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Legacy of the Silver Dragon - Day 2 (Interlude)

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Antares, Muzdin, Stellan

Dysare murmurs to Antares, "Yes, the garden. And I will discuss a few things with you, after helping further with the bell. I do suggest that you come by later, after talking matters over with Officer Gregof."
"Oh, the garden," repeats the young elf, somewhat deflated by that decision. "Are - um- Are you sure?" Though of course the implied future revelations about her trip - and the mysterious reasons behind it - are somewhat of a salve on that wound... (Even though it is a bit troubling to think that whatever it is cannot be discussed in front of others... Yet perhaps that is a good sign instead? The matter could probably/possibly be of an arcane nature, of interest only to those with the proper leanings and memberships? Or be simple matter of being a sounding board for things that are perhaps troubling, but still somewhat far in their-)

Antares blinks: "How- How did you know about the officer?!" Another couple of blinks: "Are rumors already this rife about town?"

<Response Dysare?>

Stellan looks over from his perusal of the garden, and the young apprentice currently working in it. "Of course Antares! As long as her name is Anna. After all, you keep insisting she too was a former Anna, and only are forcing us to vow to save another if she too is a former Anna." He gives a sidelong wink at Muzdin.
Antares of course straightens the logical paths, considers, and concludes: "So we will endeavor to save anybody I first name 'Anna'?" He nods heartfelt satisfaction with that concept.

And- And it is like the unbending of a painful knot within him, this agreement between them: this resolution that the future will not, at the very least, be quite like the past. (One less worry, and not the smallest by far.) He nods deep to each of them, smiling tentatively with the added peace of it. It is a small thing, that smile, and yet... "My thank yous, the both of you."

His eyes are very green...

<Response/reaction any?>

After Muzdin finishes his interrupted tale of yerterday's heroics <right?>, Antares inquires: "Did you ever get the full story from Anna, master Stonehand? On how she was taken, how she spent her days in watery captivity?" He did not even think to ask yesterday!

<Response Muzdin>

When the topic (eventually) returns to the silvery water: "As to infections and causes natural I do not know. Which is why we took care to collect at least small sample for wiser hearts to consider?" He extracts the (former) inkwell from his belted scrollcase, placing it before the older woman while at the same time carefully avoiding hitting the still laid-out bell (perhaps he should repack it, lest somebody inadvertently...? But for now: ). "Silvery water, Teacher, that bleaches the skin with but a touch yet disappear with sunlight -- I experienced that effect myself." With a (perhaps unconvincing) show of his now perfectly normal hand? "Larger quantities seem to destroy hair, and then eyes and ability for speech; Oh, and grow nails and sharpen teeth as well -- the small ones, no bigger than children, they could cling to walls with their claws, and even without eyes, all of them saw all too well! It dripped into a bowl set in a stone altar we found down there, below fell rune in constellations! And we had previously found a small pool of it in a cavern some distance away, granted, so there is some quantity of it accumulating below... or seeping up on its own from deeper altars?" Not a pleasant though, that; truly they had yet to gain a firm grasp on the size of the place, the extent of the threat... "What do you think it is? Have you ever heard of the like?"

Dysare is known for her potions, the skill and breadth of her brewing acumen, so surely...?
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Antares, Muzdin, Stellan

"Word has indeed spread, at least among some of the younger folks who have far too much time on their hands," Dysare says quietly. She glances out the window at the apprentice working the garden. "Where the original rumor started of Officer Gregof's wishing to speak with you, I don't know. As for my garden..." she continues, "It is, as you know, the time when I am best able to connect various thoughts and give best voice to them. There is nothing particularly earthshaking in the things I have discovered, but I am sure your friends would not wish to pull weeds with us. And.." she murmurs with a smile in her eyes as she looks at Muzdin, "Some of their hands are a touch large for such delicate plants."

Regarding the liquid, she leans forward. "I'm glad you managed to take some of that, for its properties are very unlike anything I have heard of before. Most of my work with potions and such are with those from plants above ground. May I keep the sample and peruse it over the next few days?"

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Antares, Muzdin, Stellan

"Word has indeed spread, at least among some of the younger folks who have far too much time on their hands," Dysare says quietly. She glances out the window at the apprentice working the garden. "Where the original rumor started of Officer Gregof's wishing to speak with you, I don't know."
"And I had thought we were being so discreet!" Though of course there was perhaps Bosco on his prolonged, and probable, revel yesternight, or Mysthyr, if he had heard, or, as to the basic story, Anna herself, Anna's foster mother, her friend fair Erenie, or members of the Shining One's priesthood and town guard, or even some of the council members officer Gregof- Rumors probably *were* this rife about town! (Were some of the looks they were given travelling down here this morn...?)

He has some trouble focusing fully back on his Teacher's words (Who would have thought words could travel quite so fast and so accurately across the fabric of their communal lives? Like ripples on the pond of their awareness...). But Teacher Dysare is speaking -- has, perhaps, already been speaking for some few sentences! :)

Regarding the liquid, she leans forward. "I'm glad you managed to take some of that, for its properties are very unlike anything I have heard of before. Most of my work with potions and such are with those from plants above ground. May I keep the sample and peruse it over the next few days?"
"Please," bows Antares in his chair, grateful she is interested enough to take the time (though he isn't sure 'peruse' is the appropriate word here... or is it? Perhaps she plans to sift through the liquid's humors like pages in a book?) "There -ah- might be a small contamination from traces of stubborn ink?" he admits with some embarrassment, not quite daring to ask to be present during her investigations -- though he is, of course, eminently curious about methods and methodologies beyond the basics he's learned at her feet. (He had tried to clean the inkwell as best he could, and yet avoid contact with the water as much as possible... And this was ink, most stubborn of substance).

"As to -ah- the runes themselves? We have THIS, penned by yours truly." The young mage produces the now-familiar roll of tanned parchment with a charmingly self-satisfied/self-conscious flourish! He goes to immediately unfurl it on the temporarily sun-dappled table, an anemic sun winning its freedom from the encroaching cloud cover, and then pauses- "Ah... Well, in truth, the last time we presented this, it was made evident that - though I, of course, originally changed one stroke for safety, I hasten to say. It -hm- it seems some of the runes in this copy are yet active?" he admits, looking down in renewed embarrassment and remembered panic. "The last time, certain of our members were compelled to... steal a gem found in the possession of Former-Anna while we were visiting with Officer Gregof?"

A careful not-look Stellan's way...

OOC: How does it look like he's taking it?

Once that is sorted to everyone's satisfaction, he will of course unfurl the parchment for the combined examination of all those still in the room.

Voda Vosa

First Post
"You ought to be careful with that. Mind altering runes. Shulda have some sort of protective spell on you before reading it." The dwarf says, looking from the scroll to the elven teacher.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
[Somewhat earlier]
"Did you ever get the full story from Anna, master Stonehand? On how she was taken, how she spent her days in watery captivity?" He did not even think to ask yesterday!
Muzdin pointedly doesn't look his way, which he takes as a definite, maybe even embarrassed 'not really' (which, oddly enough, makes him feel somewhat better for forgetting such an obvious path: in truth there was a *lot* happening to all of them yester!). "We should perhaps talk to her sometimes this morn or afternoon?" he projects out there, more light suggestion for their internal consideration than actual questions. "Assuming that she is well enough and that brother Myst permits?"

When the pause seems long enough, he goes on, [etc] <Unless someone wants to interject, of course>

[Now-ish :)]
"You ought to be careful with that. Mind altering runes. Shulda have some sort of protective spell on you before reading it." The dwarf says, looking from the scroll to the elven teacher.
"I don't know," tempers the elf next to him, remembering some of his own exciting experiences. "I have never felt them trying to directly affect me... I don't think?" There was a moment when he first looked up at them and heard their singing... Wonder, the singing of many strong voices, hungry, yet each with meaning tantalizingly just beyond his understanding? Chaotic in their immemorial, frozen tarantella 'round the five-fold star at their heart, their queen all of night and fire... He shrugs, frowning at the same time: "Maybe it is very insidious? Or does not like elves?" he offers.

[sblock=OOC]I've sort of been going by the assumption that Mysthyr has been almost constantly at Anna's bedside since then (he did seem almost obsessed with getting her to the surface *right now*, right? :)).[/sblock]
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Siarla can't help but look down at herself - the girl is likely an object of some attraction amongst the local boys. "Um. Well. No. Of course not. Nothing wrong with, er, largeness... But well, aren't there ways for followers of Malborka to not have to grow so large? It just seems like... SUCH a change."

Beatrix sighs, looking a little disappointed. "Well, there are temples of Malborka where priests are small. They do many great deeds in her name and there are many who own their lives to them."

"But if you want to join best temple of Malborka, you join Sisterhood!" The cleric says more excitedly. "Becoming large might be change I admit, but it very good change. Best thing that ever happened to me. Become strong, become tough. Wealth and glory to be had. People respect and admire you. Sometimes give you free meal. Once whole village throw feast for Sister Kellie when she save them from giant bear. Cooked giant bear for her in fact..."

Suddenly it dawns on Beatrix why Siarla might have a problem with joining the sisterhood. A sly smile appears on her face. "You know, men of north like two things above all else. A heroine of legend and a large woman to keep them warm at night. The priestesses of Malborka are both of these things. You get many handsome northmen if you join Sisterhood." Beatrix says, bending the truth ever so slightly.

"Speaking of which, tell me more about these adventurers of your. Am hoping to meet them later."

Voidrunner's Codex

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