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Let's compile errors we have found in Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes

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Can we please not derail yet another thread with this stuff? If his constant references to the issue bug you, there is a block feature on ENWORLD (which you can remove after he has had time to get it out of his system should you choose to do so).

I task you with creating stats for a Personal Bugbear. You can do it!

Could do better, but pressed for time...

Personal Bugbear
Medium humanoid (any race), any alignment
Armor Class 10 (no additional defense)
Hit Points 1 (1d1)
Speed immediate, often knee-jerk
7(-2) 16(+3) 13(+1) 8(-1) 7(-2) 9(-2)
Skills Persuasion -2, (Self)Deception +10, Survival -2
Senses disagreement
Languages Common, Gibberish
Challenge 0 (0 XP)
Brute. A thread post deals one extra die of annoyance when the personal bugbear hits with it (included in the attack).
Surprise Post. If the bugbear surprises a creature and hits it with a thread post during the first round of comment, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) psychic damage from the post.
Morningspar. Melee Thread Post: +5 to hit, reach: thousands of ENWorld readers., multiple targets. Hit: Block button activated or thread tangent started.
Usually negative

And to stay on topic... not really an Errata, but something that I noticed: Archdevils and Demon Lords in the lore section don't match up with those presented in the Bestiary. I probably missed the explanation (some already appear in OotA?)...

The problem is more than the elf stats, it is the flavor that gets baked into the elf mechanics.

For example, rather than a race of powerful mages − bards and wizards − now the elves are mediocre mages and moreso a mundane ‘lissome’ creature, highlighting mundane Dexterity as the defining elf trait. Any residual claims of potent magic, and charm, and songs, and poetry, from previous editions are in 5e a joke because in fact, the elf is average (+1) or below average (+0) at all of these things. There is little love for the elf, and 5e designers willfully turned the elf into a joke race.

And it isnt just the baked in flavor, it is the corporate branding that from now on − for legal financial corporate reasons − all future books, settings and player guides, will refer to the elf in the same way.

So now, not only did they destroy the charismatic (artist bard) intelligent (wizard) elf, they have destroyed the name − faerie grey elf, sun elf, eladrin elf − where these options occurred. So there is literally no room for these options in the core rules with the default world.

Destroying the kind of elf that I cared about is a sign of a bleak and unappealing future of D&D 5e. The direction that the future of D&D is heading. D&D 5e has turned the many editions of D&D into something that there is no room left for me to enjoy.

And worse even still. The 5e designers have aggressively opposed the D&D culture of character customization. So that races have paltry design place to customize, distinctive class features often dont come online until level 3, feats are scarce and painful choice, and often defacto unavailable until the highest tiers. And so on, there is scarcity of design space for customization, nevermind whose support for it in rules-as-written in the Players Handbook are muted.

And because of the decision to make *one* multiverse include *all* of the official settings. This unwanted flavor will persist and worsen as they are already baked into the the rules as written, and all future rules will refer to them.

For me, the designers have destroyed the part of D&D that I had enjoyed for many years.

My goodness...that's a great deal of hyperbole in there.

There is a simple solution to your (probably unjustified) complaint....

If you don't like it, don't use it! It's amazing how D&D offers you the flexibility to make a simple adjustment if you don't like how something works. Even better, it's baked into the rules! Like, really!!! Mind=blown!!!

I don't see a lot of other people in this thread or others complaining about it much...odd that.
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And because of the decision to make *one* multiverse include *all* of the official settings. This unwanted flavor will persist and worsen as they are already baked into the the rules as written, and all future rules will refer to them.

You mean, like they did with Spelljammer way, way back in the late 80's/90's?



I can't believe you've run an Earth Elemental in combat if you think Earth Glide doesn't impact combat.

Regardless, Myrmidon has one AC higher, one hp more, and slightly higher strength, dexterity, wisdom and charisma. It also, about once per 6 rounds, can do about 16 extra damage and knock someone prone - except it isn't extra damage as it can't be part of a multi-attack. So it does only an extra 5 damage that round if it hits. Oh, and an extra language. Their attacks count as magical, which is nice when summoning them versus certain foes...

The Earth Elemental has burrow/Earth Glide, Tremorsense, Reach, has a +1 to hit and deals an average of 3 damage per attack more when he does hit... Meaning the extra damage of the Myrmidon is washed out by the greater damage of the Earth Elemental. To be specific, either the Myrmidon is attacking at a lower to hit for less damage, or uses the Thunderous Strike which deals an average of 27 compared to the Earth Elementals average of 28. But the Myrmidon does knock someone prone and better AC and Saves... but the Saves are far from good.

The Myrmidons needed to be much tougher to be worthy of CR 7.

I just ran the math on them both. Assuming the immunity to poison doesn't come up enough to affect its effective HP, the Myrmidon is in line with what the DMG expects out of a CR 7 creature. It's the CR 5 Earth Elemental that's punching above its weight, coming in around CR 6.5 - CR 7.


Hi, I'm a Mindflayer, but don't let that worry you
Not to derail my topic, but could someone explain the "Bugbear" phrase for me?

What does it mean in this context?
1 : an imaginary goblin or specter used to excite fear
2 a : an object or source of dread
b : a continuing source of irritation : problem

Example: The biggest bugbear of the skiing business is a winter with no snow.

The poster was basically using "personal bugbear" synonymously with "pet peeve" or "axe to grind."



Let us compile errors that we have found.

What errata have you come across?

First and foremost, there are Gibberlings in the book. That is probably the biggest errata I have found.

Shouldn't that be "There are NO Gibberlings in the book"?

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