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[IC] Stealthy Missions: Prologue


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Rowenstin finds a suitable spot nearby, and after casting his spell finds an open window with the eye. The eye entering the mansion, Rowenstin starts his search. The first floor of the mansion is mainly conquered by a large party hall, a dining room and a kitchen (which has a back door to the garden and some kind of a hatch probably leading to the cellar), and some other rooms that have closed doors, preventing entry. The second floor (accessible from the large hall and kitchen) mostly consists of hallways and series of small rooms (with closed doors), which are probably servants' quarters. The third and the smallest floor consists of the private quarters of Mourgram (door closed).

During the floor-scanning, Rowenstin spots a dozen or so servants and a half-dozen guards (who just seem to bounce around the mansion and chat with others rather than pay any real attention to any serious guard duty. He also spots a fairly distinctive fellow in the second floor; A bald human man clad in red robes and tattooed head. The man seems to be respected (and/or feared) by the other people in the mansion, but he certainly isn't Mourgram himself.

Seem like proving Mourgram's connection to Red Wizards just got easier.

Casting Locate Object, Rowenstin detects a safe in the third-floor. The safe seems to contain gold, gems, rings, and other jewelry. There's also a book with a metal lock in it (to prevent it from being opened).

Rowenstin then gets safely back and finds others at the inn.

When scrying on Mourgram, he sees that the noble seems to be in some kind of high-style gambling place, tossing around gold and sipping drinks.

OOC: If you want to change something, say. I'll give you a closer map of the mansion once I've actually figured it out myself. :)

Now, are we on the evening before or the new day morning...?

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Let´s sse if now works: [OOC: Rowenstin´s not going to do anything more this evening, so for me, it´s ok to move to the next day. However, based on what we already know we can start making plans, and I´d like to delay the spell preparation time until we have them]
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OOC: Okay...

IC: Rowenstin finds others from the inn, but because of certain amounts of alcohol, the atmosphere seems to be unsuitable for planning. In the next morning he cathes them again when they're "planning".

OOC: Duhh... Couldn't think anything better. Time-warps aren't exactly my specialty.


[Actually, is a pretty good time warp, compared to others I´ve seen.]

"Ok." says Rowenstin. "Thanks to my diligence and magic we know several things already. There´s a Red wizard in the house. We know the noble likes to risk money and drink outside of it. There´s a safe with a book I´d like to get my hands on. But we don´t know what kind of evindence we have to obtain."

He makes a pause. "I think the obvious target is the noble: we can find him far from the red wizard, and extract the information we need out of him one way or another: getting him drunk, slipping something in his drink, or using a spell. I have the right one for that, but it´s not strong enough to dig in his hidden thoughts. Opinions?"


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"We could just threaten his life and scare him to death, hoping he'll spill before he'll faint." Byorn suggests absentmindedly. It's obvious that he's kinda annoyed about everyone starting to talk all over again.

Inez Hull

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Orland chuckles aloud as a thought comes unbidden to him, "Maybe young Mourie 'd be inclined ta talk if 'e thought 'is 'pact with the Red Wizards had gone pear-shaped like. If 'is mansion were ta be over'auled by a contingent of 'Red Wizards' who came in an slew the one he's puttin' up at the moment an' requisitioned all 'is records, makin' claims of "traitor" an' the like, maybe he'd be more likely to spill the beans than with a simple blade ta tha throat."

"What'cha reckon Rowen', can ya manage any illusions for the crew, me exceptin' o' course", as Orland doffs and replaces his hat, taking on a suitably "wizardly" appearance.


"A plan with possibilities. It's always easier to make them give you what you want, rather than taking it from them," says Jeffrey, "Though I don't think our employers would like too much fuss. Doing something to the mark directly would definatly come into that and could be very bad. If they wanted a fuss, they'd do the job themselves. We are the discreet way, remember? Also, he has a magician there, if he dispels our disguises we'd better have a back up plan."

Voidrunner's Codex

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