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Knights of the Old Republic - OCC

Karl Green

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Shalimar said:
She wouldn't buy a used craft, that would just be tacky. I was thinking that she wouldn't actually have bought it with credits, the family would just make it availible to her for her personal use, she'd just put the money she gains from the wealth feat into it without an actual transaction taking place. That would let us just keep pumping the money in it from leveling up until she pays it off entirely. With a family that owns a 1/10th interest of the most profitable business in the galaxy they would be known to be good for it even if it weren't given to her outright, especialy since they are the one building the starship. She has a garaunteed 15,000 credits every level so it could be looked on as financing if informal. If I take a 4th level of noble that would go to 20,000 credits per level.

As far as the stats, the ship is a pleasure yacht and not a cargo ship like the YT-1300, it only has a cargo capacity of 20 tons vs 100 tons, so the lost 80 tons could be a fair trade for shields. Here is the description of the ship.

OK I can buy that, let me play with some numbers and we can modify them as we go...

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Karl Green

First Post
ValenarJaeldira said:
Jamin Starke

Medium Male Human Soldier 5/Jedi 1, CL6
Talents: Armored Defense, Damage Reduction 10, Improved Armored Defense, Weapon Specialization (Lightsabers)

One question here... with Soldier 5 and Jedi 1 you only have 1 Jedi Talent, but you have two with Damage Reduction and Weapon Specialization... UNLESS you took jedi at some other time before your last level, so that you could take Weapon Proficiency with lightsaber (as soldier does not get lightsaber proficiency)... BUT I would prefer that once you start down the Jedi path that is mostly your levels after that...

You might just say Soldier 3/Jedi 3 as it will not affect anything but the Talents and bonus Feats (which all look good for 3/3 also)

Karl Green

First Post
Shalimar said:
ShAs far as the stats, the ship is a pleasure yacht and not a cargo ship like the YT-1300, it only has a cargo capacity of 20 tons vs 100 tons, so the lost 80 tons could be a fair trade for shields. Here is the description of the ship.

How does this look? You (or your parents) would still own money on it, but...

Starwind-class pleasure yacht
Colossal space yacht
Init +0; Senses Perception +5
Defense Reflex 12 (flat-footed 12), Fort 26; +12 armor
hp 120; DR 15; SR: 20; Threshold 76
Speed fly 14 squares (max. velocity 1,200km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale)
Ranged laser cannon +2 (see below)
Fighting Space 12x12 or 1 square (starship scale); Cover total
Base Atk +0; Grp +26
Abilities Str 42, Dex 10, Con --, Int 14
Skills Initiative +5, Mechanics +5, Perception +5, Pilot +5, Use Computers +5
Crew 2 (can be operated with 1, but -5 to all skill/attack rolls); Passengers 6
Cargo 10 metric tons; Consumables 1 month; Carried Craft none
Hyperdrive x4 (backup x15)
Availability Licensed; Cost 150,000

Two rotating quad-laser cannon turrets (pilot or turret gunner)
+2 (+2 autofire), Dmg 4d10 x3

Karl Green

First Post
Falkus said:
Name: Talesa Nell
Race: Miraluka
Age: 18

Well if you want to re-do anything you totally can (your attributes, focus, etc) I thought that you might either been a Jedi Negotiator or Healer type, whom had been raise from a young age as a Jedi… I will explain anything you would like...

Talesa Nell, Jedi Negotiator

Medium Miraluka Female Jedi 6, CL6
Destiny 1; Force Points 8; Strong in the Force, rolls d8’s instead of d6’s when spending a Force Point
Init +9; Perception (Force Perception) +16; Use the Force: +16
Languages Miralukese, Basic, Bothese, Cerean, Ithorese, Mon Calamarian, Ryl
Defense Reflex: 19 (flat-footed 18); Fortitude: 18; Will: 22; Deflect
Hit Points: (30 +5d10) Threshold: 18
Speed 6 squares
Base Attack Bonus +6, Grp +5
Melee Lightsaber +7 (dmg 2d8+2)
Ranged +7
Atk Options none
Special Abilities Use the Force skill for all Persuasion and Perception skill checks, considered trained
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +16): Farseeing, Force Disarm, Force Stun, Mind Trick, Rebuke
Force Secrets: none
Force Techniques: none
Abilities: STR: 8, DEX: 12, CON: 10, INT: 14, WIS: 19, CHA: 17
Talents: Adept Negotiator, Deflect, Force Persuasion
Feats [6]: Force Sensitivity, Force Training, Improved Defenses, Linguist, Melee Defense, Skill Focus (Use the Force*), Strong In the Force, Weapon Finesse, Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber, simple weapons)
Skills [4]: Initiative (+9), Knowledge [galactic lore] (+10), Pilot (+9), Use the Force (+16)
Possessions: Lightsaber, Jedi robes
*Skill Focus (Use the Force) racial free feat
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First Post
That looks good, I gave Jade a final update since I noticed a few errors with talents and feats. She is a Noble 4/Jedi 2. She'll end up as having already put 90,000 credits into the ship, and another 3 levels regardless of the class will have it paid down fully. It also leaves her with her starting 4800 credits to spend as a slush fund, pretty reasonable I think.

Karl Green

First Post
Brother Allard said:
Jarec Noscondra
human male soldier 2 / jedi 4

Here is Jarec, Jedi Guardian. Some notes...

Second Wind – once per day, if you are reduced to less then ½ your hit points, as a Swift action, you can regain ¼ your total hit points or your Constitution score (whichever is higher). So Tough as Nails allows you to do this twice in one day.
Damage Threshold – if you take more damage then your Threshold you get get penalties to your attack rolls, skill rolls, etc.
Defenses – you no longer roll for a Reflex or Will save, instead this is the DC target number for the affect to ‘affect’ you. When you attack someone you are trying to hit their Reflex Defense.
Deflect allows you to make a Use the Force skill check vs. a Ranged attack. If you beat their attack roll, you Defect the attack (there is another Talent called Block which is used vs. melee attacks)

More to come

Jarec Noscondra, Jedi Guardian

Medium Human Male Soldier 2/Jedi 4, CL6
Destiny 1; Force Points 8
Init +10; Perception +5; Use the Force: +13
Languages Basic
Defense Reflex: 19 (flat-footed 17); Fortitude: 20; Will: 19; Block, Deflect
Hit Points: (42 +5d10) Threshold: 20
Tough as Nails, can take one extra Second Wind per day
Speed 6 squares
Base Attack Bonus +6, Grp +9
Melee Lightsaber +10 (dmg 2d8+6)
Dual Weapon Strike +5/+5 melee attack with Lightsabers
Ranged +8
Atk Options Dual Weapon, Power Attack
Special Abilities +1 Reflex Defense with activated lightsaber (lightsaber defense)
Force Powers Known (Use the Force +13): Battle Strike, Negate Energy, Surge
Force Secrets: none
Force Techniques: none
Abilities: Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 11
Talents [3]: Deflect, Lightsaber Defense, Tough as Nails
Feats [7]: Armor Proficiency (light, medium), Dual Weapon Master I, Cleave, Force Training, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Use the Force), Skill Training (Use the Force), Weapon Focus (lightsaber), Weapon Proficiency (lightsaber, pistol, rifle, simple)
Skills [4]: Acrobatics (+10), Initiative (+10), Jump (+11), Treat Injury (+10), Use the Force (+13)
Possessions: 2 Lightsabers, Jedi Robes
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Karl Green

First Post
Maeglin said:
Okay, took some time, but here it is:

Elan Xandar Renn

Medium Male Human Jedi 6, CL6

He looks good and the history is good also... yea lots of interest all of a sudden... but I will make it work ;)

We are full right now... I will start the game in a couple of days (I hope by Wednesday) and will post the link here...

Karl Green

First Post
drothgery said:
Serrana Vao

Init +11; Force Perception +12; Use the Force: +12 low-light vision

Note I think your normal Perception should be recorded here also (+2), just cause you can't use Force Perception for all perception checks, just most :)

drothgery said:
T3-series Astromech Droid (could possibly be a PC?)
highly modified space transport with a dubious title (may very well be stolen, though Serrana didn't do the stealing; Nomi may have disposed of this)

As for transport, I could see it, up to you... or maybe even a beat up Fighter? Just for something different then the space yacht

Voidrunner's Codex

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