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Is it just me...


First Post
Kalreil said:
If this is talking about rules, yes, It is fair to say, but if it is in referance to character concepts it is just wrong.
I'm sorry, where did I mention character concepts even once? I was speaking of the advice given previously in the thread, and yes, of the rules and reasonings behind those rules. Although, if you want to bring character concepts to the mix, then the more experienced players still might have more knowledge, based on the breadth of characters that they've seen over the years, and probably do know better what sorts of concepts are more readily accepted in the chats and what sort of reactions they provoke.

<snip>And yes, that kind of thing does happen here.
Of course things like that happen. It's human nature, and very few people aren't guilty of expressing negative opinions in one way or another. It'll happen no matter where you are, because humans are imperfect creatures. Humans are petty, fickle beings, simple as that.

Or were you trying to insinuate that only the players that have been here longer are guilty of this? Because believe me, that's patently untrue.

In-character comments that sting can't really be helped, as long as they don't cross certain lines. Fact among characters is the same as fact among people: Some are just jerks. Not everyone is able to bite their tongues in real life, and not all characters bite their tongues either.

Now, direct comments made via PM in-chat that appear to be strictly out-of-character, should probably be reported if particularly venomous, as they could be actionable. Much like dealing with bullies in reality, making sure that the authority figures are aware is a valuable way of dealing with it.

Comments made off-site? Not much can be done about that, really, short of direct confrontations to resolve the issues, which rarely turn out well.

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First Post
Deirdre said:
Hush up, and eat a banana. And thank you, this thread got far too serious.

Just doing my job!
And NO, I ain't posting anymore on this thread unless it can contribute with the discussion.


First Post
Tharivious said:
Now, direct comments made via PM in-chat that appear to be strictly out-of-character, should probably be reported if particularly venomous, as they could be actionable. Much like dealing with bullies in reality, making sure that the authority figures are aware is a valuable way of dealing with it.

Unless around here, like in MOST real life situations, those in authority possitions do nothing about bulling stating that "well unless they break a rule nothing can be done." Trust me on this, is a common reason used when they can't really help you. School teachers, police, and just about any other authority you can find will use that excuse...

Tharivious said:
Until then, I'll give you an example of 'really good evil' from my perspective: Xerneth Karjen, lead villain behind The Game plotline. He's not highly active, he's not well known, he's got most of the characters who haven't dealt with him directly at the disadvantage of not knowing him; and yet he's been played with a consistent method of operation for close to four years, with proper amounts of dormancy. Xerneth is clearly displaying how different he is from many villains that have walked the CRT/Emporium/Rotunda/Sigil in the ISRP's history. By this, I mean he's taking his time, the way that intelligent evil should. There's a reason that he's survived as long as he has, and a reason that he's reached plot-mastermind status now: he's proven himself to be smart enough about picking his times to act, instead of throwing himself into nova-mode and attacking at random. How does he operate? Keep an eye on the boards and his rare in-chat appearances, and you'll see. A lot of what he's going to be doing over the next several months will be entirely off-screen. Why? Because it's the intelligent thing for a villain to do. Evil isn't always stupid. Effective evil is rarely unintelligent. More importantly, well played effective evil isn't seen for what it is, until the knife is already being twisted.
Maybe some have turned good. Most of the good villain players from my days of peak activity are either busy starting families now, but those true villains never turned good. So quite frankly, this looks like another point of contention reliant on your opinion of 'really good evil'.

For one thing, how does a character that exists like this a good character? If he is not ever around, how does that work? Not to mention that in three years, a lot of characters are gone, as well as players.

Ryth said:
You know I was going to comment here again, but as I typed I relized it's the same DAMN gripe over and over again. Really and honestly what do I think would solve this problem?


There is no solution because this problem is NOT a mass problem like everyone keeps TRYING to shove it off as. Instead this problem boils down to YOU YOURSELF as a player and YOUR moods. Not other peoples.

You will play with others, when you in the mood to. You will play with only YOUR group, when you in the MOOD to. Get the picture? Gods I hope so.

And No I am not going off on any one person her.....I'm just getting sick of all the whining and bull crap.

Maybe if people weren't always complaining about the complaining, there would be less arguing?

Deirdre said:
I engage each and every character that intercounters me. You've got to be open and you've got to try. This isn't a story. It won't go the way you want. You have to let things happen.

This is virtually impossible. You absolutely cannot always engage every character that wishes to do whatever IC. It's impossible, sometimes we are just too busy to RP with someone and I guarantee that everyone as at least once, ignored a person.

Deirdre said:
Has anyone given any thought to it might be the player's attitude that is detouring other players from interacting with them IC and OOC?

I have thought about this a lot, and yes, it is the player's attitude, however, everyone has bad attitudes, and once again, it affects everyone's playing style usually unknowingly. This is inevitable because your brain defects your thoughts away from your normal way of playing.

Bhryn said:
...FFXII... :eek:

I agree!

Khaira said:

Honestly, how many incarnations can this topic go through?

I suppose that I could say something supportive, encouraging, and inspiring but, honestly, I don't feel like wasting my time today. Probably not tommorrow, either. And chances for the day after that don't look too good. In fact, it's not in my best interests to waste my time trying to console the "poor, poor, pitiful me"'s ever.

I've seen more threads with this exact, same topic than I care to count. I've concluded one of three (or all) possibilities: a) people just really, really, really, REALLY emphatically like to moan, complain, and groan b) people keep posting threads like this in hopes that someone will be suckered into saying, "Awwww ... poor baby." or c) some people just aren't appreciative of what they have (much like possibility A, above).

So, likely, if I said something constructive, and attempted to offer my suggestions, I'd only be preaching to the choir. I might reach the people that need reaching for ... oh, a day or so.

My conclusion? Quit crying about it, grow up, and do something about it. Quit dragging the rest of us down with you by using the "Poor, poor, pitiful me. POOR ME! :( " sentiments.
The rest of us will go have fun roleplaying and you can sit over here, in the Pitiful Me corner, and cry. Sounds good to me.

Khaira said:
Now, before you say it's all dead and quiet ... well, ISRP does, has, and always will go through waves of activity. Some months/weeks it'll be active, some months/weeks it won't. It happens. It's called life. Unfortunate, be that as it may, but it's a fact. Sorry, the truth hurts; Wal Mart sells Kleenex, I hear. (EDIT: Now, THAT is teasing; if I want to tease, you will know. Trust me.)

The fact that there are many threads similar, if not identical, to this one does not necessarily equate a chronic disease of ISRP or its players.
If a small number of people = X, and if those small number of people have trouble entertaining themselves = Y, then X + Y doesn't = C, that it's everyone else's fault.

Neither do I think this is a blame game that can be played, on anyone.
I know a number of newbies who have active characters, and whom DO NOT have a problem getting noticed or roleplaying with people. What that suggests to ME is that the people who are complaining are too shy to actively get out there.

The common fallacy is the mentality that if the following emoticon is entered: Character Bob enters the tavern and stands in the doorway, looking around
then everyone will jump immediately to interact with poor, lonely souls who don't have anyone to talk to. What isn't realized is that everyone ELSE in the tavern is probably either involved in a conversation or doing the same thing.

So buy a drink for a random character. Observe the present conversations, and join one. Comment on a part of a character's description to start a conversation. Play mad, insane character, who may or may not be loveable. Play some music for the tavern. Join a current storyline, if your problem is being involved.
In short ... DO something. Just the same as has been already said. Don't fall to the "ego" trap, thinking that you ARE the center of the universe, and the world should come to you, not the reverse.

All right, I've repeated myself enough now. Let the rotten vegetable throwing resume.

Some arguments have already been eliminated by a few different posts. For example, first it is shown that he says "I've seen more threads with this exact, same topic than I care to count." then, "Advice has been given before, in all the other threads like this one that have popped up. It may be unfortunate to say, but people get tired of repeating themselves over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over ... see what I mean? Annoying, isn't it?" followed by "If a small number of people = X, and if those small number of people have trouble entertaining themselves = Y, then X + Y doesn't = C, that it's everyone else's fault." Now let me ask you something, why do you repeat yourself so much, which you claim to have done a lot, when shortly after you claim that their isn't hardly anyone that is complaining? Seriously though, I think there is a true problem.

Noting a lot of people's talks about noobs not having a problem joining in, this post isn't about noobs. This post is about people who cannot seem to get involved or stay involved with RPing. Noobs can almost always get involved because it is easier when you first start off to begin and get started and into it. As a noob, it seems they don't run out of energy into their characters, something I notice quite frequently.

I also vote to agree for storyline posts, as that would help -everyone- understand why I seem to push things and move things to fast. That is what has been said, but I'd like to say one comment on that, all of my characters have storyline reasons for what they do. I play as my character, a lot of the time that is not how -I- want to play. I did not want to have Sir Dieterich die, however, his character would have done so. This is another problem that I see around the site. I know the CoC and all of that, but seriously...sometimes people don't act their characters and do things because they want to OOC, but this is straying from my overall posting point...

And one other thing, could we not get into the whole, sports, religion, or political discussions on posts? Those are three bad things to go on about, as everyone is passionate with all three...however, I don't give a damn about sports, though, being born in New York, let the Yankees win, woohoo. I don't really care...

Anyhow, I would hope that this post is thought about and considered before people vent their anger at me for this one. After all, most of us are adults, or nearing it and the attitude of some has kind of scared me lol, though, I do admit, I got sort of mad as well, everyone's emotions seems to just flood the posts no matter what.


First Post
...however, I don't give a damn about sports, though, being born in New York, let the Yankees win, woohoo. I don't really care...

That was aimed at me! You are venting your anger on me! I'm just a rejected noob! *sniff!*


Foppish Technocrat
John a.k.a Sir D said:
This is virtually impossible. You absolutely cannot always engage every character that wishes to do whatever IC. It's impossible, sometimes we are just too busy to RP with someone and I guarantee that everyone as at least once, ignored a person.
It's not impossible, it's just not always convenient. Back in the day when I had WizO at the start of my name one of job description that when I was on the clock I was to engage every character who was interested in roleplaying with me.

I may have slipped up and been slow in reacting to people or missed a post now and again, but overall I did pretty well. It can be a lot of work but you can manage to interact with everyone who's interested.

I have thought about this a lot, and yes, it is the player's attitude, however, everyone has bad attitudes, and once again, it affects everyone's playing style usually unknowingly. This is inevitable because your brain defects your thoughts away from your normal way of playing.
Well, it does if you simply expect it to. You can change your attitude, all it takes is practice and the will to do so. If you go in expecting a bad experience though and then you simply settle for a bad experience, that's all you'll get.

That's been my experience over the years I've been here, if I go in expecting to have a crap time and be ignored... I find I get ignored and feel crap about it. If I go in expecting to have fun and meet people... I probably get ignored as much but I don't care because I just bounce on to the next person to try to roleplay with.

Never underestimate the importance of your attitude in having fun in ISRP.


First Post
I really didn't want to say anything else... but I wanted to make this very clear.

This thread was NOT a cry for attention. I expected maybe twenty replies.

I was NOT asking for sympathy. I don't care for it.

I did NOT say I had trouble getting involved. I have NO trouble getting involved. All of my characters get involved in storylines. Every character that I want in a relationship is in one. I see enough action, have plenty of conversations, and have some very fun nights roleplaying. My characters are active and I usually develop or help develop stories OOC, as well as let things get altered by the flow of IC events.

All that I wanted to say was that it doesn't feel the same - like everyone's not putting what they used to into it. Like nobody's thinking any more. I know that's not true now, and that's what I wanted to know. I wanted to know if anyone felt like I felt. That's all. Sorry for the poor phrasing. Sorry that I waited until now to say this, but I got sick of reading a few things people were saying. Now, for the love of all things sacred, let this thread die.
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First Post
No, I think this thread was great. Now that all people have vented all that repressed anger out, ripped each other's lungs off, and tearead each other's eyes with wooden knives, maybe ISRP will be cleaner for a time :D


First Post
Ruthia said:
Unless around here, like in MOST real life situations, those in authority possitions do nothing about bulling stating that "well unless they break a rule nothing can be done." Trust me on this, is a common reason used when they can't really help you. School teachers, police, and just about any other authority you can find will use that excuse...
Considering where I went to school, trust me, I'm the last person you need to remind of that. But, it remains an option nonetheless, and having it on record as a concern can prove helpful should it continue, as it establishes a pattern of behavior.

John aka Sir D. said:
For one thing, how does a character that exists like this a good character? If he is not ever around, how does that work? Not to mention that in three years, a lot of characters are gone, as well as players.
Happy to answer, since I've probably studied the concept of thought-out villainy more than most people would consider healthy.

In simple terms, he's a good villain because he's been consistent and uncompromising in who and what he is. He plays to his strengths without going to excess, he forces other characters to think by leaving it to them to react to what he does, and he never flinches visibly, in spite of his weaknesses. He's got more depth than many villains I've seen wander through the chats, and he uses his resources wisely. Most importantly, though, he knows his limits, and manipulates his situation to make the most of those limitations, by which I mean he knows where his weak points are and takes his time to cover them when it fits.

Villains don't become successful by sticking their necks out on a regular basis, simple suspension of disbelief suggests that after so many appearances, they will be cut down. By taking advantage of the logic behind this, villains can reasonably last through several years and several story arcs, simply by letting less patient villains burn out in the meantime.

And this method of handling it works because, as a storyline co-ordinator, I'm in contact with the people being affected at any given time. Simply put, he doesn't need to be involved in direct day-to-day conflicts, because he's using his brain instead of his spell-list or weapons rack. Rather, he lets his messages and unseen actions deliver the hooks and barbs. What fun is the horror movie when the monster is part of every scene? It's all about the build-up if you want suspense, about doing things with subtlety to make the heroes really strive to figure out how to stop him before it's too late. Sure, you can play the direct arms race game if you want, but for me, I'll take a psychological thriller any day over a more visceral slasher flick.

As far as the passage of time... The main three events he's been part of still hold several of their component players in the ISRP roster. He helped a Lemarg during a kidnap and torture spree (again, handled off-screen - all the more suspenseful when the identity of the man assisting the kidnapper is kept quiet), he helped an ice-lich delay heroes during a rescue mission (again, at a distance - smart enough to use minions to actually detain them, rather than sticking his own neck on the line), and now he's setting his own pace. Most of the players from the two past storylines are still around, or in contact with me and ready to step into the new storyline when the point reaches them. Sure, a lot of characters seem to be gone, but this is, again, where having strong out-of-character contact lists comes into effect - you can get people to come back for more stints at the ISRP when a storyline would call for them.

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