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[LPF] No Loitering


[sblock=grtrtle]We posted pretty much simultaneously. Note that Kepli healed Wilmorn for 4 hp. Not much but the best I could manage at the moment.[/sblock]

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First Post
[sblock=ooc]I'm assuming by the description that Aszar was using his Evil Eye hex. The goblin made his save. However, Evil Eye still has a 1 round effect.
[MENTION=51271]Voda Vosa[/MENTION] I need you to pick which element the hex is affecting (it's an or effect, not an and). In future, just go ahead and choose when you try it.

Siddhartha provokes an AoO, but I can't resolve it until I know the actual effect the Evil Eye will take. [/sblock]


First Post
Round 3

The raging goblin falters at Aszar's magics, but grits its teeth and shakes off the frightful vision. It's clear, howerver, that it still feels some of its effects.

Erin is close and cunning enough to move inside the reach of the goblin's weapon, and so casts her spell with impugnity. She hears a hiss of pain from the goblin as it feels the bitter cold from her spell.

Siddhartha, having to move much further to attack, isn't as lucky as Erin. He opens himself up to the horsechopper. Still stinging from the freezing ray, the goblin is more than happy to take out its aggressions on the gladiator, opening another wicked gash in a member of the party. Siddhartha isn't quite as bad off as Wilmorn, but a pool of blood is quickly building around his feet.

With the wall of muscle that is Siddhartha effectively interposed between the ranger and the goblin, Kepli's magics bring Wilmorn a small measure of strength. Siddhartha proves as much an obstacle to Wilmorn's halberd as the goblin's, but whether it's a turning of his luck or a surge of energy from the healing magics, Wilmorn's blade finds flesh, opening a gash in the rager's shoulder.

The goblin leader snaps an order to his minions, pointing to Erin.

[sblock=goblin]"Don't just gape, you idiots, kill them! Start with the demon witch girl!"[/sblock]

No longer distracted by the bird, the smaller goblins hop to. The one with the sword charges in and scores a small cut on Erin. His companion, dropping his bow and drawing his sword, has slightly better luck with his own blade.

Apparently satisfied that Erin is being dealt with, the raging goblin takes a step back and focuses his energies in trying to finish off Siddhartha. The lingering effects of Aszar's magics take their toll, however, and the halberd swings wide.


[sblock=Crunch]In Round 2:

Gobber made his save, but still suffers -2 to attacks for 1 round. That penalty lasts until Aszar acts in round 3 (i.e., it will affect AoO triggered by anyone prior to Aszar posting).

Mean Gobber made his AoO against Siddhartha, doing 8 damage.

Siddhartha managed to position himself such that there really wasn't a move Wilmorn could make that wouldn't have suffered from a Soft Cover penalty (reach weapons work like ranged weapons for determining soft cover). Luckily, Wilmorn's roll was good enough to hit even with the extra AC his target got.

In Round 3:

Goblin 2, already armed for melee, charges Erin. He hits for 1 damage.

Goblin 1 drops his bow, draws his blade as part of movement, then attacks Erin. He hits for 3 damage.

Mean Gobber takes a 5' step and attacks Siddhartha. This time, he misses.[/sblock]

[sblock=General Combat notes]

Trees are still difficult terrain.

Remember to account for firing into melee if it comes to that.

Taking more than a 5' step to close on the Big Gobbo will incur AoO. He has reach / threatens an extra 5' beyond normal

Wilmorn 4/12, Str 15/18
Erin 4/8, Str 8/12
Siddhartha 1/9
Kepli 12/12
Scuttle 5/6
Aszar 8/8
Klot'Kar 3/3
Horsie 15/15

Resources used: Stormburst 5/6 remaining
Healing Hex (Erin)
Arcane Pool 4/5 remaining
Siddhartha bow dropped

Goblin 1: 6/6 HP, AC 16
Goblin 2: 6/6 HP, AC 14 (-2 from charge)
Mean Gobber: 13/21 HP, AC 16 Rage (3/6 rounds), Evil eye (-2 attacks this round), Reach.[/sblock]

Whole Party is up.


[sblock=Mini Stats]Siddhartha the Hunter
HP: 1/9
AC: 18 FF:14 T:14
CMB: +5 CMD: 19
Fort: +1 Reflex: +4 Will: +3
Perception: +3 Initiative: +6
Unarmed: C. Longbow SR2 +5 d8+2
Armed: Longsword +5 d8+4
Arrows: 97/100
Common Modifiers: Deadly Aim -1/+2, Point-Blank +1/+1[/sblock]

Map after Siddhartha

[sblock=Actions]5-ft step: NW
Free action: drop sword
Move action: pick up bow
Free action: draw arrow
Standard action: standard attack big gobber +5 -1 DA
Arrows used this encounter: 2[/sblock]

[sblock=Attack = 3]Attack big gobber +4: 1D20+4 = [2]+4 = 6
(Forgot the +1 PBS and the -4 melee)[/sblock]

Reeling from the vicious blow, Siddhartha takes a few cautious steps backwards, drops his sword, and retrieves his bow. He fires at the big meanie, but the blinding pain causes his arrow to fall errant of its target.

[sblock=OOC]These rolls! I need a computer.... I think that's the square where I dropped my bow, but not sure. Maybe in the future, not sure if its worth adding a pic for my sword and bow? Seems like this might be a common theme.[/sblock]
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First Post
Wilmorn, human male

[sblock=MiniStats][SIZE=+1]Wilmorn[/SIZE] Human Ranger 1
Initiative: +2 Perception: +6

AC: 16 (12 touch; 14 flat-footed)
HP: 12 Current: 4
CMB: +5 CMD: 17 Fort: +3 Ref: +4 Will: +2

In Hand: Morningstar
Conditions: Poisoned, reduced strength (-3),
Medium Encumbrance (+3 dex max, -3 ACP, 20' move)
Favored Enemy:
  • Human +2
  • Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive and Survival
  • Weapon Attack and Damage
  • May ID creature untrained (look, it's a human!)
Wild Empathy: 1d20-1

Acrobatics +7, Handle Animal +2, K(Dungeoneering) +5, K(Geography) +5, K(Nature)+5, Perception +6, Stealth +6, Survival +6, Survival(Track) +7

Notes for this trip:
Chain shirt (equipped; removed studded leather)
Spider meat x4

Seeing the path cleared by the retreating Siddhartha, Wilmorn grits his teeth in the face of the painful lesson from but a moment ago, and steps in to followup with another swing of bardiche. To his surprise, the polearm finds purchase against the goblin!


5' step in and another swing of the bardiche against that baddie.

Bardiche: 1D20+3 = [16]+3 = 19
1D10+3 = [8]+3 = 11



First Post
Erin Vaneese


Distracted by the blades cutting past her defenses, Erin stumbles over the words to her strongest spell, and then her blade fails to find purchase on the nearest goblin. Bloody, and angry she takes a rapid step back into a defensive position raising her blade and trying to anticipate the next attack. "Little jerks got lucky that time."

New Map

Defensive Casting: 1D20+5 = [8]+5 = 13
Lost Mirror Strike

Attack Roll (Modified by Poison), Modified by Spell Combat: 1D20+2 = [6]+2 = 8
5' Step Back

[sblock=Erin Vaneese Mini Stats]

Erin Vaneese
AC:16 (11 flat-footed, 15 touch)
HP: 8/8
CMB: +1 CMD: 15

Fort: +2 Reflex: +4 Will: +1
Perception: -1 Sense Motive: -1
Initiative: +4

Concentration: +5
Arcane Pool: 4/5
Level 0 Spells Prepared: Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
Level 1 Spells Prepared: 0/1 Mirror Strike

Class Skills: Knowledge (Arcana) +8, Knowledge (Planes) +8, Linguistics +9, Profession (Cook) +3, Spellcraft +8, Stealth +11

Current Weapon in Hand: Wakazashi, +3, 1d6-1, 18-20, S or P
Current Conditions in Effect: Str -4
Temporary items in possession:
Items not currently in possession:
Items depleted: none
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Kepli Stormborn, shaman

'This is not going well, at all!' thinks Kepli. She steps around Erin to get a better view.

"Mighty Thonir, daze my enemies!"

She points at the big goblin who has been giving them so much trouble in hopes her thunderous spirit-ally can take him out, if even briefly.

Move: as on map
Standard: cast Daze (DC 13) on Mean Gobber
[sblock=MiniStats][size=+1]Kepli[/size] Aasimar Shaman 1
Initiative: +1 Perception: +10 (+12 w/ Alertness); Darkvision 60 ft.

AC: 13 (11 touch; 12 flat-footed)
HP: 12 Current: 12
CMB: +1 CMD: 12 Fort: +1 Ref: +1 Will: +5

In Hand: shortspear
Conditions: None yet
Spells Prepared:
  • 1st level (DC 14): Cure Light Wounds, Sleep
  • Orisons: Daze, Detect Magic, Guidance
Concentration +6
Spirit Magic: Charm Animal 1/1
Stormburst: 5/6 (target treats foes as if they have concealment, 20% miss, for 1 round)
Alchemist's Fire 2/2 (w/ Aszar)
sling (9/10 bullets)

[size=+1]Scuttle[/size] Seagull Spirit Animal
Initiative: +2 Perception: +6

AC: 15 (14 touch; 13 flat-footed)
HP: 6 Current: 5
CMB: +0 CMD: 6 Fort: +1 Ref: +4 Will: +4

In Beak: Nothing
Conditions: None yet
Speed: 10 ft; fly 40 ft
Melee: Bite +4 (1d3-4); 0 ft reach
Improved Evasion


Voda Vosa

First Post

Azsar slithers a few feet closer, keeping his longspear at the ready, in case any of the goblins tries something stupid like gutting itself against the point. With his left hand he points at the mean gobber, a sudden sparkle of cyan energy ignites on it, and as soon as it starts it fades. "Your doom is at hand goblinoid, I've seen it. Such is the will of the fates."

Casting Ill Omen on the Gobber, he has to reroll his next d20 twice and take the less favourable result. If he identifies the spell via spellcraft he can counter it with a move action.


First Post
Round 4

Siddhartha retreats with care to avoid the horsechopper, now dripping with both his and Wilmorn's blood, but finds that the fog of battle has muddied his memory. As he reaches down for his bow, he realizes it is further away than he remembered.

While Erin struggles against the double-teaming goblins, Wilmorn presses his luck. It's the goblin leader's turn to gasp, as the ranger's strike nearly opens his stomach. The creature growls and begins to yell something, but suddenly stops, swooning a bit as Kepli calls on the magic of the storms to flummox him. Aszar takes advantage of the goblin's bewilderment to move closer, then covers the raging creature with more confounding magics.

The smaller goblins chitter back and forth at each other, and while none but Erin understand them, the tone of panic in their exchange is fairly clear. The westernmost goblin points to Kepli, then closes on her as his partner moves against Erin again.


"It's another witch."

"Which witch do we kill?"

"Both of them, stupid!"[/sblock]

The morale loss at the state of their leader seems to be taking its toll, however, as neither goblin comes remotely close to cutting his target.


[sblock=Crunch]Added icons for a melee and a ranged weapon when dropped. The ranged icon is on the map now where Siddhartha was when he posted that he dropped it. The melee icon is underneath Siddhartha right now, as well, though if you want to amend and have the sword drop happen somewhere else since the bow wasn't where you remembered, that's fine. Just move the melee icon like you would Siddhartha and leave it where the sword goes.

Mean Gobber fails his Will save. He's Dazed and cannot act this round. To clarify, that doesn't make him helpless. You still have to hit his full AC on an attack, but he can't make attacks (even of the Opportunity variety).

G2 attacks Kepli. Miss.

G1 attacks Erin. Miss. [/sblock]

[sblock=General Combat notes]

Trees are still difficult terrain.

Remember to account for firing into melee if it comes to that.

Taking more than a 5' step to close on the Big Gobbo will incur AoO. He has reach / threatens an extra 5' beyond normal

Wilmorn 4/12, Str 15/18
Erin 4/8, Str 8/12
Siddhartha 1/9
Kepli 12/12
Scuttle 5/6
Aszar 8/8
Klot'Kar 3/3
Horsie 15/15

Resources used: Stormburst 5/6 remaining
Healing Hex (Erin)
Arcane Pool 4/5 remaining
Siddhartha bow dropped, sword dropped (see map)
Spells cast: Mirror Strike, Ill Omen, Daze

Goblin 1: 6/6 HP, AC 16
Goblin 2: 6/6 HP, AC 16
Mean Gobber: 2/21 HP, AC 16 Rage (2/6 rounds), Ill Omen (re-roll next d20, take worst), Dazed (no actions, can still defend self).[/sblock]

The party is up.

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