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Hunted: Enemies of the Empire OOC (Recruiting Closed)


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Rock'n! :D
I have adjusted his stats accordingly (reducing his dex) and will post him in a moment.

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First Post
airwalkrr said:
I would appreciate it if you could shorten the stat block to adhere to the standard stat block provided in the SE rules. You get 5 Force Points at 1st level, regardless of whether you have the Force Sensitive feat. I count 27 points for your ability scores; 6 for Str, 10 for Dex, 4 for Con, 2 for Int, 3 for Wis, and 2 for Cha. I’d like to see your attack modifiers listed in front of the name of the weapon and damage included after within parentheses. I am not sure where you got the collapsable part for the quarterstaff. Mind pointing out the page number? You should have 145 credits, not 170. Remember a bowcaster has a 75 credit license fee.

8+6=14 Str
8+8=16 Dex
8+4=12 Con
8+2=10 Int
8+3=11 Wis
8+2=10 Cha

6+8+4+2+3+2=25. I think you miscalculated, maybe?

Edited the Forcepoints

Edited the BAB for weapons

For the collapsable quarterstaff, Its not in the book, but its just a quarterstaff that telescopes to baton length. I increased the price of a quarterstaff by adding the staff+baton price. It still does the same damage, all it does is make it more portable. I would like to play it just like a baton, with a swift action to make it a quarterstaff.

Edited the credits. All set!


First Post
airwalkrr said:
A Dexterity score of 16 costs 10 points, not 8. See the table on page 18.

The collapsible quarterstaff is fine. Neat idea.
Clearly I did miscaluculate! I'll reduce Charisma to an 8 to compensate. Sorry for the blonde moment.


First Post
Before we get too far into things, can you give us some guidelines on how you want to handle the mechanics of the game? The obvious one is who rolls dice? I've played where the DM rolls everything, and where the PC's used an online dice roller. I'm fine with whatever but curious how you plan to handle things.

Also, what are your expectations regarding posting frequency (both for you and for us)? It helps to know, for instance, if you're only going to post once per day, twice per week, or multiple times a day, and if you're assuming we'll be matching what you're doing.



I am fine with players rolling their own dice via invisible castle and linking to the die roll in the post. If you do something that requires a die roll without linking to a die roll, I will assume you either overlooked it or didn't realize it required a die roll, in that event, I will roll for you and inform you of the result. For example, if you tell me you want to climb 15 ft. up the wall, but don't give me a Climb check, I will make your Climb checks until you either fall or reach 15 ft. up, at which point I will inform you of the result. Of course, I won't have you retry such a task endlessly until you succeed. In the example above, I would stop if you fell and let you decide whether or not you wanted to retry. Additionally, I won't always warn you of mitigating modifiers to certain tasks (like ACP and climbing) beforehand, but I will inform you in the event the condition caused a failure. For instance, you might forget while stating you wish to climb that you are carrying a heavy load. If you happen to fall, I will remind you after the fall that you realize your heavy weight is checking your progress.

I will be basically be posting as often as I can which is probably once or twice a day. If I ever leave town and will not have access to internet (as I am planning to do this Friday through Sunday), I will inform you via the OOC board. I expect players to post at least once a day, or inform me of a planned absence. In the event of unplanned absences (such as unexpected illness), I will give you at least a week to let me know before dropping you, but I am generally understanding of such things as long as it does not become a habit.


First Post
Great - thanks for the quick answer. That all makes sense.

Now I have some OOC questions about our situation in the game.

What is the PC's transportation situation? Do we have access to a space transport of some kind to get off planet?

Assuming we get Bata to tell us what he knows about the Senator, what are we to do with the information?

Who is our superior in Zin's Renegades? We must have someone who sent us on this mission.

Sorry about all the questions, but we jumped right into things quickly and I'm not clear on some of the details of our work with Zin.

Voidrunner's Codex

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