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how to hit on girls without being creepy?

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wow, ok. First off, I'd like to say, there is hope for the geek in all of us. I met the perfect cute geek by doing what? Being myself and just playing D&D. If it wasn't for D&D, I woulda never met the girl of my dreams (and it goes vice versa for her). Very interesting story, it was almost magical (in a geek way lol). I remember the second sentence she said in my presence (and this is where I fell off the chair) "Hmmmm, Smoked Sausage, Beer and D&D!?! Can life get any better?" :confused:

Neways, here is Our advice to those geeks like us. See link:


(warning, link contains a single word of profanity, so if that might bother you, you were warned).

Happy hunting and thank gawd for D&D!

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Queen_Dopplepopolis said:
By my best guess, the standard college female would find it more than flattering - and unmeasurably refreshing - to meet a guy that was happy to kiss her hand and wish her sweet dreams on their first date. It's little things like that that made me fall in love.

It happened once at the end of a boffer combat duel, and I was, in fact, very flattered. Too bad it didn't happen much more often than that.

Hida Bukkorosu

First Post
well i won't know until i get to know her whether she falls into the "just wanna bang her" category or the "relationship" category, so should i be a jerk or nice guy on the first date...

being a jerk doesn't come naturally to me, at least not the confident macho swggering jerk. i can pull off the "i'm so much smarter than everyone else and all you pathetic humans are beneath me" arrogant elitist snob-type jerk (like the Simpsons Comic Book Guy) pretty well, but that's not the type of jerk girls go for.

Teflon Billy

mythago said:
...The nice guys I know, the ones who are kind and respectful and treat the woman as a person, have to keep a written calendar to keep their dates organized. Seriously...

Then we know a very diffrent circle of nice guys. the Nice guys I know never, ever have any luck. It drives them mad that despite being classic nice guys (and they by all accounts are) that this doesn't interest women. It doesn't get a "foot in the door" to quote an earlier poster.

Women talk a good game about liking "nice guys with a sense of humour" and suchlike. But in my experience (and that of most every guy I know; inlcuding my Grandfather, my English Prof, a Professional Wrestler, a "Hairstylist to the Stars" and a Deacon, to give you some notion of the range of folks I'm describing here) there is no doubt that it was no accident that our culture developed the proverb Nice guys finish last.

Because they do.

And yes, there will always be a girl who post to a thread like this claiming that neither they, nor any girl they kow likes jerks at all. While I am certain that's true in their case(s), it is not statistically signifigant enough to offset the fact that nice guys finish last is a truism.

It just means that they and their friends are anomalies.

I'm entirely spoken for at the moment (and happily so), but back in the day I had no shortage of women (I was a Serial Monogamist; one girl at a atime, but no intention of settling down).

the women were there because I followed very simple advice. I have no idea why these rules work--they shouldn't-- but they do.

1) Deflate the girl a little. Don't agree with everything she says. Show her up in front of her friends.

2) Spend Money. Not necessarily on her. This one blows me away. if you spend a lot fo money on a girl, you are a mark. But buy drinks for yourself, your friends and--occassionally-- her, and you are in.

3) Don't take a lot of crap. Be ready to walk away from drama. This ones tough because you can easily get the the feeling that you are throwing away the relationship and that can make you cave. Don't. Stick to your guns and she will--inexpicably--be back.

4) Side iwith her against others. Girls constantly snipe, gossip and generally dig at one another, even (and maybe expecially) their friends. Join in on her side. eg...

[bq] Her: "Molly is such a slut"
You: "Yeah well, that's not exactly news in my circles"
Her: "Really?"
You: "Oh yeah"[/bq]

...this is also a good opportunity to engage in rule 1 (deflating her a little)

[bq] You: "I thought Molly was a friend of yours?"
Her: "well, she is"
You: *shrug*"I guess guys just treat their friends differently"[/bq]

5) Play to your masculine personality strengths. What is pretty simple stuff for men is just beyond the pale for a large percentage of women. Work on "Not treating every situation as a full-on crisis" and "Not sweating the small stuff". Your ability to not worry about everything imaginable is both attractive and aggravating to most women.

6) Be ready to fail: Most women you meet are not going to be all that into you (unless you already have a girl interested in you), this is just the way of things. it is a lot easier for an average girl to get an above average guy than vice-versa. You need to pick you battles. Meet a lot of women, work on the ones who show an interest. Be ready and willing to walk.

That's about it.

Teflon Billy

Voodoo said:
Jerk or Nice Guy: Jerks get laid, nice guys get relationships, decide what you want.

Wrong. Jerks get the girl, they can proceeed from there in whatever direction they choose.

Nice guys get "really good female friends"

Hygine: Always be clean as you never know when you might meet a girl you fancy. Always carry gum as bits of stuck food can make your breath smell really quickly without you knowing it (though bin it asap, no-one want to see you spitting out gum)

Couldn't agree more here. I use Tic Tacs rather than gum.


Hida Bukkorosu said:
well i won't know until i get to know her whether she falls into the "just wanna bang her" category or the "relationship" category, so should i be a jerk or nice guy on the first date...
No offense, dude, but with the "just wanna bang her" comment, you pretty much decided it right there, didn't you? :uhoh:

A lot of the stuff Teflon Billy is talking about does work, and while its hard to lay the blame entirely on the guys - the people involved in the women's upbringing deserve some blame, and one would hope women themselves would be a little more self-actualized - all of this sort of behavior plays on ways that women have been mistreated by other men in their lives - father, brothers, ex-boyfriends, etc. - and usually only reinforces the problems in them when whatever you wanted them for is over. It moves them further from being "the sort of girl you bring home to Mom" - as the old song says, "It wasn't God who made honky tonk angels."

Courtship, in the classical sense, believe it or not, still works - if you see a girl you want to meet with some of her friends, approach one of them, and ask them to introduce you. Be yourself - period. From there, make gentle suggestions, but allow her to set the pace. If she is weak in character or self-esteem, build her up. If she acts as though she's afraid to debate anything with you, MAKE her fight you - if she has a problem with you, you want her to be willing and able to come to YOU about it, not her friends behind your back. Dedicate yourself to her entirely (and I mean entirely) until she makes it clear that that is unwelcome or she dishonors you in some obviously intentional fashion. (And even then, be ready to forgive repentance.) Be willing to die for her and more, be willing to LIVE for her.

That, in my humble opinion, is the biggest problem with modern life - everyone seems to be out for #1, and they've forgotten the joy of purpose. Your kids, your love, maybe your country or god, and then you - in that order. And dedication to them comes at Moment One - maybe they can lose it, but they should never have to earn it. Its that simple.

Being the jerk may "get you some", but in the end it will be no more satisfying that what you could have gotten from a magazine or the internet and a free hand, and you may have hurt someone.

But don't tell me you didn't expect Torm to come out in favor of honor and chivalry. :p
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Teflon Billy

Hida Bukkorosu said:
well i won't know until i get to know her whether she falls into the "just wanna bang her" category or the "relationship" category, so should i be a jerk or nice guy on the first date...

A Jerk.

being a jerk doesn't come naturally to me, at least not the confident macho swggering jerk.

Then start off slow. Find something she 's talking about and be negative about it. She likes American Idol? Guess what you just decided is stupid.

i can pull off the "i'm so much smarter than everyone else and all you pathetic humans are beneath me" arrogant elitist snob-type jerk (like the Simpsons Comic Book Guy) pretty well, but that's not the type of jerk girls go for.

No, they sure aren't lining up for Comic Book Guy:)


First Post
For all the good advice I've seen on this thread, I can't shake the feeling that it will inspire a few panels of "Something*Positive" soon....

Teflon Billy

Torm said:
...allow her to set the pace. If she is weak in character or self-esteem, build her up. If she acts as though she's afraid to debate anything with you, MAKE her fight you - if she has a problem with you, you want her to be willing and able to come to YOU about it, not her friends behind your back. Dedicate yourself to her entirely (and I mean entirely) until she makes it clear that that is unwelcome or she dishonors you in some obviously intentional fashion. (And even then, be ready to forgive repentance.) Be willing to die for her and more, be willing to LIVE for her...

This is all very high-minded and looks great on paper. I think Torm is most likely an excellent human being who I would be proud to call a friend if he actually beleives al of the above.

but followin that advice is going to do one of two things.

1) Make you seem stuffy, or

2) Make you seem creepy.

The latter stands in stark contrast to Hida's stated goals in the title of this thread, and I can't think that the former is too high on his list either.

Hida is looking for his "first" (first kiss, first girlfriend etc). He doesn't need rules for treating women like queens. that wil get him burned to no effect.

He needs to be following my advice.

When he is looking to settle down with Mrs. Right, that's when you bring Torm's advice onto the table.

It will give Mrs Right the impression that she has "changed you", and that's "woman ina relationship" gold right there:)
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