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In the World of Chaos - (Warhammer) - Ended


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Wolfgang yells and screams banging his weapons against his chest and spit flying from his mouth as his badgers the three bandits in front of him, threatening the bandits to run in fear or face him in combat.

Magnus concentrates and then let’s go of the magic coursing through his body. He imagines horses moving. Suddenly the sound of horses can be heard in the distance. Magnus yells out as two of the bandits start looking over there shoulders and into the trees.

(Magnus succeeds at casting the spell giving Wolfgang an +10% to his intimidate test)
(Wolfgang Intimidate test – Extended Action – 2 Degrees of Success)
(Bandit #1 Willpower test 2 degrees of success.)
(Bandit #2 Willpower test fails)
(Bandit #3 Willpower test fails)

The bandit looses his own arrow, his arrow flies right into Wolfgang’s chest hitting him square in the sternum. A massive impact can be felt as the arrow hits your chest. But as you look down you notice the arrow failed to penetrate your armor. It appears to be stuck in the leather and chain. You feel as if the gods have looked favorably on you this day.

Bandit #2 runs into the woods towards the north as quickly as possible, wanting nothing to do with your group. Within a few moments you can no longer see him in the woods

Bandit #3 yells “Let’s go they are too many.” He turns and runs to the south. Just as the other bandit as soon as he gets some distance into the woods he disappears from sight.

Bandit #4 looses his arrow missing.

Bandit #5 looses his arrow missing as well.

Bandit #6 looses his arrow hitting Janna in the head. A loud thrashing noise can be heard as the arrow slices through Janna’s hair and slicing the side of her scalp open. Blood gushes out of the wound. Janna falls from the wagon. After a few moments you realize Janna is not moving.

Eldillor draws his Elfbow and looses an arrow at last bandit standing in front of the group. His arrow flashes by straight and fast imbedding in the man’s chest, in appears to have sliced right through the armor. A loud thud can be heard as passes through the man out the other side.

Dugan and Eva were surprised no actions this round.

End of Round – The order of combat continues as before. Wolfgang???????

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Wolfgang, realizing that the bandits in front of him are gone, he turns his horse around to the sound of thrashing from the wagon. When he sees Janna fall from the wagon he feels nothing but rage.

"YOU BASTARDS! " He yells while urging his horse as fast as it will go after the three bandits that are left. He draws his sword not caring who is in front of him or who he kills first as long as they die.


Damn them. I hoped more would flee. Of course, it does give me another chance to touch the Winds of Magic. Magnus again concentrates and focuses. After a moment, he reaches out to grasp and shape eldritch energies, attempting to hurl a bolt of arcane might at the bandit who hit Wolfgang with an arrow.

Half action: Channeling test. Half action: Cast Magic Dart


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Wolfgang turns the horse and kicks it to charge the bandits now in front of him. But as he kicks the horse it rears and bucks him off. Wolfgang tries to land on his feet but falls to the ground.

(End of Wolgang's Actions)

Magnus concentrates and focuses the energy within. He points a finger at the bandit standing in front of him. A bolt of magical energy looses and flies straight at the man. It sends scorching energy through the mans chest. He collapses, motionless.

Bandit #4 looses an arrow hitting Wolfgang's charging horse. It hits the horse square in the chest, a giant red splash of blood is visible. The horse continues to charge and runs the bandit down. You can see hoof marks in two or three spots on the motionless body.

Bandit #5 looses his arrow missing and then runs into the woods.

Bandit #6 looses an arrow and hits a barrel next to Durgan. He sees he is the only one left and runs away as well.

Eldillor turns on his horse and shoots an arrow. It flies straight into one of the bandits running away. It hits in the middle of the mans back. He runs two more feet and collapses.

Durgan lifts his rifle and points it at the other bandit. There is a loud bang, a flash of light, the smell of gunpowder. The bandit is knocked off his feet. A large hole can be seen in the mans left leg, bone and muscle are easily visible. The man tries to get up but cannot. He starts crawling into the woods as fast as possible.

Eva jumps down and starts looking at Janna.

End of Round


Magnus closes his eyes, exulting in the ecstasy of the power. That is one of the more powerful spells I know and I cast it! I have failed before in its casting. This is what I was meant for! The mage, lost in his thoughts, pays no attention to his comrades.

Wolfgang jumps to his feet regardless of any injurys he might have. He looks around for any of the bandits left and seeeing none he runs straight to where Janna has fallen.

" Is she hurt bad? Will she live? Is there anything I can do to help?


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Eva says a few words quietly and then starts to chant. A few moments later she touches Janna’s wounded head. The cut on her head stops bleeding and slowly the skin reforms.

Magnus as Eva speaks you can see white energy being collected and formed in Eva’s hands. As she touches Janna you see the energy transferred to her and the wound glows a bright white.

Eva stands up “I have done what I can for her. She will need time to heal. Help me get her up in the wagon.”

As Wolfgang and Eva put Janna in the wagon, Eldillor and Durgan search the bodies and return with some items. Each brings back a two well used swords, two used short bows, 20 arrows, and few coins.

“The lad I shot must have died from the shock. His damned armor was ruined by my bullet. Same with the fellow the elf shot, arrow ruined it.” Durgan says to the group and nodding to the elf.

“I suggest we move on. I don’t think we should stick around. There maybe more bandits or worse.”

As the group moves on Eldillor moves closer to the two of you. “I haven’t seen bandits in these woods for some time. Things must be getting bad. As we travel closer to Kislev it will get worse. We should be to the Talabec River in a day or so. We should rendezvous with a river barge and be safe for a few weeks. We will travel up the river to Kislev and from there into the wild lands.”

That night you make camp and things seem safe. Janna seems to get better. Around dark she slowly stirs. She is pale and looks weak. As she sits up she braces herself and then lies back down. “The last thing I remember is seeing 3 men in front and back of us. What happened?”


Before moving on, Magnus will look over the bodies for distinguishing marks or anything that stands out.

As they move on, the mage will ride near Wolfgang. "Fear not, my friend. Eva seems to have some skill with healing and I'm sure she will be fine," he says nodding toward Jenna. "Nothing like a battle to get the blood flowing, eh? They were mere brigands, but I still enjoyed the rush."

As Ellidor tells them of their travel plans, Magnus nods but says nothing.

When camp is made he makes his bedroll away from the others. Magnus will meditate and concentrate, going over in his head the spells he cast and how he can improve his arcane ability.

Wolfgang hurries getting his things ready, not really lisnening to the elfs plans. He rides close to Janna with a blank expression on his face.

"I know she will be all right but I could have done more. I can never seem to do enough. I yelled and screamed at those bastards then fell off my horse." He says to Magnus while shaking his head.

When they stop for the night Wolfgang walks over to Elidillor. " I will take the first watch if nobody has any problem with that" Then turns and starts setting up his bed roll close to Janna. He methodicly looks over his sword and begins to sharpen it when He hears her stir.

"You shouldn't move." He tells her while gently putting a hand on her shoulder then calls for Eva. "These bastards tried to rob us and you were hit by an arrow. Some of them ran and we, I mean they, killed the rest. I am sorry that you were hit, I tried to warn you but some of them got behind us. You will be alright Eva is looking after you. You need to lay back down and get some sleep so you can recover your strength. I will stand watch tonight, we will not be taken by suprise again."


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Janna smiles at you for a second and then closes her eyes. "You know you shouldn't be so serious. It's just a wound, I am not dying. I will be fine in the morning. And besides I have been worse than this before. So don't fret over me, stand your watch and get some sleep. If you don't you will see my bad side." She rolls on her side and within a few moments she is asleep.

As the others settle into bed, Magnus can be seen meditating, sitting in deep concentration. As the night goes on a slight glow can be seen around Magnus. After a few minutes the glow disappears and you almost think that nothing happened.

About a half hour later Durgan relieves you and tells you to get some sleep.

By morning you are both rested and Janna is awake. She seems to be doing well. Eva watches over her for most of the morning. By midday you have reached the Talabec River.

Eldillor stops the group not far from the river. "Stay here I need to figure out exactly where we are and where the barge is at. I will be back in a short bit."

Before you sits the mightly Talabec River. A dividing line and heavily used trafficway. From the bank you can see the might river is small this far north, but the current could still wash a man or horse away.

Voidrunner's Codex

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