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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 1b)



I have intentions of creating a flying forest roughly the size of an LL territory. I wanted to give it subjective gravity, so that plant life grows on all sides. Here is a list of effects I designated for it:

All Druid Spells are Empowered, Enlarged, Heightened, Maximized, Quickened, Silent, and Still.

Cleric Spells from the Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Good, Healing, Law, Plant, Protection, Strength, Sun, and Water Domains are Empowered, Enlarged, Heightened, Maximized, Quickened, Silent, and Still.

Sorceror and Wizard spells always suffer an Arcane Spell Failure of 95%.

Psionic always suffer from severe penalties and cost 100x as many power points in order to overcome the Psionic Dampening.

The Forest has a will of its own, possessing an Intelligence of 50, Wisdom of 75, and Charisma of 100. Its allignment is Lawful Good, and it acts as an intelligent item. (Statistics not yet resolved)

The Forest can tap knowledge from any Life Tree in any Crystal Sphere it has contact with. The Forest can Draw Knowledge from the Crystal Sphere of Oerth (Delrune), and the Crystal Sphere of Toril (Church of Mercy) and can Gather Information in any location where plants can be found. The Fortress will have roughly +100 Ranks in Gather Information, Sense Motive, and Diplomacy. It has a Knowledge: Nature Rank of 100 +2 (per type of plant). The Fortress has a General Knowledge Rank of 15 (covering all fields of Knowledge).

The Fortress gains enhancements for possessing each additional species of plant it gathers. For each type of Plant on the Fortress it gains 1 HD and +1 Base Attack Bonus.

The Fortress has Shielding, and can deflect up to 1,000,000 points of damage in a single round before the sheild collapses. A collapsed sheild takes 1d4+1 rounds to recover.

The Fortress has access to a Spellfire Cannon (ala Independance Day) that can obliterate an area roughly the size of New York in a single blast. This cannon can be aimed in any direction, and is not limited to ground targets.

The Fortress can Plane Shift and negates natural affects of that plane in its vicinity. The Fortress can Sphere Shift 3/day. The Fortress can Teleport Without Error (Self + 50 x 1,000,000,000 Pounds) at will as a quickened action.

The Fortress can contact any deity with the Plant Domain, but has no control over what that Deity can do.

The Fortress can cure any disease or any poison for virtually any number of people. The Fortress can cast true resurrection on any Plant type creature or Elemental any number of times per day.

The Fortress is capable of casting 11th Level Cleric spells from the Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Good, Healing, Law, Plant, Protection, Strength, Sun, and Water Domains.

The Fortress is capable of casting 11th Level Druid spells.

The Fortress can create and hide in a pocket dimension of its own creation at will.

The Fortress can grow food to feed people over an entire planet over the course of a few days.

The Fortress can animate plant life over the course of an entire planet.

The Fortress can create an Avatar in the form of a colossal plant of humanoid stature. The Avatar has 1/3rd the Hit Dice of the Fortress and can perform all of its actions except for the Spellfire Cannon.

The Fortress can project images to plant life within the Crystal Sphere it is located in. The Plant life, if animated, understands the will of the Fortress completely.

The Fortress can cleanse an entire crystal sphere of technological damage in one day. The Fortress can grow a forest over an entire planet over the course of one day. The Fortress can provide enrichment to the ecology of a planet in one day. Only one of these actions can be taken in a given day.

The Fortress can shift the Crystal Sphere can rip pockets of Red Goo out of the ground, out of the air, an out of the water and then heal the souls trapped within.

The Fortress maximizes the Hit Dice of Animals, Plants, Beasts, Magical Beasts, and Humanoid Elves. The Hit Dice of such creatures is increased to a d20.

The Fortress has Damage Reduction of 1,000,000/+10 due to its shield, but when the shield drops - the damage reduction follows. The Fortress has Spell Resistance of 100,000 due to its shield, but when the shield drops - the floating base can be targeted by spells normally.

The Fortress has 1,000,000,000 Hit Dice (maximized = 20,000,000,000 hp) if targeted as a creature. It has regeneration of 1,000,000 per round. Regeneration of the fortress can be negated over a 5 foot square for one round with a 9th level withering spell. 10th level magic can punch a 500 foot square to drop its regeneration for a few rounds. 11th level magic can punch a mile (kilometer) hole in its regeneration for few minutes.

Many individual creatures (Plant, Animal, Beast, Magical Beasts, and Humanoid Elves) are seperate targets on the floating fortress. The Fortress bestows natural regeneration of 100 and damage reduction 100/+5 along with spell and power resistance of 100.

The Fortress has the ability to act as an Archer Bush over an LL sized area. The Fortress can act as Omniflax over an LL sized area. The Fortress can drop thousands of Jupiter Bloodsuckers over an LL sized area. (Details about these three plants are covered in that pdf I sent Edena earlier).

The Fortress takes normal damage from radiation, fire, and force which make it vulnerable to a few attacks. The Fortress sheild can withstand a Nuke, possibly a few, before the shield will drop. A single Mass Driver (Ground Pounder) could be deflected by the shield, but multiple shots could pierce and destroy the Fortress. (These are making me think that building such a construct would be a waste)

The Fortress can shift to ethereal for an indefinite period in order to avoid such attacks. The Fortress can still use all its weapons except the spellfire cannon in Ethereal. A +1 Mass Driver (Ground Pounder) could still technically hit an Ethereal target, and nullifies this protection.

There are a few more ideas, but I don't have my list from where I am at. How long would this creature take to create? I would name it the Mana Fortress (ala Secret of Mana) if it is possible. I suspect I will be told it will take a month...

I am not declaring that I am creating this, I am mearly... "hypothesizing."will take a month...
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Black Omega

First Post
11th Level magic for this Day.

Try to free Mordenkainen from the Dictum.
Siobhan appears in a flare of silverflame, stepping into a room with chanting wizards, all focusing their energies. She strolls over to one of the wizards, chiming in brightly "heya Bigby. We ready to do this?"

The wizard nods solumnly "Yes. It's been a rough year for Mordenkainen. He was one of the first ambushed by the red goo, was abused in that big battle at the Red Wastes, and now turns out to be controlled who knows how long. We have to make a try." he says, eyes already narrowing in concentration. He joins the others, forming a circle, mightly 11th level magic brought to bear...and the chant reverberating around the chamber "Free Mordenkainen..."

Mr. Draco

First Post
Kalanyr said:
I think I'll debate that Cydian's are less powerful than Avangions. (I'll take the negative side). Care to try Mr Draco? (I guess it depends on how much you claim 20 levels of Psion (and 1012 HD) are worth compared to 5 levels of archmage and electrical kill effects as well as a bunch of Immunities)

That was the idea. That they'd be powerful, but not quite AS powerful as an avangion, and therefore, easier to turn our entire populaion into :)

Edena, this Senator NPC of mine from Calimshan, backed secretly by Church of Shade, is trying to arrange the secession of Calimshan( and maybe parts of Amm and Tethyr) from United Commonwealth. He claims that civilian goverment was overthrown by Commonwealth generals, and Erika Lisage was either killed or imprisoned by them, therefore the new military goverment is illegal should be opposed by those that wish to preserve Democracy. It seems that those generals are in league with these Humanoid "barbarians', certainly proud people of Calmishan don`t deserve to be part of this autocracy, with their ancient and sophisticated culture they should be leading The Commonwealth, these Northlanders and especially Humanoids understand only violence, they were bunch of Nomads while great civilzation of Calimshan was flourishing. While trying to gain popularity among ordinary people through the mix of demagogy and rational arguments, Malyk is trying to gain support from most influential local politicians, businessmen and generals, promising them power and wealth in New Order, some of those not willing to cooperte might be assasinated( I assume that Assasins/Shadowdancers with Shade template are quite effective), possibly even replaced by doppelangers.
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'o Skoteinos

First Post
11th level action for day 1:

1 day action:
You can summon the Avatar of any diety, and attempt to compel it to do a service for you (3 in 4 chance.) It will resent this, usually.

The men and women in the chamber have a rather nervous look on their faces. What they're about to attempt hasn't been done before...at least, not succesfully. They are aware of the dangers, and that's what makes them so afraid. It usually isn't a very smart idea to disturb Greater Gods...

"Begin the summoning", Ho Skoteinos commands. The gathered mages begin casting their spells, calling the God, charging up their power and preparing their 11th level Binding and Domination spells.

Hours pass. Then, the great magic is unleashed. The mages look more tense then ever. This is the moment they've been waiting for, they've been preparing for. Will their might be enough, compared to that of an avatar?

A man appears. Wearing purple robes, with gold garments, holding a quarterstaff and a book. No, not a book, a great tome. He radiates an enormous power. More spells go off, all targetted at that man.

Ho Skoteinos steps foward. He kneels. "Great Boccob", he speaks, after he got up, "I have seen the marvels of 11th level magic. These people around me have shown me what can be done...but unfortunately, me and my people do not possess this knowledge. Compared to them, our magical knowledge is that of a child. Boccob, I ask you to teach my Orcs 11th level magic.

[Edena, I already have 10th level magic, but you haven't updated the List post yet.]
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First Post

Edena_of_Neith said:

I have been required to copy this.
Kaboom, this will not work.
Alzem has Isles of Hope on both Toril and Oerth, and I have denied even him the right to double-up, as it were, his Attacks and Defenses.

I am allowing Mr. Draco and Serpenteye to do so for the very good reason that they sacrificed very heavily for the duration of the entire IR to obtain 11th level magic.
They legitimately obtained 11th level magic for their Power, taking extreme risks to do so.
Also, the fact they can double up adds balance to the scenario, making for greater challenge.

Therefore they are an exception that cannot be duplicated.

HOWEVER ... (DM chuckles evilly)

Kaboom, you are perfectly free to invite the Arcane Age Powers to come forward in time to help you.
In that way, you could gain doubled Attack Power, or trebled Attack Power, or quadrupled Attack Power.

Unfortunately, if you can pull that stunt, so can everyone else.

You would not want to see the messy consequences of everyone pulling Powers from the past into the present, to aid in the current war.

As an example of just HOW messy that would be ... well now, I am running Acererak.
Acererak could go back in time, all the way to the time when the Elder Ones ran things, and he could open a Gate for them to come forward in time, and they would come, and ...

Or, the United Commonwealth of Toril could go back in time 40 years, and summon ITSELF to come forward in time ... thus there would be 2 United Commonwealths, and 2 Forresters, and 2 Erika Lesages, and Ian Payne would looking at his own grave, and perhaps even considering resurrecting himself, and ...

It worked on Pern, for the Dragonwehrs and Dragonriders, but I do not think it would work so well in this IR.

I think we'll stick with everyone having a single Attack and Defense, with Mr. Draco and Serpenteye being an exception. :) [/B]

In that case I'll use 5 months like so:

Month 1: Create 100,000 pocket dimentions. Hide in one of them.
Month 2: Summon 100,000 PL of outsiders.
Month 3: Resurrect 100,000 PL of the dead.
Month 4: Create new race of beings: the living Spelljammer. It can regenerate 1000 points of damage per round, sustain the crew with eatable snap-off appendages, put people in suspended animation, and shoot bursts of spellfire at enemy ships.
Month 5: create a Giant Ooze that can morph into any form. These things can be commanded by any Illithid or any Chosen of Mystra, but the Chosen takes precedence. These things can not attack any living being, for it is TOTALY against there natures.
Month 6:Go home with the new army.


First Post
Actions for turn 0.1

Actions for day one:

Create one pocket dimension as others with astral travel given to all those inside. Also add twin mind and twin spell to allow all people to have 2 astral projections while inside. (Doubling my pl and spell casters) Ward the pocket dimension against all known attacks and establish a Mythal (since you said we all had one this should not take any time) that doubles the power of all spells cast inside the Mythal while halving all spells cast into the Mythal from outside (my attack/defense x2, others attack ½) Also keeping all the abalties of the old Mythal

my total attack and defense for a quick action (3/3) should now be (12/12)
(3(normal)*2(pocket dimension)*2(Mythal) / 3(normal)*2(pocket dimension)*2(Mythal))

Contact the Mordon Primus and seek an alliance with him/it. Ask him to assist me in bringing order to the spheres. Offer him a bargain where he can establish a base to work from here to help bring order to the people.

Create geysers of Oreth blood on Hope Isle along with accompanying spells to force the spray into to a mist that covers the entire island in a continuous fog.

Use magic and tech from Toril to scry watch what is going on around the sun. Launch an envoy up to there to ask to be allowed to observe the proceedings. Cast all known mind-protecting spells on observers and equip each with one of the psionic nullifying devices.

Continue summoning cats of nine lives and celestial golems

Edena the union was not the only one who aquired 11th level magic through research. Allowing them to "double up" because they researched it would mean that anyone who did this should be able to, in all fairness. Allowing this because they are two people playing the country breakes the rule: 1 power 1 attack/defense. Doing it for balance is fine. ;)
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Secret 11th Project.

Spending full turn to create a new race. Stats and stuf will be released at the end of the turn when it will be complete (if it ever will :)).

And yes I know this will limit me to category 3 def and attacks :)


Hardest thing done lately, think of a name for a new race :)

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