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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 6 (thread 4)

William Ronald

Hazen will share any knowledge he has of Oerth, Krynn and Toril with the Veiled Society. He does ask for their comment on the present situation. Hazen is seeking a solution for the current problems in a lot of places.

A message is sent to the party.

"What will save Oerth, Krynn, and Toril? I believe the answer is peace, tolerance, and respect. Hatred feeds the Red Goo and the power behind it."

"We must learn to reject hate and violence. Healing, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, these things may help save us all as well as save the innocent."

The message also details the events on Athas. It is full of worry and regret. Yet hope that Athas will survive, and that Oerth, Krynn, and Toril will be healed.

It also relates the story shared with the young girl.

Edena, Hazen will summon the Oerthblood in what is left of his lands to try to heal the soil. Mind you, I doubt anything will grow in the current environment but I have to try to heal as much of Oerth as I can.

Someone must make a stand. The best place to start is with myself.

Hazen will also try to let the Angels knwo that he is willing to listen to their counsel. He is desperately trying to find a way to heal Oerth, Krynn and Toril.

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Iuz hits upon a scheme... The Veiled Alliance hates defilers with a passion... Iuz will teach the secrets of his magic if they stand down and listen to him... he will show them a path that does not defile... a path that is magic... without destroying their world...

William Ronald

Tokiwong, Hazen just gave the Veiled Alliance knowledge of Oerth, Toril, and Krynn. This includes magic. This includes how technology works. It even includes knowledge of deities. (The last must seem VERY STRANGE to the natives of Athas.) He makes no effort to force any of his views on the Veiled Alliance; he merely shares what he knows. If asked, he will explain his own beliefs. He also presents them with copies of several notable books from Oerth, translated to their languages.

Hazen will not ask anything of the Veiled Alliance. He wishes them well and gives them an amulet to contact him when they wish.

"I give everything I know of three worlds to you as a gift of love and respect to you and the peoples of Athas. I must return to Oerth, but I will pray for your world. If any of you would like to see Oerth, I will show it to you."

"There is still hope for your world, for my world, and all others. We need to find it within ourselves and each other."

Mr. Draco

First Post
Edena, let me know about the progress on the plans/tactics/research.

Otherwise, I'm still waiting for an IC response regarding his mini-speech at the party.


First Post
William Ronald said:
Tokiwong, Hazen just gave the Veiled Alliance knowledge of Oerth, Toril, and Krynn. This includes magic. This includes how technology works. It even includes knowledge of deities. (The last must seem VERY STRANGE to the natives of Athas.) He makes no effort to force any of his views on the Veiled Alliance; he merely shares what he knows. If asked, he will explain his own beliefs. He also presents them with copies of several notable books from Oerth, translated to their languages.

Hazen will not ask anything of the Veiled Alliance. He wishes them well and gives them an amulet to contact him when they wish.

"I give everything I know of three worlds to you as a gift of love and respect to you and the peoples of Athas. I must return to Oerth, but I will pray for your world. If any of you would like to see Oerth, I will show it to you."

"There is still hope for your world, for my world, and all others. We need to find it within ourselves and each other."

OOc: No prob man just assuming since I am there and you are back on Oerth running the peace stuff that I would get first crack
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William Ronald

Help and Hope on Toril

Hazen will ask his people on Hope Island on Toril to try to be strong, peaceful, loving and supportive. They will try to mediate disputes and spread as much goodwill as they can on Toril.

Maybe I can make a difference. I am trying to set back and reverse the Second Touch.

Hazen will try to use the Oerthblood to heal all parts of Oerth, including the Empire of Iuz, the Union of Oerth, even the former territory of the Shade.

Hazen may be only one man, but he and his surviving people will do all that they can. If violence feeds the Red Goo and the force behind it, I must put hatred aside. What good is hate if it destroys the world? Indeed, what good is hate?

Hazen will try to resurrect the dead and heal and help the living. Is it possible to resurrect any of the Angels? I am unsure, but Hazen will try. When Hazen can no longer resurrect people, he will bury the dead with dignity. He spreads his compassion to all living things.

(OOC: I am trying to do everything I can to save Oerth, Krynn, and Toril. If anyone can think of something to help, please do it. Logging off for the night.)
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Mr. Draco

First Post
Kas, seeing a distinct lack of results at the party, teleports back to Union hq.

He dresses in a more casual attire, and begins... a tour. A tour of the relocated schools (in the secret retreat). A new school each day Kas will visit. This personal inspection will be hailed with a grand banquet followed with a presentation of the best and brightest of each school, ending with a simultaneous chess match between Kas, and 30 students from the school.

Before the banquets, Kas spends the day touring the classes while they are in session.

The banquets open with a solemn speech from Kas regarding the rather desperate state of affairs, and encouraging the students and their teachers to try to live their lives as normal, continually assuring them that the Union will protect them.

Then, after the banquet, there is a presentation of the best students and their work in the fields of art, math, science, literature, magic, technology, strategy, and war-play (i.e.- swordsmanship, marksmenship, axemenship, etc...). Kas is present on stage to personally deliver to each student a trophy of Mithril, and his congratulations and encouragement.

Finally, the evening ends with a simultaneous chess tournament between Kas and the best 30 students of the school.

OOC: This is not pointless revelry. These people worship Kas, literally (along with the rest of the Union Pantheon). They would give up their life for him without a moment's thought. They are sincerely joyful at his presence and that he deemed their schools worth of his presence. As for the best of the school that personally receive trophies, congratulations, and encouragement from Kas ragarding their accomplishments in art, math, science, literature, magic, technology, strategy, and warplay, well, they're beyond escatic. To them, a god they worship came and personally talked with them, shook their hand, and sincerely said he was impressed with their efforts. What was once one of their inconceivable dreams, that they even see one of their gods, not only came true, it was surpassed. They know no greater pleasure than that. (how many people have a god they worship tell them they are impressed by their efforts?)

Also, from now on, this tour of the school system will be a yearly occurence.

When the school system tour is done, Kas will begin a tour of the factories, laboratories, and magical/technological research centers throughout the Union's secret retreat.
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First Post
Iuz continues to try and meet with the Sorcerer-Kings to explain the misunderstanding... "I have come to meet with you people and learn.. fighting is pointles... I am a God... perhaps... you know of them?" Iuz begins to explain the concept of deities... and Powers and such, "I admire your war-spirit and strength... you are a strong people... your sustoms and ways are much different from what I have seen in this cosmos..."

Iuz pauses, "We came to blows... but perhaps we can speak, and learn.. even now other forces from my world work to subvert your power... they aid your Veiled enemies with outside knowledge and power... power that should be rightfully yours... and not thrown to lessers..." Iuz waits... alone in the midst of the Sorcerer-Kings...

William Ronald

A document is sent to the Sorceror Kings of Athas, and distiributed to the public at large detailing all of Iuz's actions on Oerth and Toril.

"It is of course, up to you, to decide what is the truth and what is a lie. If any faction of Athas wishes to tour Oerth to determine the truth for themselves, I will give representatives of said factions a tour and a full explanation."

"I cooperated with Iuz against common foes. However, he is by his own admission not the most trustworthy of beings."

"In the end, the fate of Athas is in your hands. I wish you and your world well."

(Tokiwong, most of the Sorceror Kings are RIGIDLY LAWFUL EVIL. They may not look as kindly on Iuz as you might think. That and they have a reputation for paranoia.)


First Post
The first thin veins of Red Goo appear ... on Athas.

It would appear you have carried the sickness to that world too, now.

The Veiled Society listens fervently to both William and Iuz, without joining either of them.

Then they use that knowledge to blast away at Melkor's Shade.

The war intensifies on Athas, as the Dragon-Kings thrice-outlaw all the foreigners - that is to say, anyone from Oerth found is to be killed, instantly, no questions asked, no quarter given, and NO EXCEPTIONS.

The Dragon-Kings were already evil, but they are intelligent, and they realize the danger that threatens Athas from these incomers - they perceive the sickness of the Red Goo.
And they resolve to put an end to that threat, period.
The best way to do that, say they, is to kill ALL the incomers.

The Veiled Society is much more reasonable. They listen, and they learn, growing in power and strength.
They learn the wisdom of the Kevellond League.
They learn the secret lore of Iuz.
And they put it to good use against Melkor's Shade invasion.

They also begin attempting to stamp out the veins of Red Goo that are appearing.
The problem is, for every one they stamp out, another one appears.

This is the problem on Krynn and Toril also.

Forrester and the UC is easily able to destroy the veins of Red Goo on Toril, with their 11th level magic.
But new veins keep appearing.

Mina has returned to Krynn, to protect it (a world of slaves is better than a dead world, she would say).
But again, even though the might of the One God destroys the veins of Red Goo, more appear.

On Luna, the veins of Red Goo eat their way right through the Sunstare, and appear on the surface of all of Luna.

I thought you people ought to know something ...

The Second Touch occurred before the destruction of Luna.
Therefore, the people of Luna, did not die with their world.
Instead, they were reduced to vapor.
When Anabstercorian covered Luna with the Sunstare, he buried the atmosphere and the vapors.

The people, however, regenerated as normal.

In other words, they are buried alive.

The Red Goo has already told them who has done this to them.
Trust me when I say they are an evil people now.

And no, they aren't willing to come to the Peace Table.
Considering what has been done to them, they have a special fate planned for Oerth and all it's people.
You don't want to know what that fate is.
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