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Into Khybers Gate


Bloodtalon reaches down and grabs the little sneak by the wrist. "Oh you're sorry are you? Turning us over to one of your gang friends is not a nice thing to do."

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Knight Otu

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"And hardly a smart thing, either, as you no doubt noticed." Sedar adds, patting his dagger. Then he nods to Bloodtalon, feeling that the goblin is by now scared enough.


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The goblin child cowers on the ground and whimpers. He says, "Dez makes meh do et! If'n I don't dez kill meh! Pleaz don't keel meh!" Some heads are starting to turn your way as the child starts to spill his guts. "His gang is big an' if'n you don't join dhen dey keel you. Dez gets lots of money from surfacers. You kilts sum o' deh gang, Scratcher will bes lookin' fer you. Dez didn't give him der gold yet, itz still in da box. You take da box an' let me go!" The goblin continues to plead for his life.

Yep, he's still with the group. He also got some rest and recovered his spells, so if you want to you can modify your spell selection for today if desired.


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The goblin stands quickly and wipes his nose with his free hand. He leads you back down the now familiar passages back towards the alley you were ambushed in. There are few other beings on the street this early in the morning and you feel less scrutinized as you were the last time you came this way. Near the alley the goblin child stops and looks at a new merchants booth hasily constructed next to the alley. A single Gnoll stands behind the booth feeding a small smokey fire. He looks up at your approach and calls out. "Meat! Meat Here! Fresh! Cheap!" He lifts a small chunk of meat up from the fire and waves it at you. The goblin child pales noticibly as he leads you quickly past.

In the alley the bodies of your attackers are already gone, likely the new shop out front having something to do with that. The goblin child points towards the bolt hole he used to escape your group just before the ambush. "In der, goes to sum places. One is hideout." Through the crumbling opening you find a warren of passages through the rubble. Fallen timbers, piles of stone and garbage, fill the interior of the building. A few semi-cleared passages split off from the tunnel entrance at random intervals. Your guide takes the passage to the left and leads you deeper in. After a few minutes travel through the cramped confines the passage opens up into a larger room. A large section of the ceiling has caved in and the rubble from it stacked into a crude ramp. The room above shows signs of goblin nesting. Dirty rags, blankets, and animal skins have been piled up into beds around the perimeter of the room. A ring of broken stone filled with ash marks the firepit . The air is thick with the smell of excrement and stale urine. Your guide points across the room to a large door and says, "Dey sez "ne'er go in der or else" so the money has to be in der."

#X      #
#X      #
#   O  X#
# G     #
#S_B    #
#|_|J  X#

G = Goblin
S = Sedar
B = Bloodtalon
J = Johanel

H = Door
X = Nest

Voidrunner's Codex

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