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[Mature]Werewolf: The Forsaken PbP - Blood in, Blood out


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Piotr chuckled and talked as he got into the van.

"Sherlock and his mouth, heh. It is funny you say that. When the pack first came together Faith got very angry at Sherlock about his mouth. You can call it a work in progress?"

The trip wasn't too bad, the music appealed to Piotr and he payed special attention to the small arsenal in the back.

"If you ever need work done on a gun feel free to swing by," he said, "Although by what you were saying they must not see much use against vampires."

When Piotr caught sight of Anatol he couldn't describe the mishmash of emotions butting heads in his guts. In a way one could see humour in the situation. Piotr recognised the behaviour before he recognised the man. The desire to laugh was there, but it had no hope of coming out on top. He could have sworn... but the guy was his best friend -wait- is his best friend? Should Piotr have felt betrayed by this? Confusion opened the internal door to the vast Uratha stores of anger. Anger was his usual response before becoming an Uratha, and it certainly wasn't going to change now. Now there was just more of it, and it was more potent. Rage.

Piotr growled a string of curses in Russian and punched the dashboard. He turned to Buzz, indicating the man he thought was Anatol, and began asking a question in Russian, then paused realising his error, and asked again in English.

"That man," he said, indicating again, "He have anything to do with the vampires?"
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"Since at the moment I really don't have a strong arm, its easy to remember to think before getting in reach of one." Faith agrees, she was probably one of the most physically weak werewolves in a tribe that prided itself on strength, t did make her angry but she couldn't really go about lifting weights or things like that, she just had to wait for her body to finish going through puberty before she could do things like that, otherwise she could really screw herself up, and in truth she would never really be the most physical of wolves, it was something that she had to accept.

"Our first step is going to be gathering information from the sprits around where this spirit has been murdering, they should be able to tell us something, hopefully its ban, though that will take a bit of persuading. From there we regroup and maybe find a totem that can bind us together as a pack, or at least try to work out some of our differences since fighting amongst ourselves will just make a battle harder."

"We have been spending all of our time with our tribe to the point that we haven't really done anything as a pack for the most part, I think that we should patrol together for awhile to get to know each other and the spirits of our territory before we think about going after a powerful spirit like this one appears to be. Perhaps we can find a spirit that dislikes it that might want to help us in exchange for access to our locus."


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Shayuri said:
Ari grins at the girl, then at the mother.

"It's okay. I could listen to that all day." Then to the little girl she says, "You're pretty too. Thanks very much."

With that, she starts to stroll on by, wondering where the best spot to meet the pack is. They don't really have an 'HQ' per se. Piotr's store, maybe? Or that bar Drake hung out in. She decides to head for whichever place is closest.
The girl smiles, “Thank you.”

The mother shakes her head and bids her goodbyes. As Ariella walks away she hears the wind blowing, vehicles passing by and the sounds of pedestrians.

”I will not flee into the night, wolf-bitch… I will take what I am due,” she hears the child’s whisper in her ears. In the window beside her she sees the spindly limbed being, its body rife with cuts and oozing wounds. Its face is that of a rag doll made of human flesh with button eyes of black… briefly for a moment it caresses Ariella’s hair.

With a blink it is gone.

The closest pack member that she knows of would be Piotr, but his shop would be closing soon, the rest of the pack is in the Hillside Heights area.


Candace stands, “You are strong Faith. Now go to your pack, you have spent too much time away from them as is. Call them to the hunt, you are ready.”


Buzz looks at the guy, “Well my lick head radar isn’t exactly fool proof, you know. He looks like a vampire though. But you know that guy or something?”

He sees the man in question heading into the martini bar, he is obviously playing escort and bodyguard. Buzz speaks, “Well he is definitely in vampire company, so I guess it is a possibility.”


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Piotr doesn't answer the question as to whether he knows the guy. He makes a point of remembering where the bar is. He had to make contact with Anatol at some point and while a vampire controlled club was far from safe it appeared to be his only option currently.

"Pay careful attention to him. He is very dangerous," Piotr warns, imagining what Anatol would be like with vampire superpowers, albeit he didn't know what vampires were capable of so it just an exercise of imagination.


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Festy_Dog said:
"Pay careful attention to him. He is very dangerous," Piotr warns, imagining what Anatol would be like with vampire superpowers, albeit he didn't know what vampires were capable of so it just an exercise of imagination.
Buzz nods looking at Piotr, “Dangerous… %$#& I knew that guy was bad news. Wait how the hell do you know he is dangerous? Is this dude a big time vampire or something? Because if so, I gotta tell Moriarty, I mean a big timer like that could really put the fear of Father Wolf in them bitches.”

She puts out her cigarette on her tongue with a sizzle, “By the way it makes me hot when you speak Russian. So we going in after this dude or what?”


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Faith finishes wolfing down her steak and grins at Candace when the Blood Talon Alpha tells her to go to her pack. She really hadn't spent much time with them, almost all of her time was spent between school and Candace though she really didn't mind being with the older woman so much, she was a really good teacher, and she was really getting the teen into the shape of her life, not that she wasn't already in good shape on her own, but following Candace's regimen had built up her stamina something fierce, and even if she wasn't lifting heavy weights she was getting a bit stronger from all the push ups and other stuff.

Knowing what tonight was going to be she hadn't worn anything that she hadn't been ok with losing. Just an old t-shirt and a pair of older jeans, from a couple of seasons ago, even so, she was greatful that Candace had dedicated the clothes for her so that she wouldn't arrive at her destination naked. She waved goodbye and then shifted to Urhan before taking off into the woods to get back to the pack's territory, she wanted to find the others so that they could talk about what Candace had suggested.


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F:)ck it, might as well. He'll do it now.

"Yeah, we're going in, but not to kill him," Piotr whipped off his seatbelt and almost leapt out of the van, "You can come and learn history lesson or stay and not have the lick heads know your face."

Piotr walked away from the van without waiting for a reply. He breathed slowly as he walked towards the martini bar entrance, trying to regain composure before he reached any security at the door. They probably wouldn't let a guy visibly seething with anger in.


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Festy_Dog said:
F:)ck it, might as well. He'll do it now.

"Yeah, we're going in, but not to kill him," Piotr whipped off his seatbelt and almost leapt out of the van, "You can come and learn history lesson or stay and not have the lick heads know your face."
Buzz blinks…
Festy_Dog said:
Piotr walked away from the van without waiting for a reply. He breathed slowly as he walked towards the martini bar entrance, trying to regain composure before he reached any security at the door. They probably wouldn't let a guy visibly seething with anger in.
The security guards are large men, both black males in sturdy suits with ear pieces. They look at Piotr with a bored glance. Behind him he hears footsteps and sees Buzz running to catch up with him. She slows her pace and falls in step with Piotr.

The guard on the right shakes his head at Piotr, “No entry for non-club members sir.”


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Piotr's mind races to formulate a valid and witty excuse to win his way into the club. He fails and instead grabs for his wallet, thrusting a random portion of whatever notes were within in the direction of the closest guard.

"I am member now," he says.

The thin veneer of composure was showing cracks, if the guards didn't move after being given the money Piotr would get frustrated.

"Move!" he would say, with no small amount of rage behind it.

If the guards aren't satisfied with a bribe Piotr makes an intimidation check and spends a willpower point on it. - 7 dice


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Festy_Dog said:
Piotr's mind races to formulate a valid and witty excuse to win his way into the club. He fails and instead grabs for his wallet, thrusting a random portion of whatever notes were within in the direction of the closest guard.

"I am member now," he says.

The thin veneer of composure was showing cracks, if the guards didn't move after being given the money Piotr would get frustrated.

"Move!" he would say, with no small amount of rage behind it.

If the guards aren't satisfied with a bribe Piotr makes an intimidation check and spends a willpower point on it. - 7 dice
The man turns down the money and glares, “Sir you step to me again and I will $%&# you up. So step off before I put you on your ass.”

The other man focuses on Piotr as well but says nothing, but his stance says he is ready for Piotr to make a move.

Piotr got 1 success on his Intimidate check, subtracted by 2 dice for the circumstances.

But the rage comes forward and the bodyguards step back. The other one puts his hand to his ear, “We got a situation here…”

They don’t let him in, but they definitely back up from the uratha. The door behind them swings open and out comes the man that could be Anatol’s twin, his skin paler then Piotr recalls, but the features are the same. The man looks at Piotr and Buzz, “This is a private club. Your presence here is causing a disturbance. I suggest…” he says in accented English giving Buzz a glance, “that both of you leave before the authorities are dispatched.”

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