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how to hit on girls without being creepy?

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Hitting on someone is the first problem. Outside of a bar setting, you shouldn't be hitting on someone you would like to meet or date.

Talk to her, be yourself, be nice but too sweet, be confident but not a jerk. Ask others who may know her, what she's like. Look for someone you find attractive and someone even if you never had a chance in the world to sleep with, you would still like to have a relationship with. You have to accept that just because YOU want a relationship, she may not, and you have to let it go.

Lastly, have patience. Eventually you'll find someone who is open to a relationship with you.

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First Post
Cultivate female friends. Get to know them.

At some point, romance will blossom.

It worked for me. Married for 8 years now.

If all you're looking for is some non-serious "female companionship" I'm afraid I can't help you.


Jesus_marley said:
I do believe some of the laws in place are rather absurd and draconian but I don't understand how that makes me "bitter".
Which laws, and in what was are they absurd and draconian? (And surely something makes you bitter, as you put "Am I bitter? Nah!" at the end of your post....)

Merak makes an excellent point. You make friends, whether or not you date them, and then you have more friends at the very worst. Plus, let's face it, your female friends *themselves* have female friends, and you never know when one of them will say "Hey, I have this great guy friend you should meet..."

If you're on a college campus, there are plenty of opportunities to meet and woo women - take it from me, I'm a 20 year old female college student.

Do sweet things:
-Ask where she's going to class - offer to carry her books. (Oh, I LOVE this one!)
-Open doors for women, always. Whether your walking into the student union or class, always check behind you to see if there is someone you can hold the door open for.
-Find mundane things to compliment - clothes, makeup, or the color of her eyes.
-Invite her to do things with a large group - movies, ice skating, etc. "I'm going to the movies with some freinds on Thursday, do you want to come with us?"
-While at those big things, find a moment to pull her aside and ask if she would like to go on a date sometime - just the two of you.
-Do find ways to run into your crush - like has been said before. Join activities that she is in, figure out where she spends her free time. "Hey! It's good to see you!"
-Find out if she uses an IM service and talk to her there. It's easy and low-pressure (that's how my husband and I got our start :))

That's what I can think of off the top of my head...

--LizzyB aka Queen_Dopplepopolis


Join activities that she is in, figure out where she spends her free time. "Hey! It's good to see you!"

Don't join those activities unless you enjoy them. Some women will think it romantic that you joined a knitting class just to be near them. Others will be upset that they can't even go to their knitting class without that creep who won't take 'no' for an answer hanging around making goo-goo eyes :/


Okay, I'm out. What was once a simple question - How do I get her to like me? - has now been thoroughly scrutinized, deconstructed, pseudo-intellectualized, agenda-tized, misinterpreted, misconstrued ad infinitum, ad nauseum, etc.... You don't need me here anymore to help. :)

Here's the scoop, Hida, same thing I tell my son: Just be yourself, be your best and be respectful.

Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio?

Peace, gang :)


Wow, there are a lot of responses here. I am not sure I want to read them all so I will just offer the same advice that I offer most of my younger guy friends.

Remember that girls are, first and foremost, people. Treat them like people. Communicate with them. That means speaking and listening. Be respectful and polite and be yourself.

A date is a way to find out a little more about this person, and to let them know a little more about you. If a girl doesn't like who you are, let it rest. Even if you thought and hoped that this was the person of your dreams, you just found out that the two of you are not as compatible as you would have liked to have thought. No big deal.


First Post
Simply put: Be yourself.

If you act contrary to your normal persona, you will only cause problems for yourself and those around you. Works for me. My only obstacle is that I'm constantly running into legitimate "already in a relationship" barriers. But there's not much one can do about that.

Other than that, there are a few things that are a must.

Smile, be courteous and respectful, and practice good hygiene. Without this, you won't get anywhere.

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