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Is Chaotic evil more evil than Lawful evil?


First Post
Elder-Basilisk said:
The idea that politics can be mapped on a right/left spectrum is pretty much bunk.

I disagree. I think politics can be mapped on a right/left spectrum, but isn't usually mapped so in any particularly meaningful way, the majority of the time.

Elder-Basilisk said:
It may (though I don't think it does) work for Eurpean politics where there is a tradition of statist conservative parties but in the US, at least, the conservative tradition has more in common with libertarianism in many respects.

*Whereas my reply here originally referred to the liberal tradition in the US, I realise now, in hindsight, that libertarianism has nothing much to do with 'liberalism'. Ahem. My ignorance of the details - or even the terms - of US politics indeed is formidable. :)*

Elder-Basilisk said:
Similarly, both fascist and socialist governments operated on many of the same philosophies and by many of the same methods. Both require totalitarian collectivism and state ownership. Both were hostile to religion in their most prominent forms. Nazi is short for National Socialist. While the thesis that fascism, socialism, and communism are simply different branches of the same family may be informative, there is no right-left or conservative-liberal spectrum that will capture the relevant and important differences.

True, they did indeed operate on many of the same philosophies. IMO however, the thesis (what thesis?) that fascism, socialism and communism are simply different branches of the same family would be stillborn, for they are simply not. Socialism, in Marx's view for example, was intended to be the intermediate stage in this progression : capitalism -> socialism -> communism. Fascism, on the other hand, is not even related, except by the fact that opportunistic leaders will use any banner to distract the people's attention from deceit. Speaking of which, 'capitalist democracy' as modern first-world countries experience it, comes complete with significant chunks of socialism. State ownership, as listed above, is one such chunk; public health and education too...though all of these are slipping away, according to some. So maybe one day socialism will release its grasp on pure capitalism - who knows.

Elder-Basilisk said:
As for the idea that the KKK and Neo-Nazis are ultra-conservatives, that's nothing more than (frequently repeated) slander. There isn't some convenient dial of conservatism which can be turned from nine to eleven to produce a Neo-Nazi from a libertarian or a KKK member from your typical republican. The reality of political life is far more complex than that. Robert Byrd is probably the most prominent former KKK member. Many observers believe that Republican Bobbie Jindal lost the Louisiana governor's race, in part, because of the dark color of his skin. There is no doubt that some KKK members and neo-nazis also consider themselves conservatives but that just goes to show that there is more to politics than race.

The notion that conservatives are all racists merely one step away from being Nazis or clan members appeals to a certain self-righteous and arrogant set of intelligentsia but has no basis beyond their relentless need to feel superior.

Agreed. It's bollocks. It's closed-minded fanaticism, ironically enough - the very thing that said 'intelligentsia' supposedly rail against.

*Final note : In retrospect, I wish I'd never replied to this. Why oh why did I??? (sigh) Hmph.*
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iblis said:
True, they did indeed operate on many of the same philosophies. IMO however, the thesis (what thesis?) that fascism, socialism and communism are simply different branches of the same family would be stillborn, for they are simply not. Socialism, in Marx's view for example, was intended to be the intermediate stage in this progression : capitalism -> socialism -> communism. Fascism, on the other hand, is not even related, except by the fact that opportunistic leaders will use any banner to distract the people's attention from deceit.

Fascism may not have much relation to Socialism, but Nazism clearly does - and despite similarities Italian Fascism and German Nazism really have quite different underlying philosophies, though Hitler drew ideas from Fascism (the 'Great Leader' concept especialy) and later on influenced the development of Fascism - eg introducing a racist element that isn't a part of the original Statist fascist concept. In D&D terms my impression is that Nazism is a lot more classically Evil than Italian fascism necessarily is, though many fascist regimes certainly are clearly Evil.

Nazisim is simply a form of Socialism and since Left Wing truly means Socialist Hitler and the Nazi party were simply the bigoted anti-semitic far German left.

While much of true Conservitism is Libertarian, the Neo-conservitives want prayer in public schools. True Conservitism is called Right Wing. So I'll make a line from Left to Right to show you what I mean.

Ron Paul
Chairman Mao
Barry Goldwater
Adolph Hitler
P.J. O'Rourke
George Owell
Ben Stein
Joeseph Stailn
Drew Carry
Any one who belives in "trickle down economics"
The Greatful Dead
Ralph Nader
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First Post
Drifter Bob said:
Is nationalism a conservative trait or isn't it?


Was Bismark a conservative? He was certainly a nationalist. He was also the one who instituted most of Germany's social programs. Mussolini started as a dedicated socialist, and certainly instituted plenty of social programs. Hitler expanded on the cradle to grave social welfare net of Germany. Not exactly what I'd call in the model of American Conservatives.

Also, one should keep in mind that Eurpean Conservative VS. U.S. Conservative are usually quite different beasts. Elder Basilisk already got my point across. Saying I'm thin skinned because I don't like slander is an odd comment IMHO.


Drifter Bob

First Post
The Great Bear King said:
Nazisim is simply a form of Socialism and since Left Wing truly means Socialist Hitler and the Nazi party were simply the bigoted anti-semitic far German left.

That is a deadly insult to all of the socialists, trade unionists and leftists that Hitler put into the concentration camps. You people are really, really sick. I wish to god you would come and say this to my face.

What a load of diarhareha.

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Drifter Bob

First Post
buzzard said:
Was Bismark a conservative?

of course he was.

He was certainly a nationalist. He was also the one who instituted most of Germany's social programs. Mussolini started as a dedicated socialist,

Gufffaw!!!! Tell that to an Italian!

and certainly instituted plenty of social programs. Hitler expanded on the cradle to grave social welfare net of Germany. Not exactly what I'd call in the model of American Conservatives.

Also, one should keep in mind that Eurpean Conservative VS. U.S. Conservative are usually quite different beasts. Elder Basilisk already got my point across. Saying I'm thin skinned because I don't like slander is an odd comment IMHO.


You are so ignorant. Julius Caesar instituited social programs, so did assorted King's of England, Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, that has nothing to do with being left wing or liberal or socialist. Your newspeak is so orwellian I can't believe you can spew it out without choking on it.



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I think the whole concept of 'the political spectrum' is wrong. I see it as more of a line , a continuous line with no beginning and no end, but not infinite. Yup, a circle. Left and right are merely mirror images of each other. The words and descriptions may change, but the results invariable become the same.

I think a more apt examination would look at the relationship between anarchy and government.

By the way, lets try to keep thing civil, before this interesting discussion gets locked.

Atom Again

First Post
Drifter Bob said:
Yeah, real libertarian. Putting in the patriot act, demanding prayer in schools, outlawing abortion... thats real libertarian.

Drifter Bob, do a google on "Roe vs. Wade" and you'll learn a few things.


Davek said:
I think the whole concept of 'the political spectrum' is wrong. I see it as more of a line , a continuous line with no beginning and no end, but not infinite. Yup, a circle.

I used a diamond matrix in my PhD (call me Dr S'mon) ;) - with 2 axes, Romantic vs Pragmatic views of human nature, and Group-Oriented vs Individualist views of human nature. Totalitarian philosophies would be Romantic & Group Oriented, Liberal-radical philosophies like those of Rousseu typically Individualist & Romantic, Liberal-right philosophies like Locke Individualist & Pragmatic, traditionalist & religious philosophies like Roman Catholicism Group-Oriented & Pragmatic. I don't think there's a single philosophy that can be classified as 'American Conservatism', though - traditionally one might say they were individualist & pragmatic but now that the religious right is part of mainstream US Conservatism there seems a stronger emphasis on a group-oriented approach.

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