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Pathfinder 1E [IC] Way of the Wicked


Guest 11456

You make it to the warden's tower without incident and into the door [area 21 on the map]. There is a series of plaques. There are a number of banners and flags. There is a spiral stairway leading up. The room is lit by four sconces holding torches.

[sblock=Map]View attachment 62042[/sblock]

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Armides Diat, human Inquisitor of Asmodeus

Once inside the Warden's Tower Armides takes a brief look around. Spotting the plaques he crosses the room to look at them closer.

"Presuming the Warden has quarters here I would imagine they are higher in the tower. Perhaps we should search from top down...?"

Expecting some back-patting nonsense on the plaques he scans the first one he comes to to see what it is about.

[sblock=Sheet]Armides Diat, Inquisitor 1
Init: +6; Perception: +6

AC 18 (14 Touch; 14 FF) Current AC: 18
HP: 8 Current HP: 8
CMB: +3 CMD: 17 Fort: +1 Ref: +4 Will: +4

In Hand: Longbow
  • 1st level: (DC 13) 0/2 Remaining
    Bless, Cure Light Wounds
  • 0-level: (DC 12) Unlimited
    Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Read Magic

Special: Judgement 0/1 Remaining


Guest 11456

Once inside the Warden's Tower Armides takes a brief look around. Spotting the plaques he crosses the room to look at them closer. Expecting some back-patting nonsense on the plaques he scans the first one he comes to to see what it is about.

The plagues tell of nobles and deeds from the past. The entire floor seems to be dedicated to the history of the Castle Branding and the subsequent history that led the castle to become Branderscar Prison. The banners and flags seem to go along with this same theme.


Guest 11456

Climbing the stairs you arrive on the next level up [area 22 on the map]. This appears to be a library with the walls lined with shelves full of books. The stairs continue up to the next level.


Armides Diat, human Inquisitor of Asmodeus

Armides glances around the tower library.

"Ah, look! They have so kindly gathered shelves and shelves of tinder. But first we should search above. Come on!"

He continues on up to the next level.

[sblock=Sheet]Armides Diat, Inquisitor 1
Init: +6; Perception: +6

AC 18 (14 Touch; 14 FF) Current AC: 18
HP: 8 Current HP: 8
CMB: +3 CMD: 17 Fort: +1 Ref: +4 Will: +4

In Hand: Longbow
  • 1st level: (DC 13) 0/2 Remaining
    Bless, Cure Light Wounds
  • 0-level: (DC 12) Unlimited
    Detect Magic, Guidance, Light, Read Magic

Special: Judgement 0/1 Remaining


Guest 11456

Climbing the stairs once more you get to the top at a stone landing [area 23 on the map]. This chamber is lit by a single torch on a sconce. To the north is a door bearing a plaque that reads “Office”. The southern door has a similar plaque that reads “Private: Keep Out!”. It is otherwise empty.


Guest 11456

Kicking the door causes it to give quite a bit but it would take a bit more to bash it down. Vordahl gives it another good kick and the door flies open. This appears to be a well-appointed bed chambers. There is a fine four poster bed, a full length mirror and an oaken wardrobe. There is also a sturdy oak chest pushed into one corner of the chambers.


First Post
"It's probably got a trap on it," Silhouette observes as she looks at the chest. "At least if it has anything of value in it."

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