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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 6 (thread 1)

Mr. Draco

First Post
you know, i was thinking the same thing, and mentioned that to william in a chat a while back. Now all we need is a giant statue, people with "unlincensed nuclear particle accellerators" strapped to their back, and a couple million singing new-yorkers.

Actually, that's a really good idea! Edena, the union begins contruction on a giant animated statue of the god-emperor and Kas. Also, we begin research of "love guns" basically a magic device similar to those used i ghostbusters, except that they tap into the positive material plane. Also, the prisoners of the Union of Oerth will begin giving its prisoners the treatment that mina suggested.

We also have the highest level bard in the Union compose the best song he/she/it can about peaceful and happy life under Union rule. Once the song is done, it becomes mandatory memorization throughout the Union.
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Mr. Draco said:
you know, i was thinking the same thing, and mentioned that to william in a chat a while back. Now all we need is a giant statue, people with "unlincensed nuclear particle accellerators" strapped to their back, and a couple million singing new-yorkers.

Actually, that's a really good idea! Edena, the union begins contruction on a giant animated statue of the god-emperor and Kas. Also, we begin research of "love guns" basically a magic device similar to those used i ghostbusters, except that they tap into the positive material plane. Also, the prisoners of the Union of Oerth will begin giving its prisoners the treatment that mina suggested.

If you don't mind idea sharing, I think I would certainly enjoy doing the same. I do have a statue of Kas and Sanctus somewhere around here...


First Post
The Onslaught of the Angels

Iuz and his retinue, his army, and the Red Armada, are closing on the Blood Waste.

Standing between them and the Blood Waste, are the Angels (PL 4,000)

The Angels: ethereal, clothed in gauze, their bodies visible through the gauze but translucent in themselves, hair shining and long, possibly male, possibly female.
From the Angels, emanates ... sorrow and anger.

The Angels, draw their slender swords.
Long, delicate looking, glowing with a gentle white light.

There are only a few hundred Angels.

Now, the world of Oerth bears witness to what a few hundred Angels, can do.

- - -

The Angels, grow.
They do not grow physically, they grow in stature.
They appear to Iuz and his minions as pillars of strength, then like great monuments of strength, then it seems like the strength of entire battalions lies in every one of them.
Then, they appear as strong and huge as mountains themselves.

The white light emanating from them grows, and as it grows it becomes terrifying and unendurable.
It grows more and more brilliant and terrifying, and more unendurable.
It grows.
It grows until the whole Flanaess are lit up, as if a hydrogen bomb flash was going off just north of the Blood Waste.

This projection of power is simply too much for mortal flesh to withstand.
The Firelanders shriek in agony, falling back, turning to run.
But the power catches them, and they find themselves rooted to the ground, the air knocked out of their lungs.
The power emanating against them becomes too great - their flesh begins to melt from them, like they were overheated wax (think of the payback scene at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.)
They do not die quickly ... they die screaming in pain, alive until the very absolute end, as the anger of the Angels kills them.

That anger beats against Iuz like a hurricane force wind.
It does not harm him, but it is like looking into a blast furnace.
Iuz realizes that he cannot progress further without fighting - the Angels will stop any magical attempts to bypass them.

The Red Armada, slightly better protected, nevertheless falls back from the wrath of the Angels.

The Angels speak no words.
No words are needed.

The Angels raise their hands, and lightning bolts - thousands of them, branching and multiplying as they go - lance out, blasting through the front ranks of the Red Armada, instantly freeing the souls as the Red Curse is shattered.
The bolts blast through dozens of bodies each before they are exhausted.

The Angels give a cry, a single cry from all their throats.
Even Iuz is deafened.
Rocks, shatter into flinders.
Trees, shatter and are blown away as if a tornado had hit them.
Shrubs, disintegrate.
The Weave itself is shocked, knocked around, it's strands broken or redone.
The earth explodes, buried rocks shattering and rocketing hundreds of feet into the air.
Overhead, storm clouds instantly form as the atmosphere reacts, and an instant deluge of torrential rain and hail the size of baseballs hits the whole area.

The Firelanders, explode.
Into little pieces.
The pieces are caught in the shriek, and vanish.

The Firelanders, further away, die as their internal organs rupture, and bones break.

The Firelanders and other living minions of Iuz, still further away, collapse in pain, eardrums shattered, hearts laboring, all the strength knocked out of them like they had received a blow to the stomach from a titan.

The Red Armada's front lines are destroyed by the Cry of the Angels.
Those further back are knocked head over heels, and stunned.
Those even further back, are knocked silly, deafened, and stand unable to act.

Then the Angels, charge.
Their faces are still sad, or solemn, as they close with the ranks of the Red Armada, and with Iuz.
Swords of light slice through Red Warriors in an instant, leaving the weapons brought up to parry the attack cloven in two.

Iuz, suddenly finds himself surrounded by about a dozen angry Angels, all of whom raise their swords.

Then, they attack.
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Mr. Draco

First Post
HOLY, *insert random Oerthian god here*

or rather,

HOLY SERVANTS OF *insert random Oerthian god here*

jeez, that was nice...

Oh edena, the statues of the god-emperor and kas will each be about statue of liberty sized. :)


The Knights and the League of Warlords are in session,

"We call into session the orders of the Righteous Knights of Delrune, and the Great League of Warlords!"

-Regina Canities

"Hellmaster, may I begin by showing you scrying of the current situation."

-Sanctus Punitor

Many different scryings are shown, beginning with the battle with the red goo, moving to the red goo meating with Iuz, and ending in the battle with the angels.

"Obviously this could be a very dangerous matter. The Red Goo is combat capable beyond that of any mortal man, they could slay a demideity only to gain his power as their own. We must see that our nations are not harmed in any way by the Red goo."

-Sanctus Punitor

"Lord, the red goo warriors are far better than us in combat, they can slay every one of us in a single strike, but we must kill them with healing magic in order to win."

-A Knight of Delrune

"I understand your concerns... but we could possibly destroy them by using the army, or by sacrificing the army into the goo. I don't know how to react to this, but I swear that we must do SOMETHING or our existence on this planet is meaningless."

-Sanctus Punitor

"What about using a giant statue covered in happy goo and sending it to destoy the Red Goo army?"

-Some Kender

"Who the hell are you? Get out! Guards seize this crazy Kender!"

-A Knight of Delrune

"Hellmaster, how do you feel about this matter? The issue at hand is if it is necessary for us to destroy Iuz Empire for this crime against existence and this burden it puts upon us. If we chose to intervene, I will agree with you fullheartedly."

-Regina Canities
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First Post
The Red Armada's Counterstrike

The Red Armada is not so easily beaten.

The Red Armada is composed of beings who understand the power of evil, as they have been prisoner to it for months.
They gather concentrated Darkness in their hands, clutching it lovingly, cradling it and stroking it to greater and greater power.
They enrich the Evil with Red Goo, building it's power until balls of utter blackness are formed, crackling with mauve lightning.
Concentrated evil, concentrated hate and fury incarnate, wrath and the desire to kill and destroy, formed into a physical form, held in their hands.

Then, the Red Armada counterattacks.
Hundreds, then thousands, of these balls are hurled at the Angels.

The battlefield erupts into titantic explosions, blowing thousands of holes over one hundred feet in diameter in the earth, as the concentrated evil meets the flesh of the Angels.

Now, it is the turn of the Angels to shriek in pain, and fall back.

Where they were hit, they are severely burned, and silver blood pours from the wounds, falling onto the ravaged ground.

Some of the Angels took too many hits to survive.
They collapse, silver blood spilling from their wounds, crying out in grief and sadness as their existence is forever ended.
They lay on the ground, dead, still glimmering a ghostly white color.

Until the Red Armada comes up and tramples their forms, obliterating them with massed spells of destruction, their swords stomped and broken into small pieces.

The earth trembles, and cracks appear in it, as if it is sharing the pain of the Angels, and huge earthquakes rumble through the Weave of Oerth, sending mages everywhere reeling in pain and shock.

Now, the Angels strike again with lightning and another great Cry.
They charge into the broken ranks of the enemy again, their swords now glowing like stars, their wounds regenerating, healing totally in seconds even as their foes watch.

But the Red Armada is enormous, and it's supply of Red Goo is literally endless.
There is no end to the amount of Red Goo that can be created by these Red Warriors; all they must do is simply touch the earth, and they have more.
With Red Goo, the Red Armada forges a second wave of Darkness.

Red Armada spellcasters launch titantic spells at the Angels.
An endless barrage of Meteor Swarms, Death Spells, Cones of Cold, Fireball, Magic Missile, Acid Storm, Flensing, Thrice Supreme, Breach the Beast's Defenses, Pierce Any Barrier, Lower Magic Resistance, every spell that could conceivably harm the Angels, and every conceivably combination of spells that could enable a spell to harm the Angels.
Some of these spells get through, wounding the Angels further, blasting at their bodies, tearing asunder their gauzy robes, bringing silver blood forth.
The Second Wave of Darkness hits the Angels, and the earthquake from the blasts shakes cities hundreds of miles away, and fills the sky with light of white and purple hues.

More Angels go down, injured too badly to survive, their bodies glowing beautifully in death, pools of silver blood around them.

Again, most of the Angels survive the attack, and they regenerate their wounds in seconds, and launch more lightning.

Iuz is beset. Angels ring him, their swords slashing in, moving with astonishing speed, almost impossible speed.
If Iuz was not what he was, and had not put up incredibly powerful spells of necromancy to protect himself, he would have been killed in seconds.
But he did.

Armored by spells that enable him to live despite ANY amount of damage, Iuz stands against the assault.
The Angels are powerful, but Iuz is their match, and more than their match.
Their swords pierce his flesh futilely ... chopping him in half proves impossible, and disabling him cannot be done.
Their Crys do not slow his sword.
Their lightning does not phase the Old One.

Iuz's staff, crackling with Black Necromancy, lashes out, and an Angel is caught in midriff, and blown apart in a violent explosion of purple, mauve, and blackish light.
The earth quakes again, and cracks run out in all directions from the point of the Angel's violent demise, as pieces of shining beauty fly in all directions.

The rest of the Angels, their faces stern and determined, continue to ring Iuz.

The great battle rages.


My people in the bloodwaste still try to free more souls but devote some effort to stopping the Red Amada drawing energy from the Red Goo.

Black Omega

First Post
Well, we're not missing this!:) Oh wait, getting IC.
"Well, we're not missing this!" Siobhan growls, the cute little fae already clad for battle in deep green armor and a flowing cloak. "Iuz the mightly has allied with the Red Goo, a force trying to destroy the world. Only the Angels are holding it back. We -have- to help. The Angel's can't save Oerth by thermselves. they shouldn't even have to! Hezen has his task ahead of him, but there is still a little we can do!"

And with that the Coalition of Light and Shadow moves again. Spelljammers packed with clerics, happy thoughts and positive energy, led by Siobhan, glittering with others of the Seelie host. The Angel's hold the front and from the rear we can sweep in to help. With luck an air attack is something the Red Goo is not as well suited to dealing with.

And through the border with Iuz...Dwarves, Gnomes, Humans, Iron Golems march..time to cleanse this land of the Red Goo as well. Some things you can negotiate with. The Red Goo must be opposed with all our might.
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First Post
Both Sides Reinforce

The Angels give a ringing Cry of Summoning.

The sky literally opens, and from that opening comes a light as bright as a hydrogen bomb and about as big as the mushroom cloud produced by one.

Down through this radiant white light comes a Host from the Seventh Heaven.

A force three times the force the Angels currently have, descends on the Red Armada.

Unfortunately, this is simply too large a move on the part of the Upper Planes to go unanswered, and it is a demon who is under attack.

Another great rift, as black as the darkest night, opens to the Abyss, and a great force of demons come storming to the attack.

16,000 PL of Angels (4000 PL more are still standing at the Border of Realmspace) and 20,000 Pl of demons, Iuz and his forces, and the Red Armada, are fighting it out.

The entire Flanaess are literally quaking.
Landslides and floods roar down hills, while rockfalls tumble down mountainsides.
Glaciers crack, and vast avalanches rumble down the white heights.

Trees creak back and forth, saplings spring from side to side, the waters of rivers sloshes, floods occur on the shores of every lake, great waves splash up out of the oceans.

In every city, the bells ring, buildings shake, windows shatter, masonry begins to crack, lighter objects tumble off shelves or tables.

Over the battlesite is now raging one monumental thunderstorm.
Not an ordinary thunderstorm, but more like one of the great thunderstorms of Jupiter - it spills into the upper troposphere, through the stratosphere, through the mesosphere, and through the rift into the Astral Plane.
The one great cloud is 200 miles in diameter, and a thousand lightning bolts are streaking through it every second.

The power being unleashed in that battle, is greater than the power that would be unleashed in a full-scale nuclear war.

Mr. Draco

First Post
Ok, Kas, having sustained barely any wounds from the previous battle (i'm assuming this because if he sustained any wounds, he'd be red goo). Magical healing will be used to replenish his endurance, and a veritable plethora of magical spells and defenses are put up on him by the strongest of the mages of his Elite Guard (i.e.- the NPCs).

Then, he's teleporting near the edge of the giant battle, fully decked out.

Next, he cries out, "For Oerth! For Life! For Victory!" and grabs up on of the swords of the dead angels, and teleports directly to Iuz, in order to assist the angels fighting him.

Double-Wielding the Sword of Kas and the Angel's sword (with no penalties due to his many epic feats), Kas fights as he has never fought before, knowing a failure here could mean the end of life as it currently exists (free of red-form) on Oerth, and indeed, in the Multiverse.

Also, the NPCs of Kas' Elite Guard are standing by, but not actually there, ready to teleport in and assist/rescue Kas should he fall.

Voidrunner's Codex

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