Pathfinder 1E [INTEREST/RECRUIT] - Crowns of Ice

Archon Basileus

First Post
2. Are you going to be giving us a set of rules? That might be good to have now - it probably would have been good to have when we made our characters :p

You mean, for your troops and the like? Or for movement? Or status? Or bloodlines (races)? These kinds of things? I assume these are the urgent needs, since the rest would be mostly covered by the book. If that is the case, sure! I have an outline already. Also, I'm finishing reforming the map, since we might need it and, as you guys mentioned before, it's been difficult to figure geography out. :)

Also, odds are that magic will be revered at most places, if not feared and respected. Down south persecution might be breeding, but here it would not be the case, mostly. The scene that began Arvid's prologue will be explained a bit better. Even though spellcasting wouldn't be shunned away, that particular situation would make it frightening, and the results would be dangerously close to sacrilege, but not for the spellcasting on itself. Mainly, I'm considering that even demiurgian lands would still hold many pagans, and therefore would be far more open to magic, even though it's knowledge would be dangerous and hard to obtain, placing wizards, sorcerers and the like in a very peculiar social position.
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Queen of Everything
You said:

2) Since the game might become brutal at some point, I’d suggest we get very meticulous about magic and combat rules, so no one suffers unfair losses. There are some additions I’ve made, but bear in mind that I’ve tried to keep coherence with game elements we already have.

So I was wondering what that meant and if there is something else we should know.

Archon Basileus

First Post
Ok. First, I'd suggest we follow to the detail spellcasting times, maneuver time lapses, effects, etc. and if we want to adapt anything, we can discuss it together to find the best, fairest way out. I don't want to lose maleability, though, only to make things more predictable to you, guys. But you should feel free to create anything you want.

Second, as I mentioned before, characters might die on account of decisions. But since we're going co-op, I don't think this will be such a problem, since we can work the rules into a good kind of balance as we go.

Third, I took my time browsing through the books to discover how various less-mentioned effects might occur. Addictions, body and mind conditioning, distinct species of poisoning, substance-induced hallucinations, environment-caused damage, hazardous living conditions, and so on were on my mind. These I tried to tie-in as naturally and fairly as possible. Since magic is respected, but not common, it would only be natural to assume that people might attempt to obtain similar effects through natural means (probably without the same amount of success and without the efficiency of magic). It would not be uncommon to find pretenders, then.

Fourth, if such is the case, do they have to belong to a specific pretender-class, or can anyone do this, as long as they have the requisite skills? I tend to think that both situations might arise, with an alchemist passing for a mage, a thief pretending to be a sorcerer or a commoner using herbalism to pass by a curser or something like that. Obviously, each situation would lead to distinct degrees of success, and hardly any would match the power of a real magic user.

Fifth, I was thinking about how we should manage armies. First, I decided not to balance or roll for armies and power as we begin. This might lead towards another layer of our political game, since characters would have to strike alliances to ensure their military superiority in each scenario. Still, if we are to roleplay a battle, we'll need data. I've been concocting something that held the needed complexity, without detracting from the characters and their stories (that are, after all, the main focus). So far I've separated a few tables for bonuses, granted as armies get compared in numbers, experience, general composition and terrain. The ending factor would be a resisted strategy roll, with the difference determining the results for each side. I'll post details soon enough, so you guys can take a look and we can rebuild it as necessary.

All of this might be overruled, should you guys consider it inadequate for the story we're aiming to tell!

Please remember that everything I write is based and made for your characters, as we determined before.

Did this help? :)


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Down south persecution might be breeding, but here it would not be the case, mostly.

OOC: Any semblance to real life is unintentional :)

Fifth, I was thinking about how we should manage armies. First, I decided not to balance or roll for armies and power as we begin. This might lead towards another layer of our political game, since characters would have to strike alliances to ensure their military superiority in each scenario. Still, if we are to roleplay a battle, we'll need data. I've been concocting something that held the needed complexity, without detracting from the characters and their stories (that are, after all, the main focus). So far I've separated a few tables for bonuses, granted as armies get compared in numbers, experience, general composition and terrain. The ending factor would be a resisted strategy roll, with the difference determining the results for each side. I'll post details soon enough, so you guys can take a look and we can rebuild it as necessary.

OOC: I believe I read somewhere - story hour? - that there are rules for mass combat. I don't know details, but it is something along the lines: strategy roll vs strategy roll with PCs playing critical pieces round by round - otherwise movement of armies is in minutes not rounds (10 times slower)

If we're talking about us leading armies, as opposed to being powerful strike team, I suggest we have two rolls. One is 'Glory' the other 'Survival' - you take bonus to one, you take equal penalty to the other. This should be based on characters main stat (i.e. rogue would live or die by his DEX while a mage by his INT. Bad survival roll would mean damage or other negative effects. Bad glory roll would mean bad social effects (cowardice, bad decisions, unnecessary deaths etc). I'd say 3d6 + stat mod +/- whatever you want (3d6 so that extreme rolls are less likely and middle is most common.


Queen of Everything
[MENTION=6855204]tglassy[/MENTION] Alec uses his spells, right? I mean, it's known he has magic and he doesn't hide it?


Correct. People know he can cast spells. They don't necessarily know what spells he can cast, but they know he has magic.

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Queen of Everything
Correct. People know he can cast spells. They don't necessarily know what spells he can cast, but they know he has magic.

Sent from my iPhone using EN World

Excellent, thanks! I didn't think he hid it, and I would imagine it wouldn't have been hidden in Astrid either. I mean, Dad (and Mom) would have encouraged it.

[MENTION=6855545]Archon Basileus[/MENTION] - What do we know of Grandalien's feelings on magic? We must know *something* about how those pagans view it...

edit: Fenris says he thinks they are like a traditional Viking culture, where Witches are actually to be held up and revered.

I've posted that Astrid has told Einar she has magic and she felt previously that was a large reason why Einar wanted to marry her. Of course she knows better now... ;)

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