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[January ] What are you reading?

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To Wake the Dead - I picked this book up at the library the day before New Year's Day. The book seems an excellent if unanticipated follow-up to the Artist, the Philosopher, and the Warrior, which I just finished. It's about a Renaissance merchant, Cyriacus of Ancona, who in his trade travels becomes, what I guess you could call, the Renaissance's first amateur, or pre-professional archaeologist. To me it is excellent.

Cop Without a Badge - I am always interested in the techniques, and methods of those who work undercover, be they undercover Dicks or Intel operatives or espionage or even just informants or turned agents, and seeing what I can learn from people like that. Maher seems to have spent a lot of time hard-under as a CI. The book is interesting.

The Hawk and the Dove - About Paul Nitze, George Keenan and the Cold War. I've gotten to where I really like reading dual biographies and institutional biographies. I finished a good one not long ago on the Rand Corporation and it sorta pushed me to be curious about Nitze and Keenan.


The Charlemagne Pursuit - Now I've never read much Steve Berry, but the blurb write up was so good on this one I got it. And I'm enjoying it so far. It's about the Nazis having explored the Antarctic, some clues in Charlemagne's tomb, and a downed US sub.


I'll soon be re-reading the ancient Greek playwrights. I'm really looking forward to Aeschylus, who happens to be my favorite.


Just before the New Year I finally finished "Lankhmar" and the "Pathfinder Core Rulebook", which was good - I had been reading those seemingly forever!

I'm now reading the "Pathfinder Bestiary", and will shortly be starting "Nation" by Terry Prattchet.

Next up is one of my accumulated Star Wars Saga Edition sourcebooks and "Forest Mage" by Robin Hobb. Oh, and I have "USB Complete Fourth Edition" to read at some point, too.


I just started reading Time Enough for Love by Robert A. Heinlein. This is my second Heinlein, having previously read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I hope it's as good.

Before I just finished Dune. Defenitely worth the read.

Eberron's Dragon Forge and for X-mas I got 4e books so I may read these a bit also. After that I may take a break from DnD and read the new James Bond book I got for X-mas also.


I just started reading Time Enough for Love by Robert A. Heinlein. This is my second Heinlein, having previously read The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. I hope it's as good.

I feel The Moon is a Harsh Mistress is the better of the two. One of my favorites. When I read them as a young teenager in the later 70s I remember reading The Cat that Walks Through Walls after Moon, and not liking it as much.

However, my reading tastes have evolved over the years, maybe I go back and try again. Somebody upthread mentioned Job, I couldn't even finish that one back then.


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I'm currently slogging through The Silmarillion by Tolkien as my main read and will move onto Unfinished Tales after that.

Once done I will be reading God's War: A New History of the Crusades by Christopher Tyerman.

And interspersed between those I'm also reading The Atlas of Legendary Lands. It's a book on fabled lands throughout history and the maps that were drawn by explorers and philosophers from 250 BC right up to the mid seventeenth century. Here be Dragons indeed!

Aaaanndd on top of all of that I'm reading Pathfinder's Adventure Path Rise of the Runelords. I'm on the fifth book right now, and should be done that fairly soon.


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My second read on the year is Heat Stroke a mediocre follow up to the much better Ill Wind. I hope to finish it tonight and then start on one of the many books waiting for me on the too read book shelves.

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