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D&D 5E [IC] Creamsteak's Princes of Elemental Evil


You are able to dock and cover the boat to some degree with a bit of work. Lars does ask if he can access the stores of the ship for food and ale at some point.

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Aridha resumes her elvish shape soon enough and sets about treating her wounds, as well as any other wounds of those who need it. She points out as she does, keeping an eye on Lars and her voice pitched low enough for him not to overhear, "There's likely a reward for bringing him in, you realize. He and his were attacking passing traders...that tends to spread word up and down the road."

(assuming we'll short rest before getting started, this is just 'spending hit dice' I'd rather hang onto mah healing spells for now if possible :))

Forged Fury

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Damien did as little work as he could manage, spending most of his time pouring over the dwarven tomes while his spell lasted. Finally putting the books away, he stretched and drew his dagger. Starting to pick his fingernails with it, he wandered over to Lars. Something had been gnawing at him. "So Lars, any idea why Shoalar just up and decided to attack us? He said something about how tags shouldn't be here, and for his sake I guess he was right, but it seemed like a snap decision. Did Shoalar have some problem with the Adventurer's Guild?"



Lars has to think for a second. Perhaps conjuring a story. Perhaps just trying to think through what you're asking.

"He didn't warn us in advance. I think Pike knew. I had heard that there was a bounty on tags. Grimmjaw was paying 100 gold for a silver."

OOC: It's roughly noon and high tide when everything is done and settled. You can make it to Summit hall by morning if you travel at night. I don't know your intents but I figured I would present that information.

Steve Gorak


Lars has to think for a second. Perhaps conjuring a story. Perhaps just trying to think through what you're asking.

"He didn't warn us in advance. I think Pike knew. I had heard that there was a bounty on tags. Grimmjaw was paying 100 gold for a silver."

Telepathically, Thaliss says for all exept Lars to hear 100gp, that is quite a lot. He must be hiding something, and he would have known that silvers would have been sent after the caravan. In any case,chance is on our side. If we secure the boat properly, the high tide will help prevent it from being dislodged. I say we rest for the night, and head for summit hall in the morning..

OOC: Does any lord or king claim Riverguard Keep? If it's been usurped, we could also benefit from liberating it from Grimmjaw


OOC: Rivergard is an old keep that has been in disrepair for generations. Also, as others have asked, no there is no single governing body in the Desserin Valley. All the cities are independent. To steal a phrase from the Kingmaker adventure path, it's mostly "You have what you hold." in the valley. Those who can hold and keep law on an area, like a city or a keep, generally get to rule as they please.


OOC: Presuming this plan is adequate, rolling random encounters and moving forward. Everyone benefits from a long rest.

Tolan: You notice Lars is scratching incessantly throughout the night, without regard to trying to sleep or not. He looks ill prepared to camp on the ground, and inept. He does seem like he considers if he could escape, and decides against it. The boat is too well stowed to quietly scoff off with, and he's on the wrong side of the river to get anywhere of use. But he scratches. Constantly.

Your rest is otherwise completed uneventfully.

At daybreak, you begin your march towards Summit Hall. The trek takes you around some hills, but you manage to not encounter anything out of the ordinary. You manage to arrive at Summit Hall slightly ahead of schedule, in the mid afternoon.

This small stronghold stands on a hilltop in the southern region of the Sumber Hills. It consists of a stone hall surrounded by a fifteen-foot wall with a sturdy wooden gate. Stables, a tower, barracks, and storage buildings are enclosed within the protective wall. A banner flying an emblem of a crossed torch and sword flutters overhead.

It appears the small but fortified structure is in good repair and well kept. A woman greets you from the top of the wall.

"Well met. Guild adventurer's I take it? What brings you to Summit Hall? Wishing to join the order?"

Steve Gorak

"Well met. Guild adventurer's I take it? What brings you to Summit Hall? Wishing to join the order?"

Thaliss clears his throat, disappointed that he needs to communicated in an obsolete, barbaric manner: "Greetings! I am Thaliss of house Eviastarim. I am sure yours is a worthy order to join, but we are on an important mission and perhaps we can discuss joining another day. We are on the trail of a missing caravan from Mirabar that we heard may have come your way. We are afraid that the caravan may have been attacked, and have some of the thugs' heads that may have been involved. Do you know anything of this.?"


First Post
Aridha comes up beside Thaliss, looking especially uncouth next to him in her hides and leathers, and smudges on her face.

"We've business with your constable, or guard captain. Whoever gives orders to the people with swords who keep you safe."

Voidrunner's Codex

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