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I want to see D20 <fill-in-the-blank> [Thread from 2002]


Re: G.I. Joe

die_kluge said:
And no one could ever die. So, if you shot a helicopter down, the Cobra soldiers would always parachute out.

Yep. And instead of having a Know Alignment spell, you could just make a spot check to see if the laser beams coming out of the target character's pistol/machine gun/rifle/bazooka were blue or red.

Prestige class: crimson guard.

And of course, at the end of each adventure, extra XP to whichever player could summarize the moral of the adventure, because..."knowing is half the battle!"

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First Post

all ranged combat vs humans automatically miss. you must close the distance and engage in hand to hand combat. except where noted above in a 4 part movie campaign, even then, only a few times will you actually hit.

Shipwreck h/m soldier 5/jackass 10
Roadblock h/m soldier 8/busta ryhmes 6
Duke h/m soldier 7/commander 5/stick up his ass 3


SpikeyFreak said:
d20 Battletech would be awesome too.

In fact, d20 <anything with giant robots> would be really cool IMHO.

d20 Alternity
D20 Battletech would be great. I would really love to see a D20 version of Alternity. A set of catch all rules for sci-fi/modern gaming would be IMO a great addition to my collection. Of course I could probably use Alternity as is.

Ds Da Man
STARCRAFT D20!!!!! Although I've been doing my own conversions. Defense bonus and D.R. of course!!!
I eagerly awaited the Alternity Starcraft rules when they were released. They were terrible. I couldn't believe the lack of information in that little boxed set. They didn't provide anything I couldn't have gotten out of the core rulebooks. I would love to see this setting done right. It may happen too. Aren't there plans to do a Warcraft game?

D20 Paranoia
D20 Darksword
I've always wanted to see the Darksword world done for D&D. I have the Darksword Adventures book but the game system wasn't very good. I think a modified channeling system (WoT) would work well to simulate the magic in the books. Along the same line a Deathgate Cycle setting would be really cool to play.



KDLadage said:
Actually, all kidding aside, d20 GI JOE would rock. It has the potential to be a very, very good game.
Someone was working on a conversion awhile back. He had a web site and everything. I wonder what happened to that.


One of the better GI JOE RPG conversions I found was a FUDGE translation. The interesting thing was that the characters, thanks to the way FUDGE worked, simply used the stat-card that was provided when you purchased the figure as the Character Record Sheet. All of teh same terms were used in teh translation, so nothing but dice mechanics needed to be taught to someone wanting to play...


G.I. Joe

The guy working on that stopped when Valterra basically told him that he could get sued for doing it.

I mean, think about it. Hasbro owns G.I. Joe *and* the D20 license. So, by making D20 G.I. Joe, not only are you stealing their trademark ("G.I. Joe") but you're using their license to do it.

I'd like to see the G.I. Joe RPG be something like a combination between role-playing, and strategy. So, you could do something like role-play your character, and then when it came time to have battle scenes, you could switch to a more battletech style game with jeeps, helicopters and hovercrafts. That'd be cool.

I knew some guys once that integrated BattleTech and Cyberpunk rules. They used BattleTech rules for mech combat, and when the pilots left the mechs and went into a building, say, they switched to Cyberpunk rules.


First Post
d20 Japanese Monsters

It'd have to have rules for playing both the monsters and the little kids who were friends with the monsters and had everything figured out. I can see it now d20 stats for Godzilla, Mothra, Gamera, Ultraman, etc.

Especially Gamera because
"Gamera is really neat.
Gamera is full of meat.
We all love you, Gamera."


What? Me Worry?
Some of these have already been mentioned:

d20 Andromeda
d20 Babylon 5
d20 OGRE
d20 Speed Racer
d20 George of the Jungle/Super Chicken/Tom Slick
d20 Thundarr the Barbarian
d20 Ringworld
d20 The Mote In God's Eye
d20 Universal Horror Films
d20 Hammer Films
d20 Truck Turner
d20 Shadowrun
d20 Empire Earth
d20 Ghostbusters
d20 50s Scifi Films
d20 Honor Harrington
d20 Pendragon
d20 Glorantha
d20 Tunnels & Trolls
d20 Star Trek
d20 Charmed
d20 Hogan's Heroes
d20 Space: 1999
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