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(IR) The 3rd IR, Turn 7 (thread 8)

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Ok, if all defences on the Plane of Hope from those inside stack, I'm changing what I'm doing, not like it matters if people know.

Defence: Ishtarland (4 (day one) + 10 (5 days charging) + 1 (Avatar) is added to Demiplane.

Angels Defence: Demiplane (4)

Unseelie Defence: Demiplane (6)

Attack: Ishtarland (4+1(Avatar))
Unseelie (4)
Angels (4)

All at Loch-Nar

Summary: 25 Defence on Demiplane of Hope
13 Attack Loch Nar
Mask of Johdee: No one is scrying the Demiplane of Hope.

11th level Wonder:
Ishtarland/Unseelie: Ready to support what the Coalition of Light and Shadow are doing if it will work (everything possible will be done to support it, including the same steps as the Coalition are willing to take) and Angels countering suicide attacks.


Ishtarland: Steal Lolths Drow Portfolio
Unseelie: Increase Kalanyr's PL by 20
Angels: Counter Suicide Attacks

My powers move to the Demiplane of Hope.


I never saw the "Heavy Metal" movie. It was an American attempt at Anime, correct? I know the Lok'nar as a ship from before that movie came out. Lok'nar wasn't necessarily evil... but it desired to kill anyone that attacked its home world (which it was the last surviving warship from.)

However, I don't have any idea where the Taraakians are from, so you might be right. If a little green ball is going to kill us all... well that just isn't as cool as having a perfectly designed battle ship belonging to an ancient race come to exterminate the people it sees as defilers. Namely, the union summoned it by contacting it, and thereby reaching its home in some way. That would be enough for it to want to destroy us: knowing that we know about it.

Edena, is the Lok'nar a green ball, or a ship?


First Post
creamsteak said:
I never saw the "Heavy Metal" movie. It was an American attempt at Anime, correct? I know the Lok'nar as a ship from before that movie came out. Lok'nar wasn't necessarily evil... but it desired to kill anyone that attacked its home world (which it was the last surviving warship from.)

However, I don't have any idea where the Taraakians are from, so you might be right. If a little green ball is going to kill us all... well that just isn't as cool as having a perfectly designed battle ship belonging to an ancient race come to exterminate the people it sees as defilers. Namely, the union summoned it by contacting it, and thereby reaching its home in some way. That would be enough for it to want to destroy us: knowing that we know about it.

Edena, is the Lok'nar a green ball, or a ship?

Heavy Metal was simply animation not an American attempt at anime... it was based off of the magazine... very cool stuff I highly reccomend and the Taraakians and the Lok'Nar both appaer in the cartoon... and they rode birds... the last Taraakian was a woman she kicked butt...


Bringing up the topic yet again,

I just tried Google, and I got two references:

Star Trek (from the older star trek, it was the lightest militery frigate ever created, roughly 2202, which, to my recollection is 200 years before the Enterprise D (next generation).


Tenchi Muyo (too new to even matter. Obviously the animator was inspired by the movie Heavy Metal, I should look into it some time. The release date I noticed was in the 1980's... so it is pretty old. Though I think Star Trek (original) trumps it by about 4 years. Maybe not, I'm not a history guy. I know it has to have deeper and older origins... I'll continue the search.

Note: Edit: just found this quote in a Star Trek page "... The Federation's worst fears have been confirmed: Terrakian pirates have taken over the distant colony world, slaughtering and enslaving the populace. A rescue ... "
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Interesting notes on something Taraakian.

The uneasy political climate of the world rose to a fierce and dangerous storm when various conflicts ensuing from unforgotten disputes of old burst out to great wars involving many wise and mighty guilds. The Tarakians fought first their once close allies of the Pacifists?, then their other former allies of the Tribe who had allied themselves to one of the most renowned and feared guilds of the world, the Empire. At the same time, Retribution, one of the Tarakians' allies, engaged the Legendary Barbarians and numerous other guilds in another great war. The nights of Terra were shining with the fires of battle and echoing with the thunder of war, but the tides of death alyways broke before they reached the calm shores of the White Raven.
At last, the day came when the lands and the rivers of Terra should be red from the blood of the dead, when past and present wrongdoings should be punished in a storm of fire and steel. The great wars reached a climax when the opponents encountered each other for the last time in a gigantic, all-consuming battle, and the White Raven faced its enemies as well, destroying them easily. But just as the members of the guild turned their backs to the smoking battlefield, some enemies returned and backstabbed them, thus ending the chronicle of the succesful and joyous age with a stain of dark blood. Scatha, who stood alone against the last enemies when the lands were already sinking into the fiery belly of the earth, was able to avenge the deaths of his fellows with the help of ZDM who immortalized one of their members, but the bad feeling of being caught at unawares remained. And so, the White Raven sweared to return once again, more vigilant and deadly than ever!

Leader of The Red Army of Ravenloft laughs:

-Let those fools escape, there is nowhere to hide, soon Hope will die, The Night Eternal shall rule supreme!
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William Ronald


Yes, I think you can bring all of the nations of the Chosen of Mystra to the Domain of hope, at least the living creatures and the people.

Hazen thanks Iuz for his kind words, and adds.

"All are welcome here. There will be no attempts to force beliefs on anyone."

Edena: I have moved all factions I control, including Dagger's, to the Domain of Hope. I have e-mailed Gnomeworks. He may be having internet problems again. If so, I would like to temporarily play his power and bring them all to the Domain of Hope.

All powers played by myself, formely played by Darkness, and played by dagger are in the Domain of Hope. I would like to make that the case for Gnomeworks factions as well.

There is always room for people in the Domain of Hope.

Anabstercorian: What was your character's reaction to the Illithid book Hazen gave him, "The Best Loved Jokes, Songs and Stories of the Illithid People" (I forget the term from Bruce Cordell's Illithiad. I remember it as a series of strings with knots. Oddly enough, the Incas used something like this for messages.)

And now a post for your role playing entertainment. Feel free to become part of each scene as you chose. Consider it part of the lull before the storm. There are a few hidden references which I will reveal later.


At a large hall, many people are seated before a stage. A woman comes to the stage and speaks into a microphone.

"Welcome to the Mitrik Auction for the Emergency Relief Fund. We are auctioning several valuable items to help fund emergency relief efforts."

"Here are some of them."

"A rare 1st edition print of Turhan Bey ben Seir's "In Deep Places: A Journey into the Underdark."

"A silver and gold chess set on an ebony and ivory board. Accompanying it is a three dimensional board with a platinum and electrum chess set."

"A rare lyre from an unknown culture. It is extremely old."

"An ivory statue of a woman with her arms raised in triumph."

"A painting of an unknown soldier battling foes. Age undetermined."

"Bidding will begin shortly."


A small girl, perhaps five years old, is wandering on a street. She is brown haired with brown eyes. She is calling out "Mommy!" but her pleas are unanswered.


A boy, of the same age, but with pale blond hair and blue eyes is trying to climb a tree to get a grey cat with a white spot on his chest. He can't reach the branches.

The cat is meowing and the child appears frustrated.


A young elven boy is practicing with a plastic sword in a park. He mutters wistfully, "I wish someone would teach more how to handle a sword the right way."


Creamsteak: Check these links out for a little more information on the movie Heavy Metal. Got to go to the video rental store this weekend.


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Mr. Draco

First Post
William: Thanks for the rp ideas, i just can't resist.

At the hall, a murmur begins to spread in the crowd as the bidding clock counts down the minutes until the auction begins.

In the back, unnoticed by most, a Cydian walks in. Her form giving off a pale blue light as she walks to her seat.

The people begin to take notice. Most of them have heard rumors of Cydians before, but this is their first time seeing one. Their surprise is shown with a few gasps.

As Asica sits there, a small dwarven child sitting nearby gets up and walks over. Knowing no fear as only a truly innocent child can, he boldly comes up and asks the warrior of Kas' elite guard "Are you a lightbulb?"


Meanwhile, Kas is working on his book again in his private chamber at the heart of the Union's headquarters.

The chamber is different this time, the soft glow of Kas playing over the featureless walls. Indeed, they seem to have grown smaller. The room seems to be a cube, approximately ten meters on a side.

The silence of ages is broken by a voice, coming from everywhere at once "Viewscreen on. Gamma World, second world war."

The walls change color as a perfectly rendered hologram superimposes itself on them. Images of battle flash by as the war is relived in pixel form.

"Upon close observation, one realizes that these people, no matter their respective strengths, face a single weakness: disunity.

Their forces tear each other apart, wasting lives and resources that could have been used for better purposes."

Images appear of the invasion of Poland near the outbreak of the war.

"Yet, they betray an incredible courage. With the invasion of a country known as Poland, the German tanks were met with cavalry. Armed cavalry. The cavalry which had been the best in Europe for hundreds of years now met its match with the steel behemoths of the German tanks.

However, it met its match without so much as flinching. They knew they were outclassed, but still they faught on. They knew from the start they were doomed to failure, but still they faught on.

This is one of the great strengths of the self. The strength of courage and sacrifice for the beliefs of the self."

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