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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 6 (thread 3)


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I am placing this here for historical purposes:

EN World - d20 News & Reviews > D&D/d20 System Forums > Bits N Pieces > In Character > (IR) The 3rd IR -Thread
2.5 (Holding thread -discussion and actions)

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William Ronald

The current IR thread is at 200 posts. So, come over here and post.
Edena is going off line. If you want to discuss things, do it here.
Maybe post your actions here, and copy them to the new thread Edena will start.
Edena: Hope I am not being too presumptive by creating this thread.

Darkness, nemmerle, Ashtal, angramainyu: When Edena starts the new thread, you might want to consider merging this one with it.)

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Edena should have waited the one minute to post this thread...
Yep yep... I am getting pretty agrivated sheer numbers of the Red Goo's PL. I would guess 500 PL died in the Blood Wastes in turn three. Somehow that turned into 100,000 PL. If you consider that people replicated more and more goo, they should have goo armies in thier countries, but the Blood waste shouldn't have gotten a x200 multiplier. And how is it that the red Goo hasn't conquered all of the Dark Union since they are in hiding? They should have lost quite a few territories by now without fighting. They would maintain their huge PL but they really should be losing land.

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Red Goo PL is increased for a few reasons

3)Nature of Red Goo dissolving you

My main concern is that next turn/whenever the goo is dealt with a buncha whimps are going to come out of hiding and claim Oerth as there own after we fought for it. (Acererack, God Emperor, Melkor).

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William Ronald

Forrester wrote:

I confess, I'm confused at why nuking the Red Army is okay, but throwing molten core-of-sun at the Red Army is NOT okay.
It seems to me that the latter would do more damage, and leave less radiation.
Edena -- I think Anabstercorian might have the right idea here. So, I'll join him in the middle of the sun, with a good 6000PL of buffed-up Torillian troops, and help him with the Teleport Without Error action.
And I'll counterspell (using 10th level magic) any Wishes that others use to counter the Teleport Without Errors.
Bye-bye, Red Army.
Oh. Gee, while I'm there, I suppose I might as well check to see whether Anabstercorian is trying to figure out some way to DESTROY THE SUN while he's STANDING IN THE MIDDLE OF IT.
Not that I have any reason to be suspicious. He's always been a gentle soul.


(Good to see you! Anabstercorian took HUGE quantities that destroyed everything in a 30 mile radius. Between his actions and the Red Army, worldwide damage resulted. Maybe smaller quantities that do not do world wide damage would be a good idea. As the Union of Oerth is largely abandoned, I suggest that dropping it on Red Army forces there would be wise. A scalpel is needed, not a guillotine or a nuke.
I think Anabstercorian would benefit from your guidance. Such a gentle soul. I suppose he decided to try turning off Toril's sun as he figured it needed a nap.
Also, send in the ground troops. The Angels really need the help. As do the mortals. Sorry if some of my posts seemed angry. Just keeping in character. Hazen may be an Angel, but he is still human.)
(Creamsteak: I think that the Black Brotherhood merged with it, so they tried to stir it to sentience. That may explain the PL. It has been growing like a cancer.)

Everyone, fight on. Oerth is not down for the count.

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William Ronald


I have a rule. If you don't fight for something, you don't deserve it.
Honestly, I think the Union's strategy for a long time has been to have other people solve the common threat. Mina is doing more than they are.
Forrester, thanks for stepping up to the plate. What took so long?
Hazen will supply Forrester with places where smaller amounts of fusing hydrogen can safely be placed to eliminate Red Army troops without killing those fighting them. New Dorakaa sounds like a good spot to me. Remember, 10 to 20 megatons, are not too bad. However, disintegrating a 30 mile area tends to cause seismic problems.
Also, Festy Dog is undersiege in the deep earth. The Forsaken One's retreat is buried under tons of rock. Zouron has not acted yet.

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I agree with the rule, thats why its a concern of mine that a buncha whimps can pull that stunt.

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'o Skoteinos

Minor question: What is Oerth Blood and what are Oerth Blood Weapons? Red Steel?
I really don't know what happened to my forces. I spend 200 PL to aid the Angels and Edena never mentioned them once...very strange. Edena, where are they and are they still alive (more or less)? They were equipped with Red Steel weapons and Armor.

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If your people were armed with Redsteel then I am afraid they are probably Red Soldiers now.

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No idea if this is going to work, but....

Prismatic wall is a 7th lvl spell. What if I used 9th lvl magic to create a huge barrier of Positive Energy to stop the red army? If they get through the barrier, they'll probably get such a dose of positive energy that will free them from the red goo.

And this _IS_ an OOC thread, right? ^_^

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Yep, this is an out of character thread.

Positive Energy Wall sounds like fun. Now I wonder if I could surround some mountains with those things before I shoot them.

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me needs to pay more attention to stuff. So he doesn't post stupid things.

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I think Positive Energy should be on all of our stuff now. It seems that the red army is vulnerable there. I recall someone earlier mentioning positive energy vulcanos, but that could of course be everything... positive energy thunderstorms, PE earthquakes, PE twisters raging over the battlefield....

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I use Upper Planar energy but it seems to have much the same effect. Wonder if we could make armour and weapons out of pure (Positive/Good/Etc) energy?

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I guess the only one who can answer to that is Edena. Would be a good idea though.

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The Forsaken One


Further actions from me can me expected as soon as Edena answers a mail of me in full.
he needs to answer a old email with creative ideas that needed creative answers, this might well be the time to send them because they might come in handy, no I know they will If I don't get the reply to my plans and ideas and my newly mailed questions then
It seems I'll just have to wait, 20 miles of solid rock is a bit of a problem

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Hey Forsaken.

I'd get you out but I'm busy fighting for my life. If I get out of such a situation I'll do what I can.

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Black Omega

Originally posted by Kalanyr

Hey Forsaken.

I'd get you out but I'm busy fighting for my life. If I get out of such a situation I'll do what I can.

I might be able to help, it sounds like with the forest coming alive to lay the smackdown on the Red Army I might have a little breathing space. Besides, happy to help out the Unseelie.

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Hidy hoe neighboureenoes!, I've recovered from illness and I'm back from a brief holiday so if someone could be sooooo kind as too explain my ppls condition. As far as I can tell I'm under siege by something known as the red army, this is probably red goo ppls, little help on explaining a few things?

Welcome back, Festy Dog! :)

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'o Skoteinos

In a dark, damp room, deep under the Pomarj, two people are talking:

"...you certain that that Vampire Kobold is still in control of himself?"

"Yes, we have studied him carefully, and he indeed seems to have kept control. We don't know the reasons, but it seems he's powerful enough."
"Good. Then I assume it is safe to start the ritual?"
Together, they get up and leave the room. Though a maze of tunnels they walk, tunnels clearly not crafted by the hands of men. Round tunnels, very long and with a great diameter. Here there are light spells active. One of them is dressed in only a simple robe, while the other one wears cermemonial clothes.
They reach a door, decorated with strange arcane marks. Inside two people are talking, and when the men enter, they bow: "Ho_Skoteinos, are you certain that you want to continue?"
"Yes, there are others who are still in control. If they can manage that, so can I."
He places a silver ring with a black sapphire on a pedestal. He then steps into a circle and the three other people, all in ceremonial clothing, obviously mages, start chanting...
Ho_Skoteinos draws a dagger from his belt. "Lady of Loss, give me the power", he mumbles, as he punches the dagger through his heart. The chanting intensifies, and suddenly, the sapphire starts to glow. An eery green glow. And when the chanting stops, the body rises again...
When he has arisen once more, he takes a dagger and makes a cut in his chest. He puts the ring in, and then he closes the cut.
"Give me Oerthblood armor and an Oerthblood sword. Today, I will lead my army, personally. We shall show that we are willing to fight for Oerth!"
"Now, merge with me. Together, we are strong enough to deal with any enemy..."
They obey, and what leaves the room is a creature with four faces on one head, each looking grim, eight arms, each hand around an Oerthblood Longsword or Scimitar and in Oerthblood armor. Then, it casts a spell, and suddenly, there are two of them, exactely the same. After that one of them Teleports away...
I've become a Lich. I am joining the battle personally, taking command over my troops. I will stand next to Williams troops to defend his country.
I've Gestalted with my other 3 archmages (PL = 5).
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With a swift stroke she removes the dust from her faces. The dust, combined with blood, dirt and some other substance Angelika doesn't recognise. The world has changed. Standing between her allies, the members of the Emerald Order, she escaped the explosions. Everywhere, in miles, she sees nothing but pure darkness. The explosions creating a layer of dust in the air, stopping all the sunlight that wants to come through.
"We survived. Oerth is safe, for now." She looks at her army, or the remainings of what used to be it. Many soldiers laying down on the ground, some dead, some hurt, some even still in good condition. "Move people! Save our people!" She leaps to the ground, petting her companion. "You've done well, Adessa. Follow me now, we've got saving to do." Her winged warhorse follows her over the used-to-be battlefield. Casting curingspells, she aids the wounded. After she has cured as many as possible, she gets on her horse again, getting airborn.
"My fellow Oerthians, you have done well. Not only is the red army destroyed, Oerth is saved. Even though a new threat awaits us, we have won this battle. One of the hardest in history. We shall retreat to our base, we shall see who is still alive there. We shall fall back to our families and will rebuild the Emerald Order. People of Oerth, you have been brave. Let us pray for our fallen friends, and leave this battlefield for now. It is still not safe her."
She then folds her hands together, starting her prayer. Below her, her people follow her. The voices of few people who start, gaining strenght in the words Angelika speaks. At the end of the prayer, every single person alive prays with Angelika. Angelika herself looks up to the sky, sheathing her sword. "We return," she states, as she flies back towards her vesting in the Kron Hills.


First Post

aww everyone gets full research and I been doing the world to keep mine out of trouble ohh well.

other then that my 1st force will continue help rebuild everything on Anakeris if allowed, and also improve the defenses of the continent.


First Post

I am waiting to see if Forrester continues the bombardment.

Nobody can stop him, if he chooses to do so.

Although the Red Army is destroyed, the Red Goo remains.

The only way to destroy the Red Goo is through 11th level magic or ... sterilizing the world of Oerth.

Forrester has the power to do, just that.

If he does, all Powers (including Alzem) are reduced to their Secret Retreats only.
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But I have some Red Goo to Luna, do I? Edena. My wizards are CONSTANTLY exchanging it with Negative Energy, I also try to buy some tormented souls from Fiends and merge them with Red Goo.

Edena, would you reply to my mssge? Fist message thread 3 after yours. It's important you give me those answers. I'm fozen untill I get them.

And I'm still curious about how the guy with the most unseelie missed the free 10th and 11th later :) The times 10.. can livewith that :p But the magic is very nice :D And I just got most of the unseelie, really simple.

So give me a very good reason why not, or just tell me it's for the sake of balance :)

'o Skoteinos

First Post
Edena, would it be reasonable to assume that when my generals saw / heard of the uncounterable nuking (well, not exactely, but still), they ordered the entire army to reatreat under the ground, back to the Hideout? Or even some Int 14 Orcs who just wanted to save their lives and just thought "screw you guys, we're going home" (though they'll be punished)?


First Post
Forsaken One wrote:

Edena, would you reply to my mssge? Fist message thread 3 after yours. It's important you give me those answers. I'm fozen untill I get them.

ANSWER: Forsaken One, I'm not in a position to. Wait up. Your research is incomplete, if that is what you are asking - the artifact is still not ready.

And I'm still curious about how the guy with the most unseelie missed the free 10th and 11th later The times 10.. can livewith that :p But the magic is very nice And I just got most of the unseelie, really simple.
So give me a very good reason why not, or just tell me it's for the sake of balance

ANSWER: My pardons, but you may not demand answers out of me. You may ask for answers - you may not demand them. As for the answer to that particular question - Valkys had the most Unseelie, and always has had the most Unseelie.

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'o Skoteinos

Edena, would it be reasonable to assume that when my generals saw / heard of the uncounterable nuking (well, not exactely, but still), they ordered the entire army to reatreat under the ground, back to the Hideout? Or even some Int 14 Orcs who just wanted to save their lives and just thought "screw you guys, we're going home" (though they'll be punished)?

ANSWER: Considering Forrester posted before you did (that you were going out to battle) your army was not destroyed. Hiding in your Secret Retreat, you saved your people.

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