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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 5 - Turn 6 (thread 3)


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Short version

Melkor attempts an assault on Toril to take back the Staff of Ancient Penumbra.
He falls in to a trap - His Avatar is captured.
However, he kidnaps Forrester's daughter.

I go completely ape-:):):):) and nearly get myself killed trying to steal Forrester's daughter back before I realize how cattle-like I'm acting.

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Mr. Draco

First Post

OOC: The following letter is delivered to each and every single faction leader on Oerth. This includes the shades, and Anabstercorian, but not Maudlin. (i.e.- we send a messenger to the plane of shadow, etc.)


"Dear Esteemed Fellow Leaders of Oerth,

The Union of Oerth has recently gained the knowledge that within the next several months, a combined force from the Oerth Alliance will assault our lands. To our knowledge, this offensive has been in planning for several weeks now. Indeed, the leadership of the Union of Oerth is chilled by the news that our closest allies may be our deepest enemies.

Alliance leaders, in past times, you, among all others, have cried out and fought where others have not, for peace. One of your earliest struggles, before the Oerth Alliance officially existed, was indeed against the very people that lived under the government of the Dark Union of Eastern Oerth. Yet, times have changed. The Dark Union of Eastern Oerth no longer exists. We admit its corruptness, and to correct that, we re-established the territories under our control as the Union of Oerth, and have been striving to atone for the evil deeds of our past. To this end, the entire nation and peoples of the Lortmils Technomancy, and the surrounding areas, were saved from nuclear annihilation and radiation sickness by our direct intervention. Also, we have committed more money and resources towards bettering the lives of our people, lifting them up from the tragic, anarchic, poverty-entrenched lifestyle, into a more healthy, ordered, wealthier, and happier life. Beyond even this, by our direct action, the poisoning of Oerth by the plane of shadow was stopped. By the hand of Supreme Commander Kas, the stain on Oerth that was known as Vecna, was erased, along with the incredible evil that was Tharizdun. Yet further we pushed for peace and redemption by sending our forces deep into the lands of Acererak and the Scarlet Brotherhood, conquering them and sending Acererak himself fleeing with his closest advisors.

Among those valiantly working towards peace, including the Union of Oerth, none have stood out more than the leaders that now form the Oerth Alliance. None.

This is why news of such a betrayal saddens us so. We know that in the past, one of the greatest traits of the Oerth Alliance was their acceptance of those seeking and actively working towards repentance. In that manner they gained one of their most powerful allies, Kalanyr. We have worked to gain the respect and friendly diplomatic relationships that exist now with the Oerth Alliance. We have worked even harder to atone for our deeds of the past. The very leader that originally lost territory to the then Dark Union of Eastern Oerth, Kessel Gnomeworks, now considers us a stauch ally, and as such, has bequeathed to us five of his most powerful technological weapons. Now, were we still in our old mindset of evil, would he have given such great power over life to us? Would he have trusted us to that level? I think not! It is our wish that others accept us as he did, and his forgiveness is truly remarkable, as he lost the most out of any of you to us! Archcleric Hazen of Veluna, President of the Oerth Alliance, also considers the Union of Oerth a staunch ally. The Union of Oerth likewise has trusted in the motivations of the Oerth Alliance and all of its member nations, along with our neighbors, and has made many attempts for a lasting peace, including hosting the sabotaged peace conference at Jalpa. Even now, nature preserves exist that were established with the help of the great knowledge that was donated to us from the nation of Siobhan Silirevnur (Black Omega).

It is with these feelings that we learned of a possible betrayal by our allies. We will not put our source of information at risk by revealing it, however, we will say that it is one among you. One of the leaders of the Oerth Alliance that still holds the ideals of peace above war, life above death, truth above lie. We of the Union of Oerth wish to believe that the information given to us is false, and to this end, will not mobilize our forces to a greater extent than they already are mobilized for defense.

Yet, we cannot ignore this warning, as the lives of many of our citizens may be forfeit should it hold true. To this end, we are sending this notice to every leader on Oerth that we can contact, with a request. The request is that, should member nations of the Oerth Alliance betray us, that all who still hold the ideals of peace, life, and truth, ideals which the Oerth Alliance was founded upon, stand with us in our defense. It is likely that not all members of the Oerth Alliance stand with their comrades in regards to this offensive. We request that you also stand with us in our defense. If those that hold these plans still intend to carry them out, let them come. Our defenders and the soldiers of nations that still hold ideals of peace, life, and truth in high regard will meet their offensive. Where their siege engines attack our cities, they will meet a united resistance fighting for peace. Where their armies surge across into our borders, they will meet the soldiers of the Union of Oerth, defending their homeland from those that would wish to shatter the fragile peace we have worked so hard to provide them. Where their forces capture cities and towns, they will meet a populace that remembers the peace and security the Union of Oerth provided them. They may claim to be warriors of peace, bringing order, but for what reason would a warrior of peace take unwarranted offensive action?

We of the leadership of the Union of Oerth thereby request an answer from each faction leader.

Should you be a member of the Oerth Alliance, we request that you deny any support for such an offensive against us, and that you state you would support us in our defense. Should you not be able to send troops if we are attacked, we will take no offense, as you must certainly look out for the well being of your own people primarily, although open diplomatic denouncements would still be expected of you.

Should you not be a member of the Oerth Alliance, we request that you openly denounce any such attack against us, and state that you would support us in our defense. Should you not be able to send troops, we request that you openly denounce any such offensives against the Union of Oerth.

Leaders of Oerth! Consider your people, should the attack occur, and the Union of Oerth fall, who then would hold high the banner of peace and truth? Who then would serve as a bastion of security in the fight against evil? Who would be next for whatever armies attack us and decide that their thirst for bloodshed has not been sated?

Whatever your position, state it, and let the future people of Oerth decide as they look back on history whether to label you as a powerful supporter of peace, or an antagonistic betrayer of good.

The Leadership of the Union of Oerth,
The God-Emperor,
Supreme Commander Kas of the Union Military"



The actual email that was received by Serpenteye and myself reads thus:

"Hail God Emperor,

The Oerth Alliance is planning a massive attack on you
in turn 6. Just tought you should know...

Any possible strategies?

***Quotes from the thread about a possible war***

"I say war, but I dont think everyone is willing to
commit to it."

"I think we may have to choose war or we will have
Serpenteye and Mr. Draco dictate terms to us.

Acererak will likely hit them very hard. Also, they
may have some use against Melkor and Anabstercorian as

"I was going to attack them every turn so far... but I
never got much support from everyone else... Oh well,
now I have the support... and technically they have
the same % greater than me than the had before. So,
uh.... are you guys going to support me if I want to
attack them?"

"Yes, I will Assist you to my fullest abality. I've
spent my time researching and will get a good power
boost next turn to get me 11th level magic after turn
7. How much PL are you willing to put into the fight?"

"Me, with Sollir, have a power level of 500... I am
not sure, but I need to find out if people will allow
me to put him on the boards. I will respect everyone's
opinions on this subject. I could see why you would
not want someone like Sollir on these boards.""

The identity of the sender is withheld for their protection, suffice it to say that it is one of the leaders of a member nation of the Oerth Alliance that still values the founding ideals you all preach about.


First Post
Re: I'm back!

Serpenteye said:
Melkor, Edena, Forrester: Doesn't the Shade have 11th level magics in Toril and Realmspace? I seem to remember them getting that in the first IR. That might be somewhat helpful in the sticky mess the Avatar is currently in and might have helped them locate Forrester's spawn. It might also allow them to create 100 demiplanes to advance their civilization in. :)


I think they vaguely have 11th level magic, but it's not nearly as powerful as the magicks of the United Commonwealth. We very well might have wiped out their 11th level mages during one of our purges -- I think that almost all of the higher-up Shade left Toril, but of course they still have worshippers here and there. Also, should they use 11th level magic, they would send up a HUGE BEACON as to their position -- we are CONSTANTLY on the lookout for their forces, and use of such magics would be almost impossible to hide. Hell, we've got a good two dozen epic-level mages (all regularly mind-scanned by yours truly to ensure allegiance to the UC) looking for high-level magic use by the Shade regularly. Very tough to hide.

This is why, I believe, the Shade are chiefly based in Oerth, and not Toril :). The mass majority of Shade who stayed on Toril are now dead.

But hey, if they want to try to create 100 demiplanes to advance their civilization in, on Toril, then they can go for it :). And pray that we don't catch them with our thousands of PL of force. I wish them luck.

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First Post
Mr. Draco said:
The identity of the sender is withheld for their protection, suffice it to say that it is one of the leaders of a member nation of the Oerth Alliance that still values the founding ideals you all preach about.

You idiots didn't invite Forsaken One to the boards, did you?

In any case, Serpenteye, if you truly wish to claim that you have changed your ways, perhaps you should return the lands that you took from the nations of the Oerthian Alliance on Turns 1 and 2.

What's fair is, after all, fair.


Mr. Draco

First Post

Gnomeworks has already forgiven us for the loss of his lands in turn 1&2. And thanks for confirming that the said message boards really exist, and thus that it is VERY VERY likely that these posts were actually there. :)


"I was going to attack them every turn so far... but I
never got much support from everyone else... Oh well,
now I have the support... and technically they have
the same % greater than me than the had before. So,
uh.... are you guys going to support me if I want to
attack them?"
"Me, with Sollir, have a power level of 500... I am
not sure, but I need to find out if people will allow
me to put him on the boards. I will respect everyone's
opinions on this subject. I could see why you would
not want someone like Sollir on these boards.""
These are mine... I remember posting these... Hmmm...

Glad to see that you are interested in what I have to say, God Emporer...
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Mr. Draco

First Post
Creamsteak, so, your IC response is a voluntary admission of agression? Interesting...

I wonder what all the other "peace-promoting" factions have to say about that. Open admittance to unwarrented aggression isn't the greatest plan for peace and prosperity for your people.
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Actually when I say "I" that means Anthony J. Heman unless I state otherwise. So it's OOC...

Just being honest. Felt I may as well let people know that it was me that wrote that... though I am curious as to whom it was that took it and gave it to you. I was uncomfortable that you didn't put my name up there when you posted it, I don't know why I was uncomfortable, but I was.

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