Damien laughs nervously at this. His mind begins to roam to places they ought not be while searching for something he can teach in return. Finally he manages to compose himself and replies, feeling rather inadequate for the first time in a long while, "Hmm. Well, I'm not really sure what I could offer in return.. Lessons in fighting and defense? We could spar perhaps? I wouldn't want to see you hurt in our travels. What I could teach may help you stay alive." The prince quickly adds, "Or of course, anything else you may be interested in if your not interested in that. I could tell you about my people for instance. My lands, our history, something cultural?"


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"Yes. Stories about your kings and generals. I'm always looking for inspiring stories. Particularly if they're in the form of songs. If they're not, I can still generally make a song out of them. Perhaps some sparing, yes, but mostly I'm interested in music and lore."


Toriah slept poorly the night before, haunted by dreams of humanoids chasing him through the tangled underbrush. He woke early, and after eating some trail rations, packed up camp and headed off. They can't be after me, he thinks, continuing an argument started the night before. I mean, they can't know yet, and if they're off hunting, that's perfectly normal and unsuspicious, right? Besides, I can always just split after a while and claim the fighting is too much for me. With that thought in mind, he strolls into the camp, taking pains to not conceal his passage. Wouldn't do to have them think I'm sneaking up on them, he laughs to himself.

"Greetings, all," he says, sweeping a low bow. "I am called Toriah." He keeps his eyes on Damien, having marked him as the leader of the group, and the one who needed the most convincing. "I heard you all speak of hunting goblinoids and thought I'd offer my services." He is attractive, and obviously of elvish descent. Though he smiles easily, his green eyes are hooded and he constantly looks around, as if ready to bolt at any moment. He wears slightly worn leather armor and carries a full backpack with light crossbow and rapier in easy reach.


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Damien turns to regard the newcomer that has entered their camp. After his introduction he turns back to Raven and whispers, "We can start this at our next camp if you'd like." He then turns back to the shifty elf, obviously suspicious.

"Mr... Toriah was it? Are there any others in the woods waiting to pop out on us here? It seems the popular thing lately. If you are not associated with our new friends over there, then where do you come from?"


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Kerrax notices the newcomer only when he speaks turning around and grasping his ranseur with both hands. Hey, where did he come from? As the elven man speaks more it becomes clear, that there is no danger, but the bald-headed warrior still keeps an eye on the obviously sneaky elf.

"Another elf." He speaks to Jake, who's near him. "We must be the only humans in this forest with our new friend the prince. Otherwise it's just goblins and elves. I'm just happy this one is an elf and not a damn goblin. Looks like it's not too hard to just walk in our camp..."

Voidrunner's Codex

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