D&D 4E Let me sum up 4e anger for you.

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Disclaimer: Personally I love the idea of 4e and can't wait. Partly, you see, I am not invested into 3e at all.

However, I see a lot of anger here and elsewhere and I can sympathize. I personally know vendors and retailers that were promised, to their literal faces, by wotc personnel and reps, that 4e isn't coming until August 2009. This is my ode to you.

Political commentary removed. Hey, that doesn't leave much, does it? - Plane Sailing
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If it's humor, I fail to see it.
If it is serious, I think it adds fuel to the fire.
And a Godwin point for your Third Reich use, discussion is over... ;)


First Post
Horacio said:
If it's humor, I fail to see it.

You play RPG, you should be smarter than this.

If it is serious, I think it adds fuel to the fire.

shrug, I have valid points.

And a Godwin point for your Third Reich use, discussion is over... ;)

Good smiley face! Way to defuse the situation! I can see you loved quoting snakes on a plane and all your base when THOSE memes were hot!


asdfff said:
You play RPG, you should be smarter than this.

Oh, good beginning, calling me dumb...

shrug, I have valid points.

Using Third Reich and Genera convention analogies for wrath about a new edition void your valid points of most of there value...

Good smiley face! Way to defuse the situation! I can see you loved quoting snakes on a plane and all your base when THOSE memes were hot!

Do you know what a Godwin point is ?

It's not a hot meme, kid, it is a twenty years old internet netiquette standard. Search Wikipedia for info...

And no smiley face now. That the precedent post, I put the smiley because I was somewhat amusing. That's why smileis are for. Now I'm simply a bit bothered. Dumb I am, I guess...



First Post
I haven't personally attacked any wotc employees, and I didn't scream invectives at specific employees, either. I've had an account for awhile but I'm just as surprised as you that I haven't used it to post yet, until today. Not even when 4e was announced, but when the apologists started showing up.

Many people feeling negativity should be told that those feelings are valid, but sometimes they have trouble focusing them into salient points--something which I started this thread to rectify. This is, of course, only one aspect of their complaints. I'm certain there are others that will crystallize as time passes.


Krampus ate my d20s
With his name and total of 2 posts...

I smell a troll!
Quick grab the torches and acid. They kept referring to trolls in the 4E demo video, now they are cropping up all over.

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