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Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [OOC]


World of Kulan DM
Scotley said:
Aureus - Knowledge (Arcana) [Aid Another]:
1D20+5 = [19]+5 = 24
(So, Phar's 34 becomes a 36.)

Arcane Order: (This is the guild detailed in the old College of Wizardry sourcebook printed during AD&D 2E. It was updated in Complete Arcane but I use both sourcebooks.)

Phar has heard of this guild and knows its tower once stood in the city of Fruen in the land known as Thallin. However, that was before the Mad One came to sit on the throne of that kingdom after killing his father. King Varath Dragonguard quickly outlawed the guild and executed many of its members. The tower, Mathghamhna, disappeared from Fruen during a hot summer night in 749 N.C. The leader of the order, Japheth Arcane, saved the tower and his followers from being killed by King Varath's new inquisition known as Nether's Deathtide, and teleported the tower and all its content to an isolated island on Lake Qualitian. Since then, the order has come to control all the other small islets near the tower and has formed a new political domain (called the Domain of Arcane Alliance) that is beholden to no one.

Phar also knows that the tower now stands as a powerful guardian between the Darkened Trees controlled by Vok and the lands beyond the southern shore of Lake Qualitian. This includes not only the Duchy of Minar and Qualitian Belt to the southeast, but also the Barony of Calot and the Midlands (somewhat) to the southwest. It is Mathghamhna and Minar (as well as Cauldron) that stand between Vok's armies and the Barony of Wolffire, the Strandlands, and the rest of the Thunder Lands. If Vok is willing to send his minions against the PCs in the Strandlands, those forces will have to find a way past the Arcane Order first. It would be bloody and could turn Minar into a wasteland. (And if the Infernal worshippers of the Diabolic Enclaves get involved vs. Vok, it could cause a mini-Blood War to spill out throughout the Thunder Lands.)

Hallowed Oblivion (religious): Phar has heard of a secretive arcane cabal that exists in the city-state of Cirrus, which stands in the southern half of the Hather Plains. He knows very little about it other than it is tied to a religious cult of some kind. Its name sounds ominous and its members aren't likely to be allies. But, would they be enemies in a confrontation with Vok?

Magicians Guild: This is the sole wizard's guild of the Strandlands. Phar became aware of it when he first arrived in the region. It is a small guild that has its Hall of Wisdom located in the city of Sandbreak. While low-level arcanists aren't expected to join the guild, it becomes more of a responsibility once a person becomes powerful enough. Phar has reached that level, but the guild doesn't send 'hunters' for those who don't join. such arcanists simply don't have access to the guild's library or any of the benefits of being a member such as being able to wear the guild's coat of arms or buy items in the land's cities at a discount. Phar has heard that there are no more than 30 active members in the guild.

Vanguard Mystics: This is another arcane group from Cirrus. Unlike the Hallowed Oblivion, this is an open arcanist guild that accepts members only from the city-state. Its members must also be of noble blood. However, this guild's members tend towards neutrality and rarely get involved in bloody conflicts. They are more often mediators but they will defend their city-state. If Vok was to attack Cirrus, then they would fight against the demon lord to the last.

Notable arcane schools that Phar has heard of...
College of Magecraft: This is an arcane school in the Kingdom of Ahamudia. The only reason Phar knows about it is because Aureus told him about it.
College of the Twin Moons: This is arcane college located in the city of Deepwater. Phar has heard of it but knows nothing more about it, as he's never been to Deepwater. That city is located on the other side of the continent on the Chara Coast south of Izmer.
Izmer School of Magic: Even non-arcanists have heard of the Kingdom of Izmer's School of Magic. It is considered to be one of the most famous arcane schools on the continent. (Many consider it infamous but that was its past.) The school is believed to have the largest staff of educated (primarily human) wizards on Harqual. Each year, talented youngsters from all over the northern lands come to the school's sprawling campus in Izmer's city of Sumdall to be tested and hopefully approved for one of a dozen new spots in the school's tough program. Most wash out or die horribly. Graduates become members of the Izmer Guild and gain a measure of prestige in that kingdom.

Nobility and Royalty
Neurotic said:
Maur does not have detailed knowledge of the nobility of the Strandlands. He would have to do a lot of study in an extensive library in one of the major cities of the Strandlands to learn even the basic information.

Scotley said:

The Gerousia: The Strandlands are collectively a Gerontocracy and a Stratocracy. It is a complicated place with a lot of traditions and taboos. The rulers of the Strandlands are part of a special senate known as the Gerousia, which consists of 25 members, as well as the Seven Lords of the Strand (usually the oldest and most experienced warriors). Members of the land’s Senate of Elders (another name for the Gerousia used by the common people) can be both male or female and are chosen based on age, lineage, and military service. The peoples of the Strandlands love freedom and refuse to elect any one single ruler; they have no patience for tyrants.
Note: A senator’s caste/class (including both D&D class and societal class) is more important in the Strandlands than gender. So, fighters and other martial characters are respected above all others. War clerics and warmages fall into this strata as well. Phar, as a evoker, would be able to have a seat on the Gerousia, but as an nonnative to the region, he'd have to prove his loyalty to the people of the Strandlands and the Gerousia first. Phar would likely be chosen after Quinn and/or Maur, however.​

Crimson Blades (religious): This is the order that Sir Balorix Sephiran was a member of before he retired to become the Master of Knightswall near the city of Blackwater. Phar and the other PCs learned that the Crimson Blades are mainly inquisitors who hunt down unnatural creatures in the Strandlands. This includes evil werebeasts and undead. It was Sir Balorix and his partner, Sir Avanth, who helped the PCs convince the wererat Hornauer and his ratwere paramour, Lycia, to leave Gurnard's Head and move south. Sir Balorix escorted them south while Sir Avanth went north to go inform the senate about the undead infesting the tower on the Sea Isle.

Guardians: These men and women are considered to be knights in the service of a particular lord or lady. They are protectors and aren't usually called to fight on the battlefield unless their patron also goes to war. Sir Ghal Ebal is a Guardian and Lady Pendour's knighting of Quinn makes him a Guardian as well. Sir Ghal is her Guardian while Sir Quinn is Carnell's Guardian. Sir Ghal explained to Phar and the other PCs one night that it is unusual for Guardians to be assigned to smaller communities such as Carnell. Most are assigned to important lords and ladies in the cities of the Strandlands.

Knights of Belporte: Phar has read about this group of knights in the manor's small library. The knights of Belporte are specific to that city, and they have little loyalty to anyone other than the highborn of that city. They are considered to be virtuous, but Phar has his doubts based on the books he's read.

Wolfheads of the Strand: This group of soldiers and mercenaries are the standing army of the Strandlands. They are considered to be battle hardened and fanatically loyal to the Gerousia. Phar read a scroll that noted the promotion of human man named Viction Blackwolf to become the commander of the army around seven years ago. There was nothing else about the Wolfheads in the manor's library.

Knightly orders from outside the Strandlands...
Disciples of the Bloodsun: Phar has heard of this order of knights from the Dominion of Cauldron, but he doesn't know much about it other than it is connected to the North God known as Jalivier.
Eaglebrands: This is an order of knights that originated in the Barony of Wofffire, which is located north of the Strandlands. The strandlands has a non-agression pact with that barony but relations have been strained in the last few years.

Scotley said:
Aureus - Knowledge (Religion) [Aid Another]:
1D20+5 = [10]+5 = 15
This improves Maur's roll from 23 to 25, which give the dwarf champion one more piece of information (noted in the 2nd spoiler below).

It is important to note that the Interloper Gods are not a true pantheon. Being noted as an Interloper means that a deity isn't a member of one of the two main pantheons of Harqual. These deities followers have come to the continent but (usually) stand apart from the North Gods and the Sword Gods. They are separate from the World Gods that are worshipped across the entire planet and the Transformation Gods whose worshippers were brought to the Lands of Harqual during The Transformation ten years ago.

There are nine Interloper Gods with major temples in the Strandlands: Dike, Ehlonna, Faunus, Halmyr, Konkresh, Ordana, Persana, Rán, and Valkar. Of those, Ehlonna, Faunus, Ordana, Persana, and Rán have direct ties to the North Gods. Rán, for example, is Aegir's wife. While she isn't a true member of the North Gods, she is begrudgingly accepted by some of them. Ehlonna, Faunus, and Ordana are all nature deities, so they have good relations with the North Gods since that pantheon has a strong connection to the natural world and the Balance. Persana is worshipped mainly by sailors and those who live in or on the sea and is ally of Aegir.

Dike is a respected lawful deity who rarely allies with the North Gods or the Sword Gods.

Konkresh is highly chaotic and his followers are into brute force and savagery. His followers are more likely to side with the Sword Gods.

Halmyr is a lawful god of strategy and skill, which is highly thought of in the Strandlands. The North Gods have their own strategy god named Cull and the two are friendly rivals on and off the battlefield.

Valkar is chaotic good god of courage and valor. His followers are greatly respected in the Strandlands for their willingness to fight against evil and die in battle courageously. He and the North God known as Kuil respect each other but aren't truly allies.

Other Interloper Gods with minor temples in the Strandlands includes the following: Ahto (seas), Dionysus (wine), Hak (horses), Kord (strength), Mielikki (nature), Olidammara (rogues), Tilla (halflings), Ullr (winter), and Wee Jas (magic). You know the basic portfolios of these deities but not anything about their worshippers in the Strandlands or their relations with the North Gods or Sword Gods.

Maur knows that the followers of the Interloper Gods tend to go their own way when it comes to past conflicts on the continent. They can be unreliable or stand against righteousness. Dike, for example, is just as likely to side with evil as with good. Fair justice is more important to her than morality. (She is also a goddess of judges, the seasons, and time.) There is major Temple of Dike in Belporte. Maur saw it while passing through the city on his way to Carnell.

I should also note that there aren't any LG Interloper Gods. There are LN and LE deities among them.
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World of Kulan DM
Struggling to write a reply today; feeling 'blah' and I'm getting a bad headache. :(

Might need to lie down for a while, but I'm going to try to power through. I've been sleeping too much during the day.


World of Kulan DM

You're Knowledge (arcana) roll was good enough that Phar would know the details of this post in my Organizations of Harqual thread. Note that the thread contains spoilers about other organizations, so you should only read that one post.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
What Angus would like to have for 32,500 gp value:

--25,000 = Have his Mithral Chain Armor enchanted to +5;

--4,000 = Gauntlets of Ogre Power

Plus, the remainder (3,500 gp.) in cash (75% in platinum, remainder in smaller denominations.)


Is this possible?
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