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[LPF] Crypt of the Everflame (01)

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
After several hard pushes against the door - and after dodging several crossbow bolts fired through the widening crack - you manage to force the door wide enough to get through.

The pitiful creature on the other side continues his mad wailing, accusing you of being another trick of the "one with the voice of death, who stalks these halls in ancient mail."

Once you've forced your way into the room he backs into a far corner, brandishing a loaded light crossbow at you and admonishing you to come no closer.


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Satin Knights

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"Mayor Uptal sent us to rescue you. We have destroyed all the monsters and walking dead between here and the crypt entrance. Now it is time for us to lead you to the entrance so you can walk back to town. We will finish the mission of returning the children's flame to the town after you have gone."

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Suspicion and relief roll in waves across the man's expression as he takes in the words. The crossbow wavers, lowering then holding firm, then lowering again. "Mayor Uptal? Thank the Gods you're here! Wait, you're not a trick of the ancient one? No, you can't be . . . he'd not know Mayor Uptal's name . . . unless he picked it from my mind! Oh, my." The man forgets your presence for a moment, then focuses on you again and calms. "There were six of us, sent to prepare the Crypt for the yearly trial. I haven't seen any of the others for three days now, but I'm sure my sister Dimira is alive! The voice took her, but I won't leave without her! I won't!"

A cursory glance around the room shows that besides the man and his crossbow there are several pallets made up, a couple of lanterns and some rations piled in the corner and two potions bottles clearly labeled "Healing."


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Knowing they needed to rest, and seeing that this man here has defeneded this place well enough (His mind is another thing though) Anaerion speaks up and says "Sir, we will rescue your sister, but for now we need to rest. As was mentioned, we have defeated the monsters on this floor, and will soon be meeting this 'ancient one' you fear. We will get to the bottom of this, I assure you"

Satin Knights

First Post

With his rage over the situation, Kalgor doesn't even hear Anaerion's calmer talk.
"What? . You worthless piece of pond skum! You left you sister out there for days while you cowered in this closet? Ugh! I should run you through with my sword myself."

Kalgor pushes past the man and grabs up the two potions, then hands them to Anaerion. "Verify these are what they say they are. I don't want to be drinking kobold poison."

"Well gentlemen, we have a damsel in distress because of this IDIOT before us. No matter how tired we are, we are going to have to push on and save her. If we don't push on now, and she is harmed, we would be as guilty as this lowly piece of trash."

[sblock=ooc]Let Anaerion do a spell craft check to identify the potions.[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
As the wizard mentions rescuing his sister, a gleam of hope enters the madman's eyes and he begins to nod. With Kalgor's much more angry words, that look turns to one of frantic panic. He cowers in the corner (well away from the indicated potions and gear), once more brandishing his crossbow at the group. "You are sent by the bones that walk! I knew it! I knew it! OH, DEMIRA . . . what have I done?!"

[sblock=OOC]Roll initiative . . .[/sblock]

Satin Knights

First Post
[sblock=mini stats]Kalgor AC 15 HP 17, with 7 non-lethal, Init +2
STR 12 Dex 14 Weapon Greatsword +3, 2d6+1+1 dirty fighting trait when flanking, or Handbo +1, d6+1
Summoner Cantrips: Detect Magic, Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Mage Hand
... . . Mage Cantrips: Read Magic, Prestidigitation, Dancing Lights
.,.Summoner 1st Lvl: 2/0remaining; Rejuvenate Eidolon, Shield
,,Mage 1st Lvl Spells: 3; Mage Armor, Magic Missile, Enlarge Self*
.........,..Racial Spells: 1/day, used; Daylight (20 minutes)
Summoner Monster I:
4/4 remaining; std action SLA summon, (1 min), Celestial dog, celestial eagle
...........Battle Shaper: 4/4 remaining; swift action to grow a claw, bite or gore attack

Gragnor AC 20 HP 10 Bite +2, d4; Claw +2, d3; Claw +2, d3[/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
OOC: That just leaves Ravenath. With the time difference he usually posts early AM (US Central time). If you beat a 17 (just Iosef so far) go ahead and state your action.

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