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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 2)


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Melkor when you mean Rajaat's hatred towards non-human don't you mean towards non-halflings? Halflings are the rulers of the blue age the one race he didn't want to exterminate the one he wanted to rule... unless my memory is as flawed as WinME :D

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Well, Melkor propably knows, but he isn`t eager to share this knowledge, since most Shade are of human descend, and most of his allies are humans.

OOC: Going offline for the weekend, I will propably return at Sunday Evening.
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Iuz grins... "Then let it be known... that Iuz Eternal Emperor... the Master of the Glowing Darkness... has staked his claim... the interlopers shall be crushed... and we shall drink wine distilled from their blood from their skulls... mmmm delicious...."

Iuz laughs softly... "I had hoped to stay away from these affairs but I shall not allow another of the Pantheon... be put to the pyre.. by the ruthless doigs of an uncaring world... they do not ap;preciate the care and joy we extract from the suffering... perhaps... we should enlighten them... if only so they may glimpse the greater glory of the birthright they have molded for themselves..."

Iuz rests his hands on the pommel of his daisho... "Rajaat shall prove to be an interesting ally... his zeal and passion to the cause... shall prove most interesting..."

"When the Crusade begins... all that is unpure shall be swept away and replaced with a more perfect union..." Iuz smiles, "This is not merely a battle of the flesh and blood... but we shall rip the soul of the weak and feed it to our growing... Destiny... the damned.,.. the fallen... those that are hated.. shall be our followers... and then we shall annoint the infinite world with the Glowing Darkness... seduce them to the beauty of the Red Scourge... and feast upon the Iniquity of the excesses of our desires... we shall be their masters of both body and soul... we shall bring them death... and they will love us for it..."

OOC: Good language Melkor... as always you inspire me to new heights of depravity
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I'm gonna post a real post somewhere the next 2 days, my private life is all but consuming me now (literally, try to imagin that :D)

So I'm gonna post some candy anytime soon.

Btw Melkor, I'm glad there isn't all madness to you and tnx btw :) Glad you know that we aren't pushovers :)

William Ronald

Hazen issues a statement to all powers of Oerth, Toril, Krynn, and Athas:

"Am I defending Forrester's actions? No. Iuz is quite good at twisting words, as well as twisting other things. Forrester is responsible for his actions, apparently taking without the full knowledge of the entire government of the United Commonwealth of Toril."

"However, it is apparent that the actions of Forrester were taken without the knowledge or approval of all parts of the UC of Toril government."

"Democracy is actually a relatively strong form of government. Leaders can and should be criticized for their mistakes. Mind you, some divine beings who read this message are under the delusion that they are perfect. My actions have been taken to serve Oerth. I suggest those who can heal Oerth do so."

"It seems that some call for punishment while they continue to embrace the Red Goo. I suppose there is something to be said for a consistent approach."

"The UC of Toril should be judged by the actions of its present leadership. Only Forrester can explain his actions, if he so choses.
I will cooperate with any investigation by the UC of Toril and the other Torillian nations about the events on Oerth."

Archcleric Hazen, President of the Kevellond League

Hazen and several hundred members of the Kevellond League appear before Ergoth-Nog and Katha. Hazen bows low respectfully to them. He and the people with him bear food, water, seedlings, medicine, and Oerthblood.

"I am sorry that I was not here earlier. I am here to help as you wish. I do not abandon my allies."

Okay, Zelda. How can I help?


First Post

We have 11th level magic in Oerth, Krynn, and Toril only. On Athas, we are at a distinct disadvantage, limited to 9th level magic, and none of our technology will work either!

Melkor, this is likely why you haven't already over run the whole plane.

As for me - I owe penance for creating the situation regarding Luna. Don't think I'm turning moral! I owe penance because I failed to destroy the Red Goo on Luna. If I had succeeded, it would have been worth it.

I also owe penance because I allowed Melkor's feint to frighten me in to foolish action - If I had evacuated Luna before blasting it to hell, he wouldn't have millions of angry spirits waiting to destroy the world for him.

I owe you all favors. Seriously.

Archcleric Hazen, I offer you one favor, to be granted whenever you feel you need one from me.

United Confederacy of Toril, I offer you one favor, to be granted whenever you feel you need one from me.

Forsaken One, I'd owe you a favor, but we're already allies.

Festy Dog, I offer you one favor, to be granted whenever you feel you need one from me.

Kalanyr, I offer you one favor, to be granted whenever you feel you need one from me.

These favors will not be worldshattering - But I owe you all recompense for my f-u-c-k up.

Edena, speaking of screw ups, can I attempt to reseal Luna and cut off the flow of support for Melkor? If so, I'm doing it now - Even if it pisses the spirits off even more, it's better for me if they're in torment than if they're working for the Black Flame.


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Public Sevice Announcement

Iuz sends a tape-recorded message along with written transcripts and audio recordings of the following to the nations of Oerth, Athas, and Toril...

The scene opens with Iuz sitting upon a crimson throne. The lights of the room focusing on his small form... He raises his eyes to the camera and speaks...

"Greetings Citizens of many worlds... I wish to take this moment to dispel a few myths and express the intents of the Pantheon of the Glowing Darkness..." Iuz is reclined on his fiery red throne... dressed in a crimson kimono... a gentle smile upon his face...

"Perhaps you have heard of the 'Red Goo' or 'Red Armies' but just what is this wondrous substance? First off it is the Red Scourge... it is the font of godhood... the birth of pain brought upon you by actions of others in power... others that lead you... by their mistakes they have created the Red Scourge... it is penance for the sins of those who care little for you actual safety and only prattle about their own power plays allowing the common man to be lost in the shuffle... as mere chafe..." Iuz reclined slightly...

"Perhaps you have heard that I, Iuz has merged with the Red Scourge... that I brought suffering... of that I am guilty... out of love... love for this world I chose to act and free the suffering absorb it into my being... and attempt to free the people of this world and many others from the yoke of pitiless tyranny... freedom... total and unabashed freedom... to free a thousand worlds... I will damn myself and spread much blood if the results are worthy of the actions," Iuz looks sullen for a moment, "I will admit I brought death to many... but in a time when the living grow jealous of the dead... who is one to say I did not bring them happiness... when madmen can seal whole worlds and bury the living... and leave them to their fates... why would one wish to live? Life for many of these powers is cheap, they butcher you like cattle, all to sate their twisted desires..."

Iuz clenched a fist his form glowing with fire, "Remove the guise the powers that be have placed over your eyes... see the truth... see the triumph of your struggle... the pain... the loss... the anger... That is the Red Scourge... pure unabashed rage and emotion of the injustice brought down upon this world with cruel and unyielding power..." he points to the camera, "Life is a precious gift of creation just as death... the United Commonwealth does not understand this gift we Oerthians hold dear... to stamp out your rage... your desire to be free from the pain... Forrester burned the cancer from it... or at least what he would consider a cancer... that is what he sees the people of this world as... a cancer... to be burned away as if we are little more then that..."

Iuz relaxes calming himself, "I say nay... we are the people of Oerth... Not all Torillians support such heinous actions... nay. There are some that see the pain... the suffering that has been wrought... the Eternal Empire has begun a campaign to petition for reparations for the damage done... and I as an Oerthian thank them immensely..." Iuz reclines somewhat... "What is the Red Scourge... it is the blood of the Innocent... the Rage of a world... the gift of creation... it is your birthright... it is the anger of Oerth..."

Iuz closes his eyes, "I thank you for your time..." the scene fades...

OOC: This message is sent to every corner of the globe... and various worlds in wrtten, audio, and video format in a variety of common languages for the widest form of dissemination...
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From the deapths of the Oerth (secret)

The creature in the tank throbbed. A loud thumping noice droned hypnotically from the glassteel container, unchanging. Soaking in a solution of magically charged nutrients and narcotics, basking in an ultraviolet light, lay a creature of nightmare. Suddenly, deeply embedded in that great chunk of grey scarred flesh, an eye fluttered convulsively and seemed to gaze at the laboratory with disturbing intelligence. A toothed tentacle pounded impotently against the glass and then the creature stilled once again. The white-robed science officer scribbled incomprehensive codes into his notebook and turned to the mithril helmeted man beside him. The cleric interrupted with an annoyed frown.
"You have broken the budget, you are five weeks after schedule, you have wasted test subjects and resources and your personal expense account is bordering on theft. Give me a very good reason why I should not recommend your immediate discharge from the project and a swift but painful execution."
The scientist smiled mockingly, "Our superiors know as well as you do that I'm practically irreplacable. Noone, except our divine lords, could have handled this project better than me. I admit we've made a few errors, but we are catching up swiftly in the Eone department and the Dwor-animation is almost completed, the Ann are still troublesome, but we expected that from the very beginning. The new magics are invaluable, truly. Who could have thought one year ago that..."
"Enough! Your prattling won't save you!" A silver-glowing jar in the corner started an eeire, inarticulate keening. The cleric turned towards it with a contemptuous sneer. "The God-Emperor's getting impatient, your incompetence is disturbing His plans."
"NO!" a look of rage and pure terror filled the eyes of the scientist, then he visibly composed himself. "No. The Gods in their limitless wisdom and knowledge understand the weakness of our human flesh and the limits of our mortal minds. I have done nothing wrong and I would swear that at the feet of the Emperor of Gods himself."
"You won't be able to use that excuse much longer, " the cleric said icily. "Your time is running out." He marched stiffly out of the chamber.
"No, fool," the scientist giggled to himself, "there's yet plenty of time, isn't it Cthulhu-boy? What is that old saying? 'That is not dead that can eternal lie. In stranger eons even death may die.' Unfortunately for you, your new life will be in slavery." The monstrosity in the jar cried out weakly in pain and terror.
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The League of Warlords will claim Rajaat then, with Creamsteak's confirmation of the proposal (as well as the Unseelie, claiming Rajaat has a penalty/bonus -depending on how you look at it- with it Tokiwong)

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