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[LPF] Fury Steps In


"Nah, ah, ah! That sort of trick'll get you nothing but trouble," Fury says to the young bravo who attempted to tumble past him. "See?! Now if I were you, I'd slip away home before the rest of your life-blood stains those clothes of yours.

Three on one is hardly sporting now,"
he says to the second young bravo. "So I'm gonna give you one last chance to back off and save your own life and get a little more practice with that pig-sticker you got there."

Fury feints a thrust at the second young bravo but twists around and continues the lunge towards the older tough instead. "I told you," he says to the younger less injured bravo, "you got one more chance to skedaddle. I keep my word, even if you don't deserve that courtesy."

Move: feint Tough Bravo; Bluff: 1d20+9=18
Standard: attack Tough Bravo; 1d20+9=16, 1d6+3=8, 2d6=7: AC 16 for 8 dmg, +7 dmg w/SA
Non-action: 5 ft step to E5[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 3 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

AC: 20 (15 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 40 Current: 38
CMB: +5 CMD: 20 Fort: +2 Ref: +11 Will: +4

In Hand: rapier

Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2[/sblock]

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First Post
Fury's feint sets the trio's ringleader off balance, and the man pays dearly for his instability, as Fury's rapier rakes him deftly in a near-fatal pass. The man takes a few steps back, seemingly reeling, and the others follow his lead; for a moment, it seems as though they've gotten the message, and are taking Fury's comments to heart.

This perception of events is short-lived, however: the remaining healthy bravo reaches into his pack and tosses his leader a small vial filled with a thick green liquid. Having sheathed one of his daggers during his move, the man catches the vial and downs its contents in a single, desperate gulp. Even as Fury watches, the man's wounds heal themselves almost completely. The bravo grins lop-sidedly, wagging his dagger at Fury. "You didn't think you'd be gettin' rid o' me that easily, did ya? Now come 'ere, Funny Man, and let's get serious."

[sblock=Actions]Fury's feint and attack were both successful.

YB1 - 5' step
YB2 - 5' step, draw potion, throw potion
TB - move/sheath weapon, drink potion[/sblock][sblock=Map]


Fury is dismayed when the tough bravo downs a potion and heals the wound Fury dealt him but he tries not to let it show.

"You want serious? I can do serious."

His face goes blank and he assesses the situation. Surely the tough wants him to race up in expectation of a fair duel and then his little tough-in-training step up behind to put Fury at a disadvantage. But he's in control, not the jangle that in the past pushed him to act rashly (and quite likely will again in the future). And one thing he learned from Borric: sometimes slow and methodical wins the fight.

He turns towards the youth and gives him his blank stare. "I gave you a chance to leave and you didn't do it." Fury closes, drawing his sap as he moves, and calmly buries the blade of his rapier in the bravo's belly.

Move: to E7
Standard: attack Bravo 2; 1d20+9=25, 1d6+3=9: AC 25 for 9 dmg[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 3 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

AC: 20 (15 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 40 Current: 38
CMB: +5 CMD: 20 Fort: +2 Ref: +11 Will: +4

In Hand: rapier and sap

Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2[/sblock]


First Post
His eyes widening as he watches Fury's blade reemerge from his stomach, the grievously wounded young bravo attempts a retaliatory strike. Although it misses, it serves as enough of a distraction to enable the elder bravo to move nimbly into position on the opposite side of Fury. His face one of grim concentration, all swagger and jest gone for the moment, he swings one dagger in a blurred arc, attempting to catch Fury across the throat. Swerving to keep the man within his vision, Fury is able to dodge the blade at the last moment.

As he steadies himself, Fury notices with dismay that the remaining bravo is drinking a potion of his own, which he clearly managed to draw whilst Fury was distracted. Once again, Fury watches helplessly as a nearly incapacitated opponent heals magically before his eyes. Grinning, the young man regrips his rapier and raises it, clearly intent on fighting unto the end. Fury can't help but wonder why common street toughs would come so prepared when mugging a seemingly-defenseless old man.
[sblock=OOC]Fury's attack was successful. YB2 and TB both miss. YB1 drinks a cure potion, looks to be pretty well healed up, though not completely. Also, FYI, TB redrew his other dagger during his move.

I feel like I should give a word of encouragement here, though I think none is needed: Fury's toasting these guys, they just came ready for the worst. ;)

Also, as I type this, it looks like you're at 3,333 posts - I just get a kick out of that sort of thing. ;)[/sblock][sblock=Map]
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Fury notices the other young bravo down a potion and he shakes his head.

"You, too? Cortessa's teats! I thought you lot would be smarter than that."

He focuses on the young bravo in front of him and gives the wrist of the hand holding his sap a flick towards the boy's temple. Once his attack is made he tumbles past to give himself a bit of space.

[sblock=Actions/OOC]Hey, no problem! I'm loving it. Fury gets to dance around a combat and chatter at his opponents. Too bad he doesn't have Intimidate so that it could actually have an effect but it's fun to do anyway.

Standard: attack Bravo 2; 1d20+8=15, 1d6+2=3: AC 15 for 3 dmg, nonlethal
Move: tumble to G9 1d20+17=32
[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 3 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

AC: 20 (15 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 40 Current: 38
CMB: +5 CMD: 20 Fort: +2 Ref: +11 Will: +4

In Hand: rapier and sap

Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2[/sblock]


First Post
Fury's sap connects squarely with the side of the young man's head, sending the inexperienced bravo crashing to the ground in an unceremonious end to his participation in the fight; even as he moves to tumble away for some extra space, Fury is certain that this time his damage will remain.

Fury comes out of his roll and collects his bearings just in time to dodge the pair of daggers which the eldest bravo had sent his way. Attempting to conceal his increasing concern over having finally picked a fight he can't easily win, the man says, "My, but you're a spry one. Why don't you stop dancin' and fight like a man, with the man of the group?" His voiced lack of confidence in his remaining companion does little to bolster the young man's will to fight; he moves to Fury's right, his blade raised against any impending assault, but makes no attempt to move on Fury himself.

Out of the corner of his eye, Fury sees their original victim, the old man they called Milo, stir, although he remains on the ground for the time being.
[sblock=OOC]Glad you're having fun! It is, of course, always a good thing to know. ;)

Fury connects with his attack, causing enough nonlethal damage to put the man under (nice little trick, btw). The tough bravo takes a 5' step, full-attacks with two thrown daggers; both miss. The young bravo moves.[/sblock][sblock=Map]


Fury laughs as the tough bravo tries to shame him into fighting fair.

"My poor, unenlightened friend, the duel is the dance and we've been dueling ever since I stepped foot in this plaza. You just want me to stand still because you're too old and slow to land a blow."

Nevertheless, Fury obliges the tough and dashes forward engaging in a series of rapid slashes and thrusts which get parried by the bravo's flashing daggers. Though he doesn't want to draw attention back to the old man Fury will keep an eye out for him hoping he isn't injured too badly.

Move: to D6
Standard: attack Tough Bravo; 1d20+9=13, 1d6+3=6: AC 13 for 6 dmg; I'm guessing that's not enough for a hit.[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 3 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

AC: 20 (15 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 40 Current: 38
CMB: +5 CMD: 20 Fort: +2 Ref: +11 Will: +4

In Hand: rapier and sap

Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2[/sblock]


First Post
The tougher-looking bravo manages to draw another pair of daggers at the last moment, using them to fend off Fury's latest attack. He takes a swipe, misses, then backs off, putting a bit of space between him and Fury. Panting slightly, the man continues his brash pronouncements, in spite of his inability to actually harm Fury thus far. Pointing at Fury with one of his daggers, he says, "Big words, friend. But look at yer - you're cut from the same cloth as the rest of us." His other hand gestures to the crumbling hovels and byways of Ranocchio. "You're in no position to be callin' others 'unenlightened.'" His face twists into a sneer. "Yer nothin' special."

As if on cue, his companion rushes in, swinging his rapier in a wide arc. Fury sees him coming, but is unable to get completely out of the way, owing to the absence of immediately available avenues of retreat; the man's blade grazes him in a superficial wound that nevertheless manages to draw some blood. The young bravo's face is a picture of satisfaction at the small victory.

[sblock=OOC]Fury's attack is a miss (AC for the tough is 16, for the young is 15, btw - should have mentioned it earlier). TB misses, YB hits for 2 damage. At this rate, they'll have down Fury in another 15 rounds or so. ;)[/sblock][sblock=Map]


Fury smiles though it is tinged with the sad awareness of just exactly who he is, where he came from, and how he came to be the person he is. He nods.

"I'm the same as you. Took a different path to end up here in this courtyard than you, perhaps. But we're both still here in Planks."

Turning his attention back to the young bravo he continues:

"Not a bad touch. If you hadn't twisted your arm quite so much it could have been worse for me. You're twisting your aim off of true and ended up giving me a scratch instead of a nice, solid strike."

He attempts to demonstrate but stumbles and doesn't even come close to hitting the youth.

Move: Bluff to feint: 1d20+9=21
Standard: attack Young Bravo; 1d20+9=10, 1d6+3=9, 2d6=9: AC 10. Yep, now we're back to normal GE rolls...[/sblock][sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Fury[/size] Human Rogue 3 / Bard 2
Initiative: +7 Perception: +8

AC: 20 (15 touch; 15 flat-footed)
HP: 40 Current: 36
CMB: +5 CMD: 20 Fort: +2 Ref: +11 Will: +4

In Hand: rapier and sap

Spells Remaining: 1st: 2/2[/sblock]


First Post
Fury's stumble allows the youth the time needed to recoup from the imbalance caused by Fury's own maneuver. Taking a step to his left, he brings his rapier around, hard, forcing Fury to grip his own weapon in both hands momentarily to stave off the blow. While Fury's defense is successful, it affords the young bravo's companion the opening he's been looking for. Stepping in, he swings both his daggers, catching Fury once across the back and opening a nasty gash.

"Thanks for the advice, sensei!"
snarls the man victoriously.

[sblock=OOC]Fury whiffs, the young bravo whiffs, the tough bravo lands a blow for 9 damage (thanks to sneak attack).

At least giving him two weapon fighting doesn't feel like a waste anymore![/sblock][sblock=Map]

Voidrunner's Codex

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