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[M&M2e] Red Sands Chronicles

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Oh desert Warlord," she said, mimicking his lilting recitals with wicked glee, "Your exiled thief has fallen. We wait near the fire."
"Sestrika," asked Seif, his voice dangerously calm, "in what world does 'contact the Lord' mean Warlord Murro and not - say - Lord Burroughmeister, the head of our expedition?"

"I tolds ya mates! Dat 'splosion be da death knell o' da tyrant whore! We be free men now!"
"Shut it ya fool! Ya knows that Slaughter Town will send a new capt'n iff'n we don't elect our own. I says the capt'n oughta be who eva' kills the mistress's killa.."
"Den ya bedda wish I don't kill dem first!"
"And how far are they?" There was a weary sigh in the desert man's voice.

<Response Deezy?>

Abal began to laugh as she calmly pushed Seif's blade to the side and sat up. "By rite of mortal combat, my fate is yours to decide; however, your actions show that you do not wish to willfully end my life." An amused smile crossed her lips. "Therefore, I can only conclude thst Darwin does not wish for either of us to perish at this moment since neither of us are willing or able to kill the other."
Her smile faded as the blade did move, but in a lazy arc that neatly cut the palm of her hand before returning to its pressing spot above her heart. Above the veil, Seif's eyes remained exactly the same, though slowly, slowly draining of (possible) fellow feelings: "You misunderstand, Abal of the Eloin. You *will* die here. Whether you are reborn as a different Abal or die the true death are the only choices I will permit you. There *is* no dodging."

Seif still had one foot on her chest. If she made a serious effort to change that fact, Seif was going to kill her. If she did not answer, Seif was going to kill her. If she asked him to, Seif was going to kill her. He was *not* bluffing in the least amount.

(He watched as those facts slowly suffused through her mind, flooded into her eyes... Last chance, Abal.)

OOC: All of the above are true.

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First Post
"Oh for pity's sake!" Deezy exclaims, and shuts the radio off. Her voice still rattled out of the old speakers though.

"You know what? No one put you in charge. No one said you were in charge. You just started bossing everyone around! And then, when people don't understand you because you never say what you mean, you get all full of...of...vinegar! You can call the Lord High Burrower yourself!"

The speaker crackled and shut off for a second. Then cut back in with an electronic squeak to deliver a noise that was probably her sticking her tongue out and blowing. Then back off.

Somehow, the Beast managed to convey, without moving or making a sound, a distinct 'sulking' aura.


First Post
Brian Shaughnessy

Brian's eyes widened as the usually enthusiastic Deezy seemed to snap. In the sulking silence, he fell to a momentary cough in an effort to kill the Cheshire-grin he felt.

The desert guide was predisposed to dismissing the objections of a noncombatant possible mutant, but he'd expressed an affection for the tinkerer. Brian waited expectantly to see how he'd respond to her.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
OOC: Suggested arrangement to the scene, feel free to change it around, Shayuri.

Oh and I figure this bit occurs somewhere in the space between Abal's defeat and her re-awakening? Does that work for everybody?
"You know what? No one put you in charge. No one said you were in charge. You just started bossing everyone around! And then, when people don't understand you because you never say what you mean, you get all full of...of...vinegar! You can call the Lord High Burrower yourself!"

The speaker crackled and shut off.
"Naughty children don't get to fight with the nice returning barbarian horde," pointed out their guide, matter-of-factly.

The speakers cut back in with an electronic squeak to deliver a noise that was probably her sticking her tongue out and blowing. Then back off.

Shayuri and Jkason said:
Somehow, the Beast managed to convey, without moving or making a sound, a distinct 'sulking' aura.

Brian's eyes widened as the usually enthusiastic Deezy seemed to snap. In the sulking silence, he fell to a momentary cough in an effort to kill the Cheshire-grin he felt.
Maybe the robed-one noticed anyway, because he then singled him out: "Shaughnessy!" Softer, "Could you make sure we are at least warned when that raiding party returns?"

<Response Brian?>

He almost stopped there -- almost: "And remind her that I am only the guide: I do not pretend to be able to do other people's thinking for them -- no matter how much they might wish it!" That last, louder, bit was clearly meant directly for a certain someone's eavesdropping ears.

<Response Deezy?>

OOC: I'm presently out presenting our project to possible future employees, so I might not be able to post tomorrow (very busy day planned). Back after that.


First Post
Brian Shaughnessy

Maybe the robed-one noticed anyway, because he then singled him out: "Shaughnessy!" Softer, "Could you make sure we are at least warned when that raiding party returns?"

Brian takes a deep breath, but merely sighs. He feigns a salute, saying "Fire-sight on duty." He's only just turned to take a decent vantage point when the nomad continues:

"And remind her that I am only the guide: I do not pretend to be able to do other people's thinking for them -- no matter how much they might wish it!"

Brian raises and eyebrow, opens his mouth as if to say something, then closes his mouth and eyes to let out another sigh.

"You're really good at killing people, Seif," he says, voice carrying an exhausted calm. "But if we're all 'thinking' now, I'd suggest a little self-assessment about how you deal with living people you aren't intent on skewering."

With that, he turns his back on the nomad--well aware that every time he did so was another chance the guide might choose he's passed his usefulness--and move to take up a surveillance position that gave him the longest range for his specialized senses.

Relique du Madde

"I'm not a woman who lives an cowered existence for fear of an oppressor's boots treading on my skull. Nor am I one who would capitulate and throw away every shred of my being and act like a docile weakling who spends their life bowed to the whims of another since total submission and servitude is the easiest means by which one can survive. By Darwin, if what you desire is that I become like a hand maiden who trembles for fear of her master's reprisal one moment and willfully becomes his plaything the next or then stab your blade into my heart now because I would rather die as a free woman then live that wretched existence."

OOC: She's definitely stubborn and a fanatical fundamentalist... The irony is that for all her defiant talk and her rhetoric about not wanting to be subservient she doesn't realize that she is a slave to the belief that she can not decide her own fate because she lost the duel.

Note, I'm waiting till Deezy's reply to Seif before I unleash more radio fun. ;)
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"You're really good at killing people, Seif," he says, voice carrying an exhausted calm. "But if we're all 'thinking' now, I'd suggest a little self-assessment about how you deal with living people you aren't intent on skewering."
"Screw you, Shaughnessy," replied Seif in the same tone. For the mutant his eyes were entirely business-like. Chillingly so.

"I'm not a woman who lives an cowered existence for fear of an oppressor's boots treading on my skull. Nor am I one who would capitulate and throw away every shred of my being and act like a docile weakling who spends their life bowed to the whims of another since total submission and servitude is the easiest means by which one can survive. By Darwin, if what you desire is that I become like a hand maiden who trembles for fear of her master's reprisal one moment and willfully becomes his plaything the next or then stab your blade into my heart now because I would rather die as a free woman then live that wretched existence."
"Pay attention," replied Seif, lips curling up in annoyance under the veil. Her art gave her heavy leanings towards avoidance, apparently, a good complement to his own... if he did not kill her for it first. "I have said and I repeat: Death is the only right. If you are displeased by any of your duties, feel free to drive a knife through your own heart beforehand. I will not stop you. Think: what kind of fool conquers a waterwell and purposefully sets to turning it into sand, mud and rubble...? I *am* growing impatient with your apparent lack of commitment though." A minute change in his sword grip. "Perhaps it could be I was mistaken about you. No more conditionals: take your life in your own hands and *jump*, Abal of endless words. One way or the other."

Then, not entirely unkindly: "This will be your first duty to me."

<Response Abal?>
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"You are our guide child, nothing else. Do not get confused on your rights over these people." The Ottoman says to Seif and makes a gesture towards Brian and Deezy. "They owe you nothing, and have been all but helpful and respectful towards you, and you are being outright rude and disrespectful. Stop it, don't be a spoiled child."
With that, Sahid extended a hand towards Abal. "Now stop playing with her, if you are going to kill her, do it. Otherwise I will."

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Seif looked at him - calmly, distantly - as if he was some strange alien animal... "You have our positions reversed," was all he said before his eyes glided back to Abal. She, at least, he could understand.

With that, Sahid extended a hand towards Abal. "Now stop playing with her, if you are going to kill her, do it. Otherwise I will."
"Hu." Agreement? Whatever the case, Seif kept his eyes on her, feeling, as he rarely did these days, the yawning gap in background between those he guided and himself. It made him yearn for something... more.

<Response Abal?>
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Relique du Madde

She glance Ottoman then back to Seif. "You companion has sense. I lost a duel to the death, therefor, by Darwin's holy law, my fate is in your hands. Kill me or declare that I am fit for survival. No more false choices."

Voidrunner's Codex

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